International financial reporting standards and earning management: Comparative study of pre-post full convergence of IRRS in Malaysia
Published 2020“…Purpose – The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of full convergence of IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) on earnings management using a sample of companies listed on Bursa Malaysia given that the rationale for adoption of IFRS in Malaysia was to make the published financial statements of public listed companies more transparent and comparable. …”
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The interaction effect of independent boards on corporate governance-corporate social responsibility (CG-CSR) and performance nexus
Published 2020“…Findings of the study have implications for Bursa Malaysia and Securities Commission Malaysia to reset the limit of independent directors on board so that their unnecessary interference in operations of management may be avoided. …”
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Voluntary disclosure by Shariah approved companies: an exploratory study
Published 2010“…The purpose of this paper is to investigate the extent of voluntary disclosure (EVD)(i.e. overall, conventional, and Islamic disclosure) in the annual reports of Shariah Approved Companies (ShAC) listed on Bursa Malaysia. …”
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Voluntary disclosure in Malaysian corporate annual reports
Published 2009“…The legal and regulatory framework for financial reporting in Malaysia is governed by the Companies Act 1965, accounting standards approved by the Malaysian Accounting Standards Board and the Bursa Malaysia Listing Requirements. Voluntary disclosure in the context of Malaysian listed companies can be defined as items of information which are not specified by any of the aforementioned pronouncements.…”
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Integrated Reporting And Firm Performance In Malaysia: The Moderating Effect Of Board Diversity And Family Ownership
Published 2023“…This study examines the relationship between integrated reporting disclosures and firm performance in the context of listed companies in the main market of Bursa Malaysia. This study also includes moderating variables namely, board gender diversity, board age diversity, and family ownership to further examine the relationship between integrated reporting disclosures and firm performance.…”
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Thesis -
Rekod Bursa 'meletup': Pelabur yakin BN akan mendapat mandat
Published 2013“…KUALA LUMPUR 1 Mei - Indeks pasaran saham Bursa Malaysia (FBM KLCI)terus mencatatkan rekod tertinggi berulang kali tahun ini, jelas menunjukkan sentimen pelabur yang yakin dengan kerajaan sedia ada untuk terus memerintah selepas Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13(PRU-13). …”
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Newspaper -
Factors that influence customer loyalty towards Telekom Malaysia Berhad Business Sales, Negeri Sembilan / Siti Nor Ain Shariffudin
Published 2007“…TM is listed on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange on 9 September 1990, now known as Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (Bursa Securities). TM Berhad has since maintained its position amongst the top three largest listed companies on Bursa Malaysia. …”
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Student Project -
Daily new COVID-19 cases, the movement control order, and Malaysian stock market returns
Published 2020“…These findings are useful for investors in the Bursa Malaysia to manage their investment portfolios based on their appetites for risk.…”
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The Impact Of Institutional Pressure, Corporate Governance And Strategic Posture On Environmental Reporting Of Malaysian Listed Companies: The Moderating Effects Of Perceived Envir...
Published 2016“…Objektif kajian adalah untuk menilai tahap pelaporan persekitaran dalam konteks Malaysia dalam syarikat yang tersenarai dalam Bursa Malaysia. Kajian ini mengkaji kesan kedua-dua tekanan institusi dan mekanisme kawal selia korporat terhadap postur strategik dan pengaruhnya ke atas pelaporan persekitaran. …”
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Thesis -
Internal auditing practices and internal control system
Published 2005“…Purpose– Two main objectives and they are: to determine whether the internal audit department of the companies listed in the Bursa Malaysia complies with the Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditors IIA (2000); and, to determine whether compliance to SPPIA will affect the quality of the internal control system of the company.Design/methodology/approach– Two sets of questionnaires were used in the study. …”
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Compliance of audit requirements by public listed companies in Malaysia capital markets
