Implemetation of BB84 quantum key distribution protocol’s with attacks.
Published 2009“…This paper discusses the implementation of QKD protocol (BB84 protocol), which is widely used today. The implementation simulates the communication of two parties who wish to share a secret key with the existing of eavesdropper. …”
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Article -
Fiber and free-space practical decoy state QKD for both BB84 and SARG04 protocols
Published 2010“…Fiber and free-space practical decoy state quantum key distribution has been simulated for both BB84 and SARG04 protocols. The numerical simulation has shown that the fiber based QKD and free space QKD systems using the proposed method for BB84 are able to achieve both a higher secret key rate and greater secure distance than that of SARG04…”
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Article -
Simulation of Bennet and Brassard 84 protocol with Eve's attacks
Published 2014“…A simulation of BB84 protocol of QKD using photonic simulator OptiSystem is demonstrated. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Practical quantum key distribution
Published 2012“…We have presented a method to estimate parameters of the decoy state protocol based on one decoy state protocol for both BB84 and SARG04. This method can give different lower bound of the fraction of single-photon counts (y1), the fraction of two-photon counts (y2), the upper bound QBER of single-photon pulses (e1), the upper bound QBER of two-photon pulses (e2), and the lower bound of key generation rate for both BB84 and SARG04. …”
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Book Chapter -
Estimation of decoy state parameters for practical QKD
Published 2011“…We have presented a method to estimate parameters of the decoy state method based on one decoy state protocol for both BB84 and SARG04. This method has given different lower bound of the fraction of single-photon counts (y1), the fraction of two-photon counts (y2), the upper bound QBER of single-photon pulses (e1), the upper bound QBER of two photon pulses (e2), and the lower bound of key generation rate for both BB84 and SARG04. …”
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Alternative discrete variable protocol for point to point Quantum Key Distribution system
Published 2012“…The SARG04 is more robust against photon number splitting attacks and double the BB84 critical transmission distance. Nevertheless SARG04 protocol still has lower percentage of sifted key bit compared to BB84 protocol. …”
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Thesis -
Quantum key distribution protocols in transmission control protocol
Published 2012“…This research has developed a simulator software for BB84 and B92 protocols which implemented both protocols in 802.11i WLAN environment. …”
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Thesis -
Independent attacks in imperfect settings: a case for two-way quantum key distribution scheme
Published 2010“…We review the study on a two-way quantum key distribution protocol given imperfect settings through a simple analysis of a toy model and show that it can outperform a BB84 setup. We provide the sufficient condition for this as a ratio of optimal intensities for the protocols.…”
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Security proof of improved-SARG04 protocol using the same four qubit states
Published 2010“…This protocol differs from BB84 and SARG04 protocol in the sifting process and provably outperforms those protocols against Photon Number Splitting attack at zero error, with secure transmission distance of 125 km of SSMF.…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
An efficient modeling and simulation of quantum key distribution protocols using OptiSystem™
Published 2012“…This simulation framework emphasize on experimental components of quantum key distribution. We simulate BB84 operation with several security attacks scenario and noise immune key distribution in this work. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
New estimates of single photon parameters for satellite-based QKD
Published 2009“…A new decoy state method has been presented to tighten the lower bound of the key generation rate for BB84 using one decoy state and one signal state. …”
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Effectiveness of enhanced tight finite scheme in quantum key distribution protocol for network communication
Published 2014“…In order to do so, in this research paper we are proposing a method that use the law of physics in communication in terms of cryptography and key distribution by applying quantum theorems and principle. Using BB84 protocol as a base in quantum key distribution together with the implementation of tight finite key that compress the Shannon entropy and Von Neumann theory. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Enhanced tight finite key scheme for quantum key distribution (QKD) protocol to authenticate multi-party system in cloud infrastructure
Published 2014“…Hence we are using quantum channel and also quantum key distribution (QKD) together with BB84 protocol replacing common channel to distribute the key. …”
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A novel error correction scheme in quantum key distribution (QKD) protocol
Published 2015“…A new reconciliation protocol has been developed to enhance the error correcting capability in BB84 protocol. It is carried out in a simple structure which can correct up to double erroneous bits and detect four erroneous bits for each seven bits.…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Modelling and simulation of improved scarani-acin-ribordy-GISIN-04 preprocessing technique
Published 2015“…In this study, the Scarani, Acin, Ribordy and Gisin 2004 (SARG04) protocol has been choosen because of its robustness against Photon Number Split- ting (PNS) attack compared to Bennet and Brassard 1984 (BB84) protocol. It is more likely that by improving secret key rate, the system can be more robust. …”
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Thesis -
Enhanced tight finite key scheme for quantum key distribution protocol to authenticate multi-party systems in cloud infrastructure
Published 2018“…Hence we are using quantum channel and also quantum key distribution (QKD) together with BB84 protocol replacing common channel to distribute the key. …”
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