Apresentação e Comentários à Entrevista de Ochy Curiel
Published 2017-12-01“…Ochy esteve na Bahia como professora da primeira edição da <em>Internacional School of Transnational Decolonial Black Feminism</em>, ocorrida na Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia (UFRB) na cidade de Cacheira-BA.…”
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Interseccionalidade, identidade racial e o dilema do “pardo”
Published 2021-09-01“…O presente artigo tem por objetivo refletir sobre a contribuição que a interseccionalidade – conceito que emerge com o movimento Black Feminism do final dos anos 1970, e que denuncia a incapacidade de análises unidimensionais das opressões de gênero ou raça contribuir para as lutas emancipatórias das mulheres negras estadunidenses – pode oferecer para compreendermos o fenômeno da identidade racial no contexto brasileiro. …”
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Becoming Black Woman: Self-writing in an Intersectional Place
Published 2019-12-01“…As from the identification with the Blackness and with the Black Feminism, the writers establish other ways of relation with themselves and with others (Black women/men and White women/men), which have been producing new outlines to Brazilian ethnic-racial relations.…”
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Interseccionalidad y políticas públicas LGBTI en Colombia: usos y desplazamientos de una noción crítica
Published 2014-08-01“…These exercises have challenged us in terms of bringing proposals from social movements and academia—such as black feminism and feminisms of color, among other actors—to the realm of the state. …”
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Undocumented people struggles: between prescribed community, actual dispersion and democratic deepening
Published 2019-06-01“…By focusing on the framework of Patricia Hill Collins’ black feminism thought, the article analyzes the various dimensions of the status and dispersion of undocumented people, related to the intersectional dynamic of the systems of oppression. …”
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Gênero sem essencialismo: feminismo transgênero como crítica do sexo
Published 2014-06-01“…This article identifies, through critical analysis, the theoretical foundations of transfeminism in the historical process of political consciousness and resistance, from readings which orientate academics and activists, constituted by the black feminism and other lines of feminist thought; recognizing and pointing out to the multiple contributions of diverse guidelines. …”
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Image and racism: Racial anthropophagy and the limits of anti-racist and decolonial cultural production in Brazil
Published 2020-07-01“…We will also seek to dialogue with black feminism in Brazil, emphasizing the specificity of this field and discussing image production around black women in Brazil.…”
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“In the Name of Love”: Black Queer Feminism and the Sexual Politics of Another Country
Published 2021-09-01“…Recent work at the intersection of queer of color critique and Black feminism allows us to newly appreciate Baldwin’s prescient theorization of the workings of racialized and gendered power within the erotic. …”
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Difference, self-definition and Empowerment: a necessary interpretation of Sister Outsider by Audre Lorde
Published 2021-11-01“…Starting with the theoretical base of Black Feminism, I pretend to prove the importance of Lorde’s contribution to the concept of intersectionality as well as the visibilization of multiple situations of violence inside the black community.…”
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Considerations on the afrofeminine poetics by Mel Adún: Affection, eroticism, feminine emancipation and mysticism
Published 2018-05-01“…This work will approach Mel Adún’s poetry with the intention of analyzing some lines of force which seem to be central in her poems, giving emphasis to the subversive potential of the given poetics through some of the elements it explores, such as feminism – and, more specifically, black feminism –, eroticism, guided by the search for autonomy of female pleasure and the sexual-social emancipation of black women, also the syncretic dialogue it establishes between Christian references (in profane key) and figures and divinities of the religious imaginary of African matrix. …”
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Diversity and Social Justice in Technology Design: Reflections on Diversity-Aware Technology
Published 2023-06-01“…Such technology leverages individual-level notions of diversity (demographics, personality, culture) to cater to users, thereby obscuring social inequalities among them. Inspired by Black feminism and critical race theory, the article offers a social-justice-oriented conceptualisation of diversity-aware technology. …”
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Black Skin, Red Masques: Reading Frantz Fanon and Audre Lorde in Tension with Edgar Allan Poe
Published 2023-03-01“…I pair Frantz Fanon and Audre Lorde to juxtapose with Poe in order to read the tensions between Poes racism versus Fanons anticolonial critique and Lordes Black feminism. Poes story offers us a tale of privileged indulgence as a selfish refuge during broader social crisis, which can be troubled by Fanons discussion of Black ontology and the Prospero complex. …”
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Pigmentocracia dei deseo en el mercado sexual Trans de Cali, Colombia
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Structural Violence of Schooling: A Genealogy of a Critical Family History of Three Generations of African American Women in a Rural Community in Florida
Published 2021-03-01“…Through the lens of structural violence, Black feminism and critical family history, this paper explores how societal structures informed by white supremacy shaped the lives of three generations of rural African American women in a family in Florida during the middle to the late twentieth century. …”
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Anti-colonial feminism: discourses of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak and Ania Loomba
Published 2004“…With the development of various kinds of thinking within feminism, it incorporates a range of perspectives: Western feminism, post-colonial feminism, Oriental feminism, anti-colonial feminism, Black feminism, capitalist or corporate feminism, Marxist feminism, international feminism, so on and so forth. …”
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Desafios ao traduzir: algumas estratégias empregadas na tradução de everything counts de Ama Ata Aidoo.
Published 2020-07-01“…O trabalho foi realizado pelo grupo “The uses of translation: black feminism and womanism as response to racism”, uma ação extensionista desenvolvida na Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB), em Seabra. …”
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Restriction, Resistance, and Humility:
Published 2019-08-01“… Anglo-American and French feminists focus on women’s equality, women’s experience as writers, and feminine writing. Proponents of black feminism, by contrast, position black women in fundamentally different ways from white women and offer the concept of intersectionality which calls for including women of all races in feminist concerns. …”
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Le polydroitisme, une manière d’exorciser le démon de la théorie
Published 2016-10-01“…Nous voulons simplement élargir le débat sur la critique de la dénonciation (injustices, discrimination, violence) et du droit (femmes, homosexuels, minorités) et la tendance actuelle à la multiplication à l’infini des “-isme” (postmodernisme, afropessimisme, féminisme et ses variantes (womanism, stiwanism, négoféminisme), ses épithètes (féminisme africain et/ou black feminism); des “-tude” (négritude, féminitude); des “x studies” (queer studies, postcolonial studies, gender studies, Black studies), en passant par la migrance, la méticulture et autre créolité. …”
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El feminismo no puede ser uno porque las mujeres somos diversas. Aportes a un feminismo negro decolonial desde la experiencia de las mujeres negras del Pacífico colombiano.
Published 2016-03-01“…Contributions to a Decolonial Black Feminism Stemming from the Experience of Black Women of the Colombian Pacific Abstract: This article asserts that feminisms born in Europe and North America are colonial discursive elaborations that defined what it was to be a woman and a feminist, and that the categories of gender and patriarchy established what the subordination of women was and also the possibilities for their emancipation. …”
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