Published 2017“…Purpose - In recent years, the corporate governance has become a subject of concern by many stakeholders and emphasis has been laid on the roles of Audit Committees to ensure the quality of financial reporting and compliance of audit requirements by the public listed companies (PLCs).Over the years poor corporate governance (CG) has been widely and frequently reported as a major factor that led to the 1997 Asian crisis, and numerous organisations have claimed that it was the main cause indeed (Nam, 2004).The World Bank claimed that poor CG within the Eastern Asian countries is attributed to a lack of an effective board of directors, inadequate internal control, unreliable financial statements, absence of sufficient information, poor compliance, and a lack of effective audit system (World Bank, 1998).The challenges mentioned have led to huge losses and poorly estimated liabilities.However, the regulatory bodies in charge of monitoring as well as controlling the affairs have failed to identify these weaknesses and to put in corrective measures.Malaysia was also hard hit by the Asian economic crisis that impacted the region in 1997.Corporate sector weaknesses and poor CG were considered important causes of the crisis (Khatri, Leruth & Piesse, 2002).The companies affected were in financial distress and had to seek protection under a winding up/bankruptcy protection.According Abdul Rahman et al (2007), as a result of the advents of the meltdown, the government of Malaysia saw the need to keep the standard of CG in all companies to regain and re-secure investors’ interest and confidence.As a result, the Malaysian Code of Corporate Governance (MCCG) is introduced (HLFC, 2000) and the Bursa Malaysia strengthen their Listing Requirements and best practice efforts is been practised in PLCs.One of the principles in the MCCG, Bursa Malaysia Listing Requirements is concerning the requirements of audit practises among the PLCs.In light of the above discussion, this paper focuses on the issue of compliance of audit requirements by the PLCs in Malaysia Capital Markets.…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Chief executive officer retirement and auditor’s risk assessment: The interacting effect of chief executive officer identity in family firms
Published 2020“…Consistent with literature on family businesses, the level of CEO attachment to socio-emotional wealth (SEW) varies among family businesses.Design/methodology/approach – This study used a longitudinal sample of 2,063 non-financial family firm-year observations from 2005 to 2016 listed on the Bursa Malaysia. The study used the general method of moments (GMM), which controls for endogeneity concerns.Findings – The results reveal that, without the moderating effect of CEO identity, the relationship between CEO career horizon and auditor’s risk assessment is positive, which suggests that the auditor’s risk perception of retiring CEOs is very high. …”
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The dynamic impact of board composition on CSR practices and their mutual effect on organizational returns
Published 2020“…Practical implications – This research is practically considerable for Bursa Malaysia, Securities Commission Malaysia, policymakers, stakeholders, investors and managers. …”
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Sustainable development & environmental protection: the accounting practices of GHG emission in Malaysia
Published 2015“…All companies are listed company on the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia. A content analysis of annual reports carried out for the year 2012.…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Assessing The Influence Of Ownership Structure And Board Diversity On Capital Structure Adjustment Speed: Evidence From Malaysia
Published 2022“…This study estimates the adjustment speed towards target capital structure based on 237 non-financial firms listed on Bursa Malaysia for the period of 2012-2017. This study validates the existence of target capital structure in Malaysian firms found in previous studies and revealed that the speed of adjustment for the sample firms ranges between 33.6% to 45% annually, depending on the leverage proxies used.…”
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Thesis -
The Relationship between Internal Audit Characteristic, Audit Committee Characteristic and Interaction between Internal Audit and Audit Committee on Internal Audit Contribution
Published 2016“…This was then followed by the Bursa Malaysia Revamped Listing Requirement in 2001 and Guidelines on Internal Audit Function for Public Listed Companies in 2002. …”
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Bulletin -
Determinant Factors Of Directors’ Remuneration: A Study On Malaysia Equity Market
Published 2014“…Bursa Malaysia is one of the most important stock exchange centers in ASEAN. …”
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Thesis -
Earnings management practices and the impact of institutional ownership, share moratorium and retained ownership on earnings management discretionary behaviour of the Malaysian IPO...
Published 2015“…First, it investigates real and accrual earnings management discretionary behaviour of Malaysian IPO firms listed on Bursa Malaysia in the period 2002-2013 in terms of nature, direction and quantum. …”
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Thesis -
Are the small companies is the best investment? in Malaysia perspective / Mohd Shahril Zainal Abidin
Published 2007“…It also study whether the small companies is outperformed the market This study used 70 companies that listed in main board of Bursa Malaysia The companies that will be chose is based on their asset equity. …”
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Student Project -
Financial distress of the PN17 Companies / Norizyanie Bad Hamid
Published 2011“…Besides that this study using 26 sample of distressed companies in PN17 companies that listed in Bursa Malaysia by analysing all their ratio from their 5 years annual report which is from 2005 until 2006. …”
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Student Project