Fasting Glucose for the Diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Published 2022-08-01Get full text
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Arquitectura y sal. Historia y curiosidades = Architecture and salt. History and curiosities
Published 2020-02-01“…Modern sea salt pans that uses the breadth ot the tide, such as Las Puntas on the Canary island of El Hierro. Interior salt pans were used since the Neolithic and they had great importance since medieval times, such as Poza de la Sal, Imón or Belinchón. …”
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Rhizosphere 16S-ITS Metabarcoding Profiles in Banana Crops Are Affected by Nematodes, Cultivation, and Local Climatic Variations
Published 2022-06-01“…A metabarcoding study was carried out on the microbiota associated with plant parasitic and other nematode functional groups present in banana farms in Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain). Samples included rhizosphere soil from cv Pequeña Enana or Gruesa and controls collected from adjacent sites, with the same agroecological conditions, without banana roots. …”
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Decolonizing Global Health Research: Perspectives from US and International Global Health Trainees
Published 2023-02-01Get full text
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Anàlisi de materials didàctics digitals per a guiar i/o recolzar el procés d'ensenyament-aprenentatge de les matemàtiques
Published 2018-06-01“…Ens centrem en el tipus de materials, el model pedagògic subjacent als mateixos, les diferències entre les plataformes comercials i les institucionals, la seva utilització, impacte en l'ensenyament i l'aprenentatge de les matemàtiques a l'aula, etc.L'instrument utilitzat va ser un qüestionari dissenyat ad hoc i validat i administrat a 13 plataformes comercials; tant les produïdes comercialment per empreses editores comles de naturalesa institucional generades per les administracions autonòmiques Canàries, Galícia i València. Els resultats indiquen que, tot i que el ventall d'oferta en línia de materials didàctics per a matemàtiques és ampli i amb formats variats, aquests tenen mancances pedagògiques que no afavoreixen metodologies actives ni una veritable integració d'altres alternatives que facilitin el desenvolupament de projectes educatius oberts, flexibles, que facilitin l'atenció a la diversitat individual i col·lectiva de cada persona, així com la participació, la interactivitat / connectivitat de la comunitat educativa, ja que la majoria reprodueixen el format del llibre de text imprès afegint alguns recursos en línia.…”
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Zooplankton and Micronekton Active Flux Across the Tropical and Subtropical Atlantic Ocean
Published 2019-09-01Get full text
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Metadata-Driven Universal Real-Time Ocean Sound Measurement Architecture
Published 2021-01-01Get full text
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Technical note: Mineralogical, chemical, morphological, and optical interrelationships of mineral dust re-suspensions
Published 2016-08-01“…Surface soils were collected from arid regions, including the southwestern USA, Mali, Chad, Morocco, Canary Islands, Cabo Verde, Djibouti, Afghanistan, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE, Serbia, China, Namibia, Botswana, Australia, and Chile. …”
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Use of a highly-sensitive rapid diagnostic test to screen for malaria in pregnancy in Indonesia
Published 2020-01-01Get full text
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Phosphorus concentration, accumulation, and allocation in stem elongation and anthesis growth stages in some crop and weed species of Gramineae
Published 2017-12-01“…Treatments in the pot experiment included 7 crop and weed species of poaceae family including bread wheat, durum wheat, common barley, naked barley, triticale, wild oat, and canary grass and application and non-application of recommended N, P, and K chemical fertilizers. …”
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Aerosol size-resolved trace metal composition in remote northern tropical Atlantic marine environment: case study Cape Verde islands
Published 2013-05-01“…Fe (12.26 ng m<sup>−3</sup>), Ti (0.91 ng m<sup>−3</sup>), and Mn (0.35 ng m<sup>−3</sup>) showed higher concentrations when air mass came from Europe and the Canary Islands. Pb concentration was low (<0.20 ng m<sup>−3</sup>) and did not vary significantly with air mass direction. …”
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Análisis de una Escala para Evaluar la Satisfacción del Profesional Docente en la Enseñanza Primaria
Published 2016-04-01“…The scale is applied to a sample of 215 primary teachers in the autonomous community of Canary Islands (Gran Canaria). The questionnaire to assess the satisfaction of professional teachers in primary education proposed by the Group of FODIP, it consists of 18 items Likert-type 1 to 5. …”
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