Erakusten 1 - 20 emaitzak -- 722 bilaketa honetara '"CT scan"', Bilaketaren denbora: 0,06s Findu emaitzak
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    Brain tissue segmentation on CT scans nork Wang, Binli

    Argitaratua 2023
    “...This research presents a comprehensive study aimed at realizing brain tissue segmentation from CT scans and applying the segmented tissues for Alzheimer's Disease (AD) detection. ...”
    Testu osoa
    Final Year Project (FYP)
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    CT SCAN UNTUK INSPEKSI BATANG POHON nork , Kusminarto, Gede Bayu Suparta, Anwar Dhani dan I Ketut Swakarma

    Argitaratua 2003
    “...Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat sistem CT Scan tomografi sebagai alat uji tak rusak (NDT) untuk memeriksa status tampang lintang batang pohonlkayu. ...”
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    Course and variation of the intercostal artery by CT scan. nork Helm, E, Rahman, N, Talakoub, O, Fox, D, Gleeson, F

    Argitaratua 2013
    “...METHODS: Maximal intensity projection reformats in the coronal plane were produced from CT scan pulmonary angiograms to identify the posterolateral course of the intercostal artery (seventh to 11th rib spaces). ...”
    Journal article
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    Argitaratua 2012
    “...Nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC) is the most frequent among head and neck malignant tumor, which has a very high degree of malignancy. CT-scan is chosen in most hospitals as a radiological modality for NPC. ...”
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    Aspek Dasar Penggunaan CT Scan dalam Kedokteran nork Perpustakaan UGM, i-lib

    Argitaratua 1986
    “...ABSTRACT: CT scan is a reconstruction of tomographic slices of objects by a computer. ...”
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    Hasil Pemeriksaan CT Scanning pada Penderita Stroke nork Perpustakaan UGM, i-lib

    Argitaratua 1991
    “...ABSTRACT Arif Faisal - CT scan examination on stroke patients This study was conducted in patients with clinical stroke. ...”
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    Deep learning for segmentation of brain lesions from CT scans nork Chin, Luke Peng Hao

    Argitaratua 2023
    “...The most common modality of ICH diagnosis is through Computed Tomography (CT) scans, which require an experienced radiologist to analyse these scans. ...”
    Testu osoa
    Final Year Project (FYP)
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    Qualitative analysis of high-resolution CT scans in severe asthma. nork Gupta, S, Siddiqui, S, Haldar, P, Raj, J, Entwisle, J, Wardlaw, A, Bradding, P, Pavord, I, Green, R, Brightling, C

    Argitaratua 2009
    “...Nonradiologic assessments fail to reliably predict important bronchial wall changes; therefore, CT scan acquisition may be required in all patients with severe asthma....”
    Journal article