Erythème marginé de Besnier: manifestation rare au cours du rhumatisme articulaire aigu
Published 2019-03-01“…Après mise en condition, instauration d'une antibiothérapie et d'une cure chirurgicale urgente pour plastie mitrale, il a été noté une régression des lésions dermatologiques en quelques jours mais l'état hémodynamique de l'enfant s'était dégradé rapidement avec un décès brutal. L'érythème de Besnier est une manifestation cutanée rare du rhumatisme articulaire aigu. …”
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Ethical principles of community police work with juvenile offenders
Published 2016-01-01“…In addition to this, brutal and cruel violent incidents in schools require greater interest and serious approach to their prevention and eradication by all stakeholders of school life, the factors of safety and responsible state and social institutions. …”
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A opção pelo ajuizamento e os fundamentos da petição inicial
Published 2021-11-01“…O presente artigo busca evidenciar o contexto e as razões pelas quais a Defensoria Pública optou pelo ajuizamento da ação judicial no caso da morte de João Alberto Silveira Freitas no interior do supermercado Carrefour, bem como os fundamentos fáticos e jurídicos da petição inicial. A morte brutal, reveladora de um inegável contexto de racismo estrutural, ensejou manifestações públicas e convulsão social, com grande repercussão nacional e notoriedade mundial. …”
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Femineidad: segregación y lazos Femininity: segregation and relationships
Published 2011-12-01“…For it, we´ll try to place a reading of a phenomenon, called "Bullying" by educational instances in several countries, that takes the modality of girls' gangs that join to crush brutally other's face, in a passage to the act where the difference is refused by a real cut, eluding the passage for the identifications to which the phallic function would lead, and remaining in an imaginary plane, in the most emaciated segregation.…”
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Muslim Minorities in the West
Published 1997-04-01“…The first two chapters of the book, directly relevant to this concern, delve into the agony of the Muslims of Bosnia; despite their ethnic and racial compatibility with the Slavic majority notwithstanding, they have undergone one of the most gruesome incidents of calculated mass murder and brutality in recent European history. In spite of Bosnia’s “open-minded, liberal and tolerant” p. 23) nature, it has not been spared “a ruthless genocide” p. 24), perhaps because Islam rejects the underlying racist premise of the nation-state and is therefore seen as a subversive force. …”
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Hay unas células totipotenciales...
Published 2000-09-01“…El científico, alegando en ocasiones una "neutralidad ética", (argumento a la vez insostenible desde el punto de vista lógico, pues paradójicamente es la "lógica" otra de las cualidades que deben acompañar el pensamiento del científico, quien se supone, al menos hace buen uso de ella), se dirige hacia unas metas que conducen a la destrucción de sus congéneres, cuando no a la suya: es el caso de aquellos expertos en diseñar armas láser de uso masivo, aquellos biólogos moleculares o especialistas en enfermedades infecciosas, sometidos a la brutal voluntad de poder de los caudillos de diversos impulsos y corrientes políticas, que aplican sus conocimientos a la manipulación de bacterias y agentes letales para ser usados en la guerra biológica. …”
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Comportement mécanique de la glace. Mécanismes de l'interaction glace/ouvrages en mer Mechanical Behavior of Ice. Interaction Mechanisms Between Ice and Offshore Structures
Published 2006-11-01“…Les déformations par fluage sont impuissantes à redistribuer les efforts et ceux-ci s'accroissent donc jusqu'à la rupture brutale. C'est donc sur un scénario de fracturation par blocs que doit désormais porter l'attention, pour une meilleure appréciation des efforts qui autrement seraient fortement surestimés, lors de l'interaction aux vitesses élevées. …”
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Intelligence and Security Services in Tito's Yugoslavia
Published 2019-08-01“…It led to changes in both services: important downsizing of personnel and a certain de-brutalization of the UDBA methods, which had been part of the fight against the Soviet supporters in the previous period. …”
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Sobre nossa paixão indicial de cada dia: entre o reality show e a imagem delatora
Published 2009-06-01“…Este é um aspecto de minha abordagem: o que fazer com esse episodio brutal, enquanto feroz e enquanto real, inegável, muito além do que se opine ou se reflita sobre ele, desde esse particular lugar da reflexão e da escritura que se denomina a(s) ciência(s) da comunicação.…”
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Adaptation of the Recent Life Changes Questionnaire (RLCQ) to measure stressful life events in adults residing in an urban megapolis in Pakistan
Published 2017-05-01“…Some such events were public harassment, robbery/theft, missed life opportunities due to nepotism, extortion and threats, being a victim of state sponsored brutality, lack of electricity, water, sanitation, fuel, destruction due to natural disasters and direct or media based exposure to suicide bombing in the city. …”
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Polityka okupacyjna Wehrmachtu w Polsce w pierwszych tygodniach wojny (wrzesień–październik 1939 r.)
