Showing 1 - 20 results of 27,986 for search '"Bologna"', query time: 0.24s Refine Results
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    Churches in Bologna by Giorgio Praderio, Luigi Bartolomei

    Published 2010-12-01
    “…È opportuno riconoscere, quando già non sia evidente, che la gran parte del patrimonio testimoniale architettonico ed artistico che il centro storico della nostra città può vantare, è costituito dalle chiese e dagli edifici ecclesiali, conventuali e religiosi. Bologna, tuttavia, è nata tardi alla pianificazione del turismo, e pare altrettanto restia ad aprirsi ad una gestione programmatica del territorio per la promozione di turismi culturali e consapevoli fuori dagli itinerari comuni, ormai asseverati storicamente. …”
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    The Bologna Effect by Nicole Taylor-Buckner

    Published 2010-12-01
    “…As the first decade of the groundbreaking European higher education reformation known as the Bologna Process comes to a close, its impact on the field of mathematics is significant in many ways. …”
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    Published 2020-08-01
    “… Zalai Ernővel, a Magyar Akkreditációs Bizottság gazdasági szakbizottságának leköszönő elnökével, a Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem tanszékvezető egyetemi tanárával beszélgettünk a Bologna-folyamat következtében kialakult három szintű oktatási rendszerről, a gazdasági szakstruktúrák átalakulásáról, valamint a magyar főiskolai és egyetemi közgazdasági oktatás jövőjéről. …”
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    Bologna città resiliente by Dipartimento Urbanistica Casa e Ambiente

    Published 2021-06-01
    “…Bologna has long since embarked on a path of urban resilience, combining environmental, economic and social issues within its strategies. …”
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    Published 2020-08-01
    “… Kerekes Sándorral, a Magyar Akkreditációs Bizottság Közgazdasági és Üzleti Tudományok Szakbizottságának új elnökével, a Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem intézetvezető egyetemi tanárával beszélgettünk a Bologna folyamatról és a hazánkban kialakult új felsőoktatási szakstruktúráról. …”
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    Piazza Verdi, Bologna by Elena Rossini, Giuseppe Scandurra, Alessandro Tolomelli

    Published 2009-07-01
    “…This paper present in short the result of a research focused on Giuseppe Verdi Square (Bologna) as public space. The aim of the research was to carry out the different perspectives and interpretation of the square by the different local users. …”
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    The Bologna process and its perspectives by Crăciun, N., Toma-Bianov, A.

    Published 2010-11-01
    Subjects: “…Bologna…”
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    Social work and the Bologna Process by Walter Lorenz

    Published 2005-12-01
    “…As social work training in Europe is characterized by progressive 'academisation' it is directly affected by the changes in university structures triggered by the Bologna Process. This means, however, simultaneously that all the ambiguities surrounding social work education, such as the level and rank it has achieved as an independent academic discipline, the relationship between theory and practice and the duality of training patterns at university and non-university institutions, are becoming more starkly apparent and need to be addressed with renewed urgency in practically all countries that have subscribed to the transformation initiative.…”
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    Differentiated Integration and the Bologna Process by Amélia Veiga, António Magalhães, Alberto Amaral

    Published 2015-02-01
    Subjects: “…Europe of knowledge, differentiated integration, European Higher Education Area, Bologna process…”
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    BOLOGNA PROCESS: PRESENT STAGE by Valentin I. Baydenko

    Published 2016-12-01
    “…The main goal of the article is to highlight the key trends in implementing European%wide reforms of higher education within the Bologna Process, since 2015 - now with Belarus as a member state. …”
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    Lessons from the Bologna decade by Abd Razak, Dzulkifli

    Published 2010
    “…THE recent Second Ministerial Bologna Policy Forum in Vienna, Austria ended on a positive note. …”
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