Brief sounds evoke prolonged responses in anesthetized ferret auditory cortex.
Published 2010“…Though most neurons responded more strongly to ILDs corresponding to the opposite side of space, as a population, they were equally informative about both contra- and ipsilateral stimuli.…”
Journal article -
The structure of business preferences and Eurozone crisis policies
Published 2018“…Second, we find that contra conventional approaches to explaining preferences, for the domestic policies (but not for euro views), the political leanings of firms matter much more than baseline structural characteristics. …”
Journal article -
Conscientious objection in healthcare: neither a negative nor a positive right
Published 2020“…I will argue that there is no right to conscientious objection in healthcare, whether positive or negative. Thus, contra Brummett, I argue that the question whether such rights are positive or negative is as irrelevant as the question whether the claims of conscience are positive or negative.…”
Journal article -
The emerging market for European corporate governance: the relationship between governance and capital expenditures, 1997-2005
Published 2008“…Using annual capital expenditures (CAPEX) as a proxy for corporate managers' commitment to shareholder value, it is shown, contra arguments to the effect that the map of European corporate governance regimes is fixed and virtually immutable, even large firms from paradigmatic stakeholder regimes believed focused upon long-term value increasingly act to maximize short-term shareholder value. …”
Journal article -
An onset advantage without a preview benefit: neuropsychological evidence separating onset and preview effects in search.
Published 2006“…We demonstrate a normal pattern of performance when patients detected targets defined by onsets relative to those defined by offsets, irrespective of whether the onset target fell contra- or ipsilateral to the lesion. In contrast, there was a normal preview benefit in search only for ipsilesional targets, and preview search was impaired in the contralesional field. …”
Journal article -
Pattern of spread and prognosis in lower limb-onset ALS.
Published 2010“…Our objective was to establish the pattern of spread in lower limb-onset ALS (contra- versus ipsi-lateral) and its contribution to prognosis within a multivariate model. …”
Journal article -
Aerodynamic analysis of a two-bladed vertical-axis wind turbine using a coupled unsteady RANS and actuator line model
Published 2020“…Close-packed contra-rotating vertical-axis turbines have potential advantages in wind and hydrokinetic power generation. …”
Journal article -
A computational corpus study of harmony in the music of Anton Webern
Published 2023“…Chronologically, the results suggest that the advent of dodecaphony in Webern’s music had a limited effect on the surface features of the music he presented; rather that the major shift in his practice happened in his mid-period Lieder. Contra Allen Forte, I downplay the importance of octatonicism in his harmonic language in favour of a quartal quality, but in the process I explore the differing features between the various harmonic levels of Webern’s music.…”
Thesis -
Solidarity in Strategy: Making Business Meaningful in American Trade Associations. By Lyn Spillman. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2012. Pp. xiv+517. $90.00 (cloth); $30.00...
Published 2019“…These chapters make several good points: (a) that TAs have long been very important in the United States. even if they have no formal role in governing the economy, as they do in Western Europe; (b) that TAs are not merely about lobbying the government or (in Adam Smith’s famous words) “conspiracies against the public” by “members of the same trade”; (c) that TAs are “multifunctional,” offering educational services and peer-to-peer learning, networking opportunities, and coordination on club goods such as industry standards, certification programs, and marketing campaigns; and (d) that contra Berk and Schneiberg, the development of this broad array of functions likely was not an accommodation to antitrust enforcement but emerged as TAs did, with the industrial revolution.…”
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Article -
Theodor Adorno's epistemology : a positive interpretation
Published 2021“…This paper will advance a novel interpretation of Theodor Adorno’s theory of knowledge, or epistemology, in his magnum-opus, Negative dialectics. I argue, contra the dominant interpretation of Negative Dialectics in the literature, that Adorno can be taken to propound a positive and systematic theory of knowledge despite his commitments to anti-systematicity. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Practical analysis of performance and dynamics of a ducted fan VTOL MAV
Published 2010“…Besides the successful implementation of the experimental set-up, the MAV propulsion system was modified to a contra-rotating motor to provide sufficient static thrust to the MAV during the hover flight. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Tinjauan Kritis Terhadap Realisme Politik Dan Relevansinya Terhadap Politik Internasional Pasca
Published 1997“…The presence of political realisms in the study of international relations has attracted many pro and contra. However whatever the blame and critique against international political realism, it is recorded in history that political realism dominated the subject throughout the Cold War era.With the Cold War was over and the world has been experiencing many changes both at global and regional level, a new constelation has emerged in the agenda of international politics.On the global scale, it is not far from truth to say that with the end of the Cold War, the dominant issue in international politics is no longer security and military but economy and trade. …”
Article -
Published 2011“…Its main drawback is that in Act. 13 of 2006 Protection of Witnesses and Victims contra legem of Article 10 paragraph (1) and Article 10 paragraph (2) so as not effective in its execution.…”
Thesis -
Clinical outcome of hypogammaglobulinaemic patients following outbreak of acute hepatitis C: 2 year follow up.
Published 1997“…Of 25 patients with primary hypogammaglobulinaemia, one resolved HCV infection before treatment, 17 commenced on treatment, and seven declined or treatment was contra-indicated. Thirteen of 17 patients completed therapy and seven (54%) have a sustained response (normal transaminases, negative serum HCV RNA) at 6 and 12 months after treatment. …”
Journal article -
Neuroprotection in stroke: the importance of collaboration and reproducibility.
Published 2017“…Recanalization of the occluded artery through thrombolysis and/or endovascular thrombectomy is restricted to only a small proportion of patients, due to contra-indications and the costs associated with establishing the infrastructure to deliver these treatments. …”
Journal article -
Transient binding by time: Neuropsychological evidence from anti-extinction.
Published 2002“…Experiment 6 demonstrates that anti-extinction dissociates from GK's conscious perception of when contra- and ipsilesional stimuli occur together. We interpret the data as indicating that there is unconscious and transient temporal binding in vision.…”
Journal article -
Managing Financial Crisis During Economic Downturn 1997 - 1999 : Experience of Agenda Istimewa Sdn. Bhd. a Developer of Kesuma Lakes Township
Published 1999“…They cut prices to generate turnover, they force the contractors and creditors to accept contra sales and try to conserve cash by managing the project and financial. …”
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Project Paper Report -
Evaluation Of Multi-Fuel Hybrid Engine Performance Using Gas Turbine Simulation Program
Published 2021“…The multi-fuel hybrid engine is a modern engine design with many new technologies such as contra-rotating fan, a dual-combustion sequential system and a Cryogenic Bleed Air Cooling System (CBACS). …”
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Monograph -
The use of green technology vehicle and its implementation in environmental sustainability university
Published 2017“…However, the use of conventional vehicle that use in current university society will become contra if its need to standardize the vehicle due to high number emission produced by the vehicle.The purpose of this study is to explore the concept of Green Technology especially the Green Technology vehicle and its implementation through the university in environment.This research study is to investigate the type vehicle and the proper implementation green campus for vehicle in Universiti Utara Malaysia.A case study with qualitative approach is conducted by data collection to strengthen information, an interview the related department in university that operate and do maintenance, and observation to explore the practice of green university.The expected finding of this study is to convince university to using green product transportation and implementing green practice that can minimize the emission produced by vehicles.There is limitation throughout this study which include the lack of information source from previous study since Green Technology is still new and information limited for the public.…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Published 2014“…The research showed that participants admitted that matchmaking among members served as an implementation of shar'ie marriage and regeneration strategies for political party interests. There were pro and contra voices arisen from the internal members of the congregation about the matchmaking process in BKKBS.…”