The Circle of Unity: The power of symbols in a team sport context
Published 2021-02-01“…This case study examines a 2016 activist display by Old Dominion University’s football team, known as the Circle of Unity. The display, performed before most games that season, began as a form of protest by team captains, and morphed into a gesture that was celebrated across the political spectrum. …”
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The Ballseye programme: a mixed-methods programme of research in traditional sexual health and alternative community settings to improve the sexual health of men in the UK
Published 2016-12-01“…SPORTSMART interventions: football captain-led and health adviser-led promotion of urine-based STI screening. …”
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The use of colour name yellow in English and Serbian phraseologisms
Published 2011-01-01“…This work shows in what ways the colour name yellow is associated with extra-linguistic reality in the English language. …”
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