The role of retinoic acid in germ cell development in embryonic mouse gonads
יצא לאור 2008קבל טקסט מלא
Thesis -
Autonomous Plasmid-like Replication of a Conjugative Transposon
יצא לאור 2010"...Transfer of ICEBs1 from the donor required PcrA, but did not require replication, indicating that PcrA, and not DNA replication, facilitates unwinding of ICEBs1 DNA for horizontal transfer. ..."
קבל טקסט מלא
קבל טקסט מלא
Article -
Computational analysis of core promoters in the Drosophilagenome
יצא לאור 2010"...Among the prevalent motifs is the DNA-replication-related element DRE, recently shown to be part of the recognition site for the TBP-related factor TRF2. ..."
קבל טקסט מלא
Article -
Analysis of a Drosophila amplicon in follicle cells highlights the diversity of metazoan replication origins
יצא לאור 2012"...Drosophila amplicon in follicle cells (DAFCs), genomic regions that undergo repeated rounds of DNA replication to increase DNA copy number, serve as powerful in vivo model replicons. ..."
קבל טקסט מלא
קבל טקסט מלא
Article -
A Cell-Type-Specific Protein-Protein Interaction Modulates Transcriptional Activity of a Master Regulator in Caulobacter crescentus
יצא לאור 2014"...CtrA is abundant throughout the cell cycle except immediately prior to DNA replication. However, the expression of CtrA-activated genes is generally restricted to S phase. ..."
קבל טקסט מלא
קבל טקסט מלא
Article -
High-Resolution Mapping of the Spatial Organization of a Bacterial Chromosome
יצא לאור 2014"...These domains are stable throughout the cell cycle and are reestablished concomitantly with DNA replication. We provide evidence that domain boundaries are established by highly expressed genes and the formation of plectoneme-free regions, whereas the histone-like protein HU and SMC (structural maintenance of chromosomes) promote short-range compaction and the colinearity of chromosomal