An overview on mRNA-based vaccines to prevent monkeypox infection
Published 2024-03-01“…Mpox possesses double-stranded DNA, and there are two known genetic clades: those originating in West Africa and the Congo Basin, commonly known as Central African clades. …”
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High-resolution global atmospheric moisture connections from evaporation to precipitation
Published 2020-12-01“…The highest basin recycling occurs in the Amazon and Congo basins, with evaporation and precipitation recycling of 63 % and 36 % for the Amazon basin and 60 % and 47 % for the Congo basin. …”
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Functional community structure of African monodominant Gilbertiodendron dewevrei forest influenced by local environmental filtering
Published 2017-01-01“…We investigate the functional community structure of 10 one‐hectare plots of monodominant and mixed forests in a central region of the Congo basin, in DR Congo. Thirteen leaf and wood traits are measured, covering 95% (basal area weighted) of all species present in the plots, including leaf nutrient contents, leaf isotopic compositions, specific leaf area, wood density, and vessel anatomy. …”
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Advances in understanding the changes of tropical rainfall annual cycle: a review
Published 2023-01-01“…Over tropical rainforest regions such as Amazon and Congo Basin, the dry season has lengthened in the recent decades, but the fundamental reason is still unclear. …”
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Changes in the composition of hunting catches in southeastern Cameroon: a promising approach for collaborative wildlife management between ecologists and local hunters
Published 2015-12-01“…In recent years, both depletion of wild animals and declining food supply have threatened the livelihoods of people inhabiting the forests of the Congo Basin, and rendered the bushmeat trade a national and global concern. …”
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Coupling of El Niño events and long-term warming leads to pervasive climate extremes in the terrestrial tropics
Published 2019-01-01“…Central and eastern Amazonia experienced the most sustained and spatially extensive drought inducing anomalies, while parts of the Congo basin and Insular Southeast Asia also experienced severe drought. …”
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Mapping Canopy Heights in Dense Tropical Forests Using Low-Cost UAV-Derived Photogrammetric Point Clouds and Machine Learning Approaches
Published 2021-09-01“…We conducted UAV-DAP surveys combined with field inventories in the tropical forest of the Congo Basin. Using airborne LiDAR (ALS) for ground truthing, we present a canopy height model (CHM) generation workflow that constitutes the detection, classification and interpolation of ground points using a combination of local minima filters, supervised machine learning algorithms and TIN densification for classifying ground points using spectral and geometrical features from the UAV-based 3D data. …”
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A systematic review of the epidemiology of human monkeypox outbreaks and implications for outbreak strategy.
Published 2019-10-01“…These were specific to a Congo-Basin (CB) strain-affected area of the DRC where they were used. …”
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Atmospheric water transport connectivity within and between ocean basins and land
Published 2023-01-01“…The land-to-land atmospheric water transport is pronounced over the Amazon basin, western coast of South America, Congo basin, northeastern Asia, Canada and Greenland. …”
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Exploring drought vulnerability in Africa: an indicator based analysis to be used in early warning systems
Published 2014-05-01“…The analysis of the renewable natural capital component at sub-basin level shows that the basins with high to moderate drought vulnerability can be subdivided into the following geographical regions: the Mediterranean coast of Africa; the Sahel region and the Horn of Africa; the Serengeti and the Eastern Miombo woodlands in eastern Africa; the western part of the Zambezi Basin, the southeastern border of the Congo Basin, and the belt of Fynbos in the Western Cape province of South Africa. …”
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Addressing Potential Conflict Using Participatory Mapping: Collection of Forest Foods From Timber Trees Around Industrial Concessions in Cameroon
Published 2020-06-01“…Approximately 61% of timber species in the Congo Basin also yield locally used non-timber forest products (NTFP). …”
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An environmental scan of one health preparedness and response: the case of the Covid-19 pandemic in Rwanda
Published 2022-01-01“…Abstract Background Over the past decade, 70% of new and re-emerging infectious disease outbreaks in East Africa have originated from the Congo Basin where Rwanda is located. To respond to these increasing risks of disastrous outbreaks, the government began integrating One Health (OH) into its infectious disease response systems in 2011 to strengthen its preparedness and contain outbreaks. …”
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Hf and Nd isotopes in marine sediments: Constraints on global silicate weathering
Published 2009“…All studied samples from the Congo fan (muds, Fe-hydroxides, sands) exhibit indistinguishable Nd isotopic composition (εNd ~ - 16), indicating that Fe-hydroxides leached from these sediments correspond to continental oxides precipitated within the Congo basin. In marked contrast, Hf isotope compositions for the same samples exhibit significant variations. …”
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Tiger Habitat Quality Modelling in Malaysia with Sentinel-2 and InVEST
Published 2024-01-01“…The risk hotspots are Borneo, the Central Amazon, and the Congo Basin. Earth observation (EO) now provides regular, high-resolution satellite images from the Copernicus Sentinel missions and other platforms. …”
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Across the deserts and sea: inter-individual variation in migration routes of south-central European barn swallows (Hirundo rustica)
Published 2022-11-01“…Results Most birds spent their non-breeding period in the Congo basin in a single stationary area, but a small fraction of itinerant individuals reaching South Africa was also observed. …”
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Fostering Innovation, Transition, and the Reconstruction of Forestry: Critical Thinking and Transdisciplinarity in Forest Education with Strategy Games
Published 2023-08-01“…Moreover, the game equips students with practical experience and a comprehensive understanding of landscape approaches, using the Congo Basin as a case study. We emphasize the potential of innovative forest education to foster sustainability, stimulate critical thinking, resolve conflicts, and prevent costly forest losses.…”
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River barriers and cryptic biodiversity in an evolutionary museum
Published 2013-03-01“…Strong genetic variation in birds and their lice within a small part of the Congo Basin forest indicates that we may have grossly underestimated diversity in the Afrotropics, making these forests home of substantial biodiversity in need of conservation.…”
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Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 potentials for high-resolution mapping of the shifting agricultural landscape mosaic systems of southern Cameroon
Published 2023-11-01“…However, in previous studies, delineating small-size LULC within shifting agricultural landscape mosaic systems (SALMS) in the Congo basin has shown limitations when Landsat-7 is used, due to its spatial and spectral resolutions. …”
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Global risk of heat stress to cattle from climate change
Published 2023-01-01“…Under a low environmental protection scenario (SSP3-RCP7.0), the greatest expansion of cattle farming is projected for tropical regions (especially Amazon, Congo Basin, and India), where heat stress is projected to increase the most. …”
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Evaluation of a ddPCR Commercial Assay for the Absolute Quantification of the Monkeypox Virus West Africa in Clinical Samples
Published 2023-04-01“…Distinct clades are identified: the clade I belonging to the Central African (or Congo Basin) clade and the subclades IIa and IIb belonging to the West African clade. …”
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