Parallel retrieval of aerosol and cloud
出版 2015“...Due to similarities in their radiometric signature, it is not possible to retrieve aerosol and cloud properties simultaneously from satellite imagery. ...”
Conference item -
Cloud physics from space
出版 2019“...A review of the progression of cloud physics from a subdiscipline of meteorology into the global science it is today is described. ...”
Journal article -
Unravelling giant molecular clouds
出版 2024“...<p>Giant molecular clouds (GMCs) provide the fuel for star formation and bear various feedbacks. ...”
Thesis -
Fingerprinting cloud FPGA infrastructures
出版 2020“...To help understand the security of the cloud FPGA infrastructures, this paper focuses on a fundamental question of understanding what an adversary can learn about the cloud FPGA infrastructure itself, without attacking it or damaging it. ...”
Conference item -
Cloud forensics issues and oppurtunities
出版 2013“...Notwithstanding the cloud presents some promising technical and economic benefits, users still resist to use cloud mainly due to security issues because it poses a challenge in doing cloud forensic investigations. ...”
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Production of ammonia makes Venusian clouds habitable and explains observed cloud-level chemical anomalies
出版 2023“...Our model predicts that the clouds are not entirely made of sulfuric acid, but are partially composed of ammonium salt slurries, which may be the result of biological production of ammonia in cloud droplets. ...”
文件 -
LSTrAP-Cloud : a user-friendly cloud computing pipeline to infer coexpression networks
出版 2020主题: 获取全文
Journal Article -
Sky/cloud analysis : cloud classification on a large scale whole sky image dataset
出版 2017“...To understand cloud formations in the sky, ground-based cameras are used progressively nowadays. ...”
Final Year Project (FYP) -
A Lagrangian perspective on the lifecycle and cloud radiative effect of deep convective clouds over Africa
出版 2024“...The anvil clouds of tropical deep convection have large radiative effects in both the shortwave (SW) and longwave (LW) spectra with the average magnitudes of both over 100 Wm−2 . ...”
Journal article -
Source attribution of cloud condensation nuclei and their impact on stratocumulus clouds and radiation in the south-eastern Atlantic
出版 2022“...A key pathway by which aerosols affect cloud properties is by acting as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN). ...”
Journal article -
A Lagrangian perspective on the lifecycle and cloud radiative effect of deep convective clouds over Africa
出版 2023“...Research into the response of anvil CRE to climate change has primarily focused on the feedbacks of anvil cloud height and anvil cloud area, in particular regarding the LW feedback. ...”
Internet publication -
Quantifying variations in shortwave aerosol–cloud–radiation interactions using local meteorology and cloud state constraints
出版 2019“...While many studies have tried to quantify the sign and the magnitude of the warm marine cloud response to aerosol loading, both remain uncertain, owing to the multitude of factors that modulate microphysical and thermodynamic processes within the cloud. ...”
Journal article -
Evaluation of global simulations of aerosol particle and cloud condensation nuclei number, with implications for cloud droplet formation
出版 2019“...<p>A total of 16 global chemistry transport models and general circulation models have participated in this study; 14 models have been evaluated with regard to their ability to reproduce the near-surface observed number concentration of aerosol particles and cloud condensation nuclei (CCN), as well as derived cloud droplet number concentration (CDNC). ...”
Journal article -
Tag clouds with a twist: using tag clouds coloured by information’s trustworthiness to support situational awareness
出版 2015“...The novelty of this work is in the application of such tag clouds to a new decision-making context, and engaging in a critical, user-based assessment of their use. ...”
Journal article