Published 2012-06-01“…Die regularen Wehrmachtseinheiten, oft unter Einfl uss der „Freischarler-Psychose“, verubten hunderte von Vergeltungsaktionen gegen unbewaff nete Zivilbevolkerung und ermordeten hunderte von polnischen Kriegsgefangenen aus Rache fur eigene Kampfverluste, unter Fluchtvorwurf oder um sie in Angst und Schrecken zu versetzen. Besonders brutal wurden die polnischen Juden behandel, die oft nur aus ideologischen Grunden verfolgt wurden. …”
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Region Aware Proactive Routing Approaches Exploiting Energy Efficient Paths for Void Hole Avoidance in Underwater WSNs
Published 2019-01-01“…Replacement of the sensors' battery in brutal underwater environment is a difficult task. …”
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The legal understanding of intentional medical error
Published 2017-01-01“…In this regard, the author's research was based on the following questions: is there a deliberate medical error, who is ready to knowingly endanger the patient by doing medical procedures contrary to the rules (neglect, avoidance of assistance, misdiagnosis, improper treatment, indifference, discrimination), who is competent to qualify the taken action as an error (intentional, unintentional) and what evidences are required for the brutal attack on the integrity of top experts, that will be charged and prosecuted? …”
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Reflections on plague in African history (14th–19th c.)
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“Todos ustedes son mis hijos”: Juventud, maternidad y filicidio en La noche de Tlatelolco de Elena Poniatowska
Published 2017-12-01“…Resumen: La Masacre de Tlatelolco, acaecida el 2 de octubre de 1968, fue la manifestación brutal para el pueblo mexicano de que la retórica nacionalista y unívoca construida por la Revolución y su correlato en el gobierno del PRI estaba irremediablemente rota. …”
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Medizinische Versorgung polnischer Zwangsarbeiter in der Region Bielefeld
Published 2020-12-01“…Die im Nordosten Westfalens gelegene Stadt und der Landkreis Bielefeld sind aufgrund ihres gemischt industriellen und landwirtschaftlichen Charakters ein repräsentatives Beispiel für das brutale und repressive System der Zwangsarbeitsindustrie und spiegelt so das gesamte Spektrum der mit der Zwangsarbeit verbundenen Probleme wider. …”
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Documentation of human rights abuses among Rohingya refugees from Myanmar
Published 2019-09-01“…Physical findings were consistent with survivors’ narratives of violence and brutality. These findings warrant accountability for the Myanmar military per the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC), which has jurisdiction to try individuals for serious international crimes, including crimes against humanity and genocide. …”
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Évaluation des déversements de pluies d'orage et de leurs effets sur un petit ruisseau périurbain, le Peugue
Published 2000-10-01“…Les variations de débit (mesurées au Burck) sont importantes et brutales, pouvant passer en une heure de quelques dizaines de litres/secondes à plus de un mètre cube/seconde. …”
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Police legitimacy
Published 2021-10-01“…The survey of 362 citizens conducted by the authors allows to state that, with a fairly high assessment of the activities of the Russian police, respondents pay attention to the existence of such problems as: the lack of transparency of police activities and the presence of formal and informal means of evading the legality of police activity, the tolerance of justice authorities to police lawlessness, intoxication with power by police officers, the impact of police brutality on social and legal despair, violation of the law in the name of achieving its falsely understood goals. …”
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Thrombose de la veine porte révélant un syndrome de Cushing du sujet âgé
Published 2014-07-01“…Il s'agissait d'une patiente âgée de 66 ans, sans antécédents pathologiques, hospitalisée pour une douleur intense et brutale de l'hypocondre droit. L'examen trouvait une obésité facio-tronculaire, une tension artérielle à 150/90 mmHg, des vergetures larges et pourpres au niveau du ventre et une sensibilité de l'hypochondre droit. …”
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