Het interieur van de Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België door de Kortrijkse Kunstwerkstede De Coene. Markante getuige van een wijzigende visie rond representatie
Published 2012-12-01“…The monumental design of the Royal Library itself was conceived by Maurice Houyoux (1903- 1960) during the late 1930s and early 1940s, but because of the Second World War, disputes between the architects involved and problems with both the City of Brussels and the administrative body for the underground north-south railroad junction, execution of the plans encountered severe delays and it was not until 1954, almost two decades later, that the project gained momentum and construction started. …”
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‘Baukultur’ in Brussels
Published 2019-12-01“…This article focuses on the values of small-scale industrial heritage from the building trade, which is under enormous pressure in a city like Brussels. The dynamics of constantly rising real estate prices make residential redevelopment a lucrative investment. …”
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Unveiling the Spatial Distribution of Heat Demand in North-West-Europe Compiled with National Heat Consumption Data
Published 2024-01-01“…The spatial distribution of the heat demand follows specific patterns, where heat demand peaks are usually in metropolitan regions like for the city of Paris (1400 MWh/ha), the city of Brussels (1300 MWh/ha), the London metropolitan area (520 MWh/ha), and the Rhine-Ruhr region (500 MWh/ha). …”
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Définir les expats : le cas des immigrés hautement qualifiés à Bruxelles
Published 2009-08-01“…More and more attention is put by sociologists on the relation between cities, development and the activities and profiles of the people attracted by cities themselves. Brussels is a particularly vivid example of this relation, being so influenced by the massive percentage of European high-level migrants, called Expats, who live there on a temporary or a permanent basis. …”
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Een definitie van de expat: hoogopgeleide migranten in Brussel
Published 2009-08-01“…More and more attention is put by sociologists on the relation between cities, development and the activities and profiles of the people attracted by cities themselves. Brussels is a particularly vivid example of this relation, being so influenced by the massive percentage of European high-level migrants, called Expats, who live there on a temporary or a permanent basis. …”
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De(con)struction / (re)construction : urban scenography in Belgium in the 1960’s
Published 2021-02-01“…In the decades following the second world war, the Belgian cities of Brussels and Liège, which didn’t suffer from any large-scale destruction during the conflict, are subjected to modernistic urban policies leading to the disappearance of whole sections of their traditional urban fabric. …”
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Responsible Research and Innovation Associated With Risk Communication and Public Engagement on Health Emergency Preparedness at the Local Level
Published 2022-04-01“…In 2017, within “Action plan on Science in Society related issues in Epidemics and Total pandemics”, twenty-three initiatives in eleven cities—Athens, Brussels, Bucharest, Dublin, Geneva, Haifa, Lyon, Milan, Oslo, Rome, and Sofia—represented effective opportunities for Mobilization and Mutual Learning on RRI issues in the matter of PHEP with different community-level groups. …”
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From Integration to Solidarity: Insights from Civil Society Organisations in Three European Cities
Published 2018-12-01“…To do this, it examines three case-based practices led by CSOs that operate in three European capital cities—Rome, Brussels and Berlin—and that embrace mobility in the context of front-line, transit and destination countries, respectively. …”
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Politieke vertegenwoordiging van moslims in Brussel
Published 2011-12-01“…Compared with other major European cities, the Brussels-Capital Region has a unique configuration in terms of the political representation of elected representatives descended from diverse ethnocultural groups, and in particular Muslim elected representatives. …”
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The political representation of Muslims in Brussels
Published 2011-12-01“…Compared with other major European cities, the Brussels-Capital Region has a unique configuration in terms of the political representation of elected representatives descended from diverse ethnocultural groups, and in particular Muslim elected representatives. …”
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The Covid-19 pandemic from the elderly perspective in urban areas: An evaluation of urban green areas in 10 European capitals
Published 2020-12-01“…We selected 10 capital cities (Amsterdam, Brussels, Berlin, Copenhagen, Dublin, Lisbon, London, Madrid, Paris and Rome) to reflect the heterogeneous demographic, social and economic panoramas of European countries and cities. …”
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Les circulants entre métropoles européennes à l’épreuve de leurs mobilités. Une lecture temporelle, spatiale et sociale de la pénibilité
Published 2010-09-01“…This article examines the circulation of people between Lisbon and four other European cities (Berlin, Brussels, London, Paris) in terms of the difficulties that it can cause. …”
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Disaggregate models with aggregate data: Two UrbanSim applications
Published 2010-09-01“…This paper describes two UrbanSim applications for the cities of Brussels, Belgium and Lyon, France that adopted different approaches of using aggregate data. …”
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Calculation of welfare effects of road pricing on a large scale road network
Published 2009-03-01“…For the study area we chose an important part of the road network of Belgium, situated in the corridor between the main cities of Brussels and Ghent. Simulations were carried out using an elastic static traffic assignment method. …”
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