Psikoterapi kognitif perilaku berbasis nilai spiritual untuk meningkatkan regulasi diri residivis pembegalan
Published 2022-08-01“…Abstract The prevalence of recidivist tendencies in convicts of burglary cases in Pasuruan is still high. …”
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Signifikansi Analisis Elenktik Bagi Metode Studi Agama di Perguruan Tinggi Agama Islam (PTAI)
Published 2016-10-01“…The method of Western sciences is constructed by empirical approach an sich while Islamic scientific tradition reflected by conviction which proved by empirical approach known as sui generis cum doctriner method. …”
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Published 2016-12-01“…As a believer and a convicted defender of the Church M. Kostomarov was convinced that religion – is not only a relationship with God, but also a relationship of person with other persons that is an organic component of Orthodox doctrine of Catholicity(Sobornist). …”
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Sobre o conceito de justiça: como estudantes o mobilizam na discussão de dilemas morais? On the concept of justice: how do students mobilize it in the discussion of moral dilemmas?...
Published 2012-01-01“…Among the possible conclusions, the research indicates that youngsters do not hesitate when challenged to take a position with respect to problems involving their beliefs and convictions. In this sense, the study reinforces the pertinence of using debates as a strategy in pedagogical practice, so that within the space and time of the school several worldviews and personal characteristics can be expressed.…”
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Descartes: ¿Ruptura y Radicalidad?
Published 2014-07-01“…Descartes specified that it was not about a mental technique or a simple cognitive process to reach the truth, but rather the conviction that reason –as understood in the seventeenth century: the clear and distinct ideas– was the organ that apprehended reality. …”
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Mimésis, Heuristique musicale : sur les traces d’Aristote
Published 2021-12-01“…Vingt siècles avant Alexander Baumgarten, fondateur de l'esthétique moderne, la mimésis inscrite dans La Poétique d'Aristote légitime une épistémologie de l'art basée sur ses propres règles, différentes de celles de la logique, où ce qui l’emporte n'est pas la vérité mais la démarche de la conviction de l’artiste. Notre recherche actuelle, « Mimésis, Heuristique musicale : sur les traces d’Aristote », abandonne l'exégèse des textes pour mettre en pratique les conséquences dérivées de la mimésis aristotélicienne. …”
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Published 2007-01-01“…Its program based on the conviction that the praxis lived by the faith community n Jesus Christ from the very beginning is the access to the specific manifestation of God which constitute the object of the Christian theological studies. …”
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Patient–doctor relationship and adherence to capecitabine in outpatients of a German comprehensive cancer center
Published 2018-09-01“…Overall, adherence to capecitabine was high with a conviction that the therapy is necessary. However, concerns were expressed regarding the long-term effect of capecitabine use. …”
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Jarir psyche through the art of antipodes
Published 1985-12-01“…Rather, what we would like to prove is that this abundant substance is the product of a number of people who overlooked the righteous mushrooms and gave them good ways of life, so they installed this difficult compound, and they could not remove themselves from the hassle of abandoning that course. ..The thought of that is something of the fame required by the deviant souls, and they are satisfied with something of both life with the conviction of the satisfied soul. <br />Jarir’s biography attracted some of my interest, as I was convinced of what was said of his piety and piety. …”
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Oral health behind the bars: oral health seeking behavior among jail prisoners at central jail of Peshawar, Pakistan: a cross-sectional study
Published 2023-12-01“…A consecutive sampling technique was used to collect data from both convicted and under-trial prisoners by using a pre-tested WHO Basic Oral Health Survey 2013 tool. …”
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A ciência como cultura do mundo contemporâneo: a utopia dos saberes das (bio)ciências e a construção midiática do imaginário social Science as culture in the modern world: the utop...
