Does Corporate Debt influence the Firms’ Growth after Global Financial Crisis? Evidence from Malaysian Public Listed Companies
Publicado em 2021-06-01“...Using a sample of 334 non-financial public listed companies in Bursa Malaysia from 2009 to 2018, this study finds that corporate debt is positively associated with firm growth. ...”
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Artigo -
The pricing efficiency of equity warrants: a Malaysian case
Publicado em 2006“...The objective of this paper is to determine the pricing efficiency and behavior of equity warrants traded in the Bursa Malaysia. Specifically, this paper will focus on the studies of 85 randomly selected samples of listed warrants (46 main board warrants, while the remaining 39 were second board warrants) for the trading period of 100 days from January 1, 2004 until May 31, 2004. ...”
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Artigo -
The probable factors of insider trading in Malaysian firms prior to acquisition announcement / Majid Sarli ... [et al.]
Publicado em 2014“...In this case, this research is focuses on investigation of companies’ acquisition announcements, which are listed from the traded volumes of Bursa Malaysia between 2008 and 2011. The study useda sample of considered thirty companies and their acquisition announcements are analyzed by examining their Average Cumulative Abnormal Volume Traded (ACAVT) to identify probable insider trading activities. ...”
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Artigo -
The determinants of financial industry profitability in Malaysia / Nurul Syuhada Baharuddin and Siti Nurul Ashykin Azmi
Publicado em 2015“...Using a data set period 2001 to 2011, this paper evaluates the impacts of internal and external determinants conditions towards the profitability of financial institution by using static panel data analysis that consist of 21 organization that listed in Bursa Malaysia. The specific determinants of profitability include equity management, asset management, size of organization and inflation. ...”
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Artigo -
Factors influencing personal saving in Thailand / Nurul Fathiyah Ghazali
Publicado em 2008“...The data are collected from Malaysia Economic Report, Bank Negara, Bank of Thailand, International Financial Statistics, Bursa Malaysia and Valuation and Services Department. ...”
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Student Project -
Relationship between audit committee characteristics and company performance: evidence from Malaysian companies / Nur Baiti Shafee
Publicado em 2011“...The data are gathered from the analysis of companies' annual report for a sample of 169 listed at Bursa Malaysia. The data set is obtained from the annual reports for the year 2009. ...”
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Thesis -
Predicting future cash flows: does cash flow have incremental information over accrual earnings? / Tho Lai Mooi
Publicado em 2007“...This study attempts to test this claim by investigating the predictive ability of cash flow from operations versus accrual accounting based data to forecast future cash flow from operations, using multivariate regression models and panel data on a sample of 173 firms listed on Bursa Malaysia. Three predictor variables, net income before extraordinary items (NI), NI plus depreciation and amortisation (NDA) and cash flow from operations (CFO) are used to forecast future cash flows from operations for the period from 1997 to 2005....”
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Artigo -
Earnings quality, ownership structure and firm performance: Malaysian evidence / Radziah Mahmud
Publicado em 2012“...To address this issue, this study examines whether earnings quality and ownership structure of Malaysian public listed firms are associated with firm performance based on 285 listed firms on the main board of Bursa Malaysia for the period from 2000 to 2007....”
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Book Section -
Corporate reporting quality, audit committee and quality of audit / Hashanah Ismail, Takiah Mohd. Iskandar and Mohd. Mohid Rahmat
Publicado em 2008“...Specifically, the study examines the relationship between quality of reporting of companies listed on the Bursa Malaysia and some elements of corporate governance namely the external audit and the audit committee. ...”
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Artigo -
The relevance of internal governance mechanisms to financial reports timeliness / Rahimah Mohamed Yunos.
Publicado em 2017“...Data was collected from 264 annual reports of listed companies on Bursa Malaysia for a sample period of 2013 and 2014. The results show that proportion of independent directors on board, CEO duality and frequent audit committee meeting had significant effect on the timeliness of the reports. ...”
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Artigo -
The determinants of capital structure for public listed construction companies in Malaysia / Wan Afiq Farhan Nasjaruddin
Publicado em 2015“...This study investigates the constructions firm that listed in Bursa Malaysia. From the sector, only a few companies used in this study sample because their stability in the sector. ...”
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Student Project -
Earnings management in Malaysia: the case of cash from operations and the behaviour of discretionary accruals / Rosnia Masruki
Publicado em 2004“...The objectives of this study are to investigate the relationship between the operating performances of firms listed on the Main Board of the Bursa Malaysia and to examine the behaviour of discretionary accruals during the period of 1999-2002. ...”
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Thesis -
The determinants of corporate cash holding in manufacturing sector in Malaysia / Nor Zaidah Kamis
Publicado em 2007“...This study concentrated on the 50 manufacturing sector companies listed in Main Board of Bursa Malaysia. This study is conducted by using SPSS in order to find the data is significant or not through regression. ...”
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Student Project -
A study on dividend policy and value of the firm: managerial perspectives in Malaysia / Oswald Timothy Edward , Chu Hong Heng , Lau Gee Choon
Publicado em 2005“...We obtain data from 2004 mail survey sent to 207 chief financial officers/financial controller/corporate managers of firms listed on the Bursa Malaysia. Based on 64 usable responses, the empirical result show that most survey respondents believe that dividend policy affects firm value. ...”
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Research Reports -
Voluntary annual report disclosures by Malaysian multinational corporations / Fathyah Hashim and Norman Mohd Saleh
Publicado em 2007“...The level of disclosures is based on the amount of the voluntary disclosure information gathered from annual reports of listed MNCs on Bursa Malaysia across six industries. Overall, the results show that level of voluntary information disclosures is positively related to size of the company and the type of audit. ...”
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Artigo -
The relationship between size of dividend and earning changes of firm in Malaysia / Noor Fadhilah Bagia
Publicado em 2014“...My analysis using 5 companies listed in Bursa Malaysia during 2005 until 2014 period reveals a significant and positive relationship between earning changes and current dividend changes. ...”
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Student Project -
Audit committee characteristics and risk management of Malaysian listed firms / Puan Yatim
Publicado em 2009“...The study employs a cross-sectional analysis of 690 firms listed on the Bursa Malaysia for the financial year ending in 2003. ...”
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Artigo -
The relationship of macroeconomic variables and real estate distribution yield in Malaysia / Alyaa Farzana Shahril Azlan
Publicado em 2018“...This study selected nine listed REITs companies in Bursa Malaysia from 2010 until 2017. Moreover, descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression analysis were used as method of the study. ...”
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Student Project -
Factors affecting the shariah index in Malaysia / Norfarhana Azeruddin
Publicado em 2011“...These studies will only covered nonfinancial listed public companies on The Bursa Malaysia which have been selected as Sharia Compliance Index by using systematic sampling. ...”
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Student Project -
Monitoring opportunistic behaviour, pressure behaviour and financial risk ratio between ASEAN countries / Muhammad Asyraff Mohd Yusoff
Publicado em 2018“...Based on the data gathered amounting 194 listed firms from Bursa Malaysia (Malaysia), Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) and Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for each country from the year Of 2014 to 2017. ...”
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Student Project