Dimension-Free Bounds for the Union-Closed Sets Conjecture
Published 2023-05-01Get full text
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Randomised algorithms for low temperature spin systems
Published 2022“…Spin systems provide a framework for sampling and counting problems in computer science, graph homomorphism problems in combinatorics, and phase transition phenomena in statistical physics. …”
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A note on the Ramsey number for cycle with respect to multiple copies of wheels
Published 2021-10-01Get full text
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Neighbor Sum Distinguishing Total Choosability of IC-Planar Graphs without Theta Graphs Θ<sub>2,1,2</sub>
Published 2021-03-01Get full text
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Algorithms and Algorithmic Barriers in High-Dimensional Statistics and Random Combinatorial Structures
Published 2022“…Our hardness results for the stable algorithms are based on Ramsey Theory from extremal combinatorics. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first usage of Ramsey Theory to show algorithmic hardness for models with random parameters. 2. …”
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Reliability analysis and improvement of multilevel converters
Published 2019“…The network reliability modeling techniques, combinatorics and stochastic process, are used to model the inherent redundancy in multilevel converters. …”
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On product sets of arithmetic progressions
Published 2023-07-01“…In the terminology of arithmetic combinatorics, the original problem asks for the size of the product set $A.A$, where $A$ is the set $\{1,2,\dots,n\}$. …”
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New bound for Roth's theorem with generalized coefficients
Published 2022-12-01“…It is the first non-trivial case of Szemerédi's theorem (which is the generalization from 3 to arbitrary $k$), and as such has played an absolutely central role in additive combinatorics. Surprisingly, given the simplicity of the statement, obtaining upper and lower bounds that are reasonably close to each other has turned out to be a very hard problem. …”
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New lower bounds for cap sets
Published 2023-12-01“…One of the best known problems in additive combinatorics, the cap set problem, asks how large a subset of $\mathbb F_3^n$ can be if it contains no non-trivial solutions to the equation $x+y+z=0$. …”
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From Permutation Patterns to the Periodic Table
Published 2023-05-01“…Pudwell, From Permutation Patterns to the Periodic Table, Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 67 994–1001.))Abstract: Permutation patterns is a burgeoning area of research with roots in enumerative combinatorics and theoretical computer science. This article first presents a brief overview of pattern avoidance and a survey of enumeration results that are standard knowledge within the field. …”
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Excluding affine configurations over a finite field
Published 2023-12-01“…In 2016 a remarkable development took place in additive combinatorics, when Ernie Croot, Seva Lev and Péter Pál Pach posted a paper to arXiv using the polynomial method to obtain an exponential upper bound for the density of a subset of $\mathbb F_4^n$ that does not contain an arithmetic progression of length 3, and very shortly afterwards, Jordan Ellenberg and the author of this paper modified the proof to obtain a similar upper bound for $\mathbb F_3^n$, thereby obtaining the correct form for the upper bound in the famous cap-set problem. …”
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Forbidden intersection problems for families of linear maps
Published 2023-12-01“…A central problem in extremal combinatorics is to determine the maximal size of a set system given constraints on the sizes of the sets in the system and on the sizes of their intersections. …”
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Additive energies on discrete cubes
Published 2023-09-01“…One definition of additive combinatorics is that it is the study of subsets of (usually Abelian) groups. …”
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Geometric rank of tensors and subrank of matrix multiplication
Published 2023-04-01“…Since this paper first appeared as a preprint, the notion of geometric rank has played an important role in a central problem of additive combinatorics, which is to relate analytic rank to partition rank (where the rank-1 tensors of degree $d$ are those of the form $UV$, where $U$ and $V$ depend on disjoint sets of variables). …”
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Quantitative bounds for the $U^4$-inverse theorem over low characteristic finite fields
Published 2022-10-01“…The $U^k$ norms play an important role in additive combinatorics because they lead to a useful definition of quasirandomness for subsets of finite Abelian groups. …”
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Hypergraphs with infinitely many extremal constructions
Published 2023-12-01“…This is one of the most famous open problems in extremal combinatorics. It is conjectured that the extremal density is 5/9, but a sign that the conjecture is hard is that if the conjecture is true, the example just presented is not _the_ extremal example, but merely _an_ extremal example, as it is now known that there is an infinite family of 3-uniform hypergraphs with no cliques of size 4 and with asymptotic density 5/9. …”
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Gowers norms for automatic sequences
Published 2023-05-01“…There are several situations in additive and extremal combinatorics where it is useful to decompose an object $X$ into a "structured" part $S(X)$ and a "quasirandom" part $Q(X)$. …”
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