Published 2013-04-01“…The scientific science, particularly the biosciences, has not only an intellectual power over public opinion and the other forms of knowledge present in contemporary society, as a moral power of conviction. People are convinced to behave as the bio scientific discourses proposes or their lives will be in danger, by their own fault. …”
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La collaboration intersectorielle au service des compétences informationnelles : L’exemple d’un programme de formation à l’École des sciences de la gestion de l’Université du Québe...
Published 2022-08-01“…Cette expérience pourrait inspirer d’autres établissements d’enseignement, mais nous cherchons surtout à montrer l’importance du travail intersectoriel pour accompagner les étudiantes et les étudiants vers leur réussite scolaire. Nous avons la conviction que plusieurs notions présentées dans le parcours de formation développé sont transversales, qu’elles dépassent la stricte maîtrise de compétences techniques nécessaires aux apprentissages et qu’elles jettent plus largement les bases d’une meilleure compréhension de l’univers numérique dans lequel les étudiants évoluent. …”
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Child Abuse, Misdiagnosed by an Expertise Center: Part I—Medico-Social Aspects
Published 2023-05-01“…Our aim is to identify why Dutch parents whose child may have a medical condition that could mimic symptoms of child abuse have a significant chance of being erroneously convicted and losing custody of their child. As a method, we describe and analyze the following case. …”
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“It is a thing that depends on God”: barriers to delaying first birth and pursuing alternative futures among newly married adolescent girls in Niger
Published 2019-07-01“…Résultats Les participantes reconnaissent les avantages pour la santé de retarder la première naissance, mais la stigmatisation entourant l’infertilité et l’utilisation de contraceptif, le désir d’avoir des enfants et la conviction que l’accouchement est. “la volonté de Dieu” interfèrent avec la capacité de la fille de retarder. …”
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Comorbidity of substance misuse with anxiety-related and depressive disorders: A genetically informative population study of 3 million individuals in Sweden
Published 2019-01-01“…Main Outcomes and Measures Substance misuse was defined using ICD-10 diagnoses of substance use disorders (F10-F16, F18-F19) and drug-related criminal convictions. ADs included anxiety (F40-F43) and depressive disorders (F32-F34, F38-F39). …”
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La lógica del Management y la experiencia sensible. Mandos medios y personal subalterno en un centro de distribución
Published 2020-07-01“…It will be displayed some examples in which is possible to notice that the managerial logic appears embodied in the middle management and when be reproduced with total conviction its rhetoric, they get big dosses of satisfaction. …”
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Effects of a 3-Week In-Hospital Body Weight Reduction Program on Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Muscle Performance, and Fatigue: A Retrospective Study in a Population of Obese Adults...
Published 2020-05-01“…In clinical practice, there is the diffuse conviction that obese subjects with metabolic syndrome may be more difficult to treat. …”
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Joint recommendations for a total services account as a factor in simplifying contracts
Published 2019-10-01“…The parties concerned share the conviction that, against the backdrops described, it would be helpful if the potential contract partners had access to recommendations that offer examples of constantly recurring cost positions in order to more precisely determine remuneration related to the conduct of a clinical trial.This article explains how the “Recommendations for the preparation of a total services calculation for remuneration related to the conduct of a clinical trial in a trial center” , were developed and provides an overview of their content.…”
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Salutogenic Healthy Ageing Programme Embracement (SHAPE)- an upstream health resource intervention for older adults living alone and with their spouses only: complex intervention d...
Published 2022-12-01“…SHAPE was designed to equip older adults with resource information and personal conviction to cope with stressors of healthy aging. …”
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Long-Term Violent Reoffending Following Forensic Psychiatric Treatment: Comparing Forensic Psychiatric Examinees and General Offender Controls
Published 2019-10-01“…Corresponding findings for severe violence (21% vs. 14%; aHR = 1.3; 95% CI, 0.9–1.9) and recurrent violence (3+ violent convictions; 16% vs. 6%; adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 2.5; 95% CI, 1.5–4.4) also suggested weakly to moderately increased risks in FPE+T, albeit non-significantly for the former. …”
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