¿Qué es el Agustinismo?
Published 2011-06-01“…During the Middle Ages, Saint Augustine was an authority for many Christian theologians. However, they had to deal with the manifold interpretations of his thought by Greek, Jewish and Arabic philosophical traditions. …”
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Creation in Islamic and Christian Theology
Published 2010-08-01“…This paper is aimed at discussing the issue of creation from point of view of Muslim and Christian theologians and thinkers, especially Aquinas and Allame Tabataba'i. …”
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The Category of Relation in Arabic-Islamic Philosophy
Published 2018-10-01“…Before their translation into Arabic in the 8th and 9th centuries, Christian theologians and in their footsteps Syriac scholars considered Aristotle’s works to be a useful tool in Christological discussions. …”
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Interpretation of bang: Potentials of observing contemporary cosmogony as a mythical narrative
Published 2021-01-01“…It provides a short set of ideas that contextualize popular cosmology into a culture war waged by certain Christian theologians and secular philosophers at the turn of the millennium. …”
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A Comparative Study of the Holy Spirit in Christian and Islamic Tradition
Published 2011-01-01“…Some of his attributed functions like his ontological status or his epistemological and psychological role in the life of humanity are commonly accepted by the Muslim and Christian theologians. But some of his ascribed properties like being the third member of the Godhead or his role in the Baptism have been rejected by Muslim theologians. …”
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A Comparative Study of the Holy Spirit in Christian and Islamic Tradition
Published 2010-10-01“…Some of his attributed functions like his ontological status or his epistemological and psychological role in the life of humanity are commonly accepted by the Muslim and Christian theologians. But some of his ascribed properties like being the third member of the Godhead or his role in the Baptism have been rejected by Muslim theologians. …”
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A Comparative Study of the Holy Spirit in Christian and Islamic Tradition
Published 2010-09-01“…Some of his attributed functions like his ontological status or his epistemological and psychological role in the life of humanity are commonly accepted by the Muslim and Christian theologians. But some of his ascribed properties like being the third member of the Godhead or his role in the Baptism have been rejected by Muslim theologians. …”
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Evolution, suffering, and the creative love of god
Published 2016“…The natural world is competitive, violent, and careless of the amount of suffering it produces. Yet, Christian theologians identify God as the creator of the evolutionary process. …”
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The End of Time and the Possibility of World: Between Divinity and Nature
Published 2023-09-01“…This paper takes up this idea in discussion with contemporary Christian theologians and discusses it phenomenologically by recourse to Husserl’s account of “horizon”. …”
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Prov 8:22ff in Early Christian Statements on the Relation of Origin of the Son from the Father: The Case of Justin, Athenagoras, and Theophilus
Published 2022-11-01“…The article analyses the quotes of Prov 8:22–25 and references to this passage in three early Christian theologians of the 2nd century, Justin Martyr, Athenagoras of Athens, and Theophilus of Antioch. …”
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The Significance of the Propositional Truths in Christian Faith
Published 2017-09-01“…During many decades ago, Christian theologians had formulated and defended the Christian theology as a system of propositional truths. …”
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Christian relations with Judaism and Jewish people: theory and practice
Published 1998-09-01“…Following each subject I shall point out possible ground for a dialogue between Jewish and Christian theologians. To my mind the relations with Judaism and the Jewish people have to be in dialogue. …”
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Published 2011-12-01“…D. onward the theory of so-called «intelligible triad» (esse, vivere, intellegere) was borrowed from Neo-Platonic philosophy by some Christian theologians. This triad was mostly used to construct Christian trinitarian doctrine and to prove the consubstantiality, as well as the unity and diversity between three persons of the Holy Trinity. …”
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Christian biblical ethics: the application of biblical norms to today
Published 1991-01-01“…Christian theologians give many different interpretations to the Scriptures, particularly with regard to their ethical perspectives and their application to the present. …”
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Typologies and Argumentation Tactics in Religious Polemics - An Analysis of al-Jawāb al Sahih and the Cyprus Letter
Published 2018-07-01“…One exchange between Christian theologians in Cyprus and Muslim theologians in Damascus is evidently polemical and exemplifies the difficult relations that occurred early in the fourteenth century and the nature of challenging religious arguments. …”
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The Decolonising content of African Theology and the Decolonisation of African Theology: A Decolonial Analysis
Published 2019-06-01“…This article offers an analysis of the decolonising content of selected African Christian theologians namely, Kwame Bediako, John Mbiti, Jesse Mugambi and Mercy Oduyoye. …”
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The Distinctiveness of Christian Gratitude: A Theological Survey
Published 2022-09-01“…This essay makes a contribution to that strand of investigation by surveying the work of six Christian theologians, each of whom make bold, sometimes cryptic, claims about the distinctiveness of Christian gratitude and gratitude to God. …”
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Palestinian Evangelicals - a theologically engaged anthropological approach
Published 2019“…Christian theologians have grappled for centuries with the fact that they are not Jews, yet embedded in Jewish history. …”
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The Goodness and Beauty of Our Fragile Flesh: Moral Theologians and Our Engagement with 'Disability'
Published 2017-09-01“…First, I sketch a typology of three ways contemporary Christian theologians both avoid and engage the topic of “disability.” …”
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A Comparison between the Pagan and Christian Apologies for Holy Images
Published 2021-03-01“…In other words, the apologies that some Christian theologians made for images in response to the other Christians and Jews, was in a way the reproduction of apologies that pagan philosophers made in response to early Christians. …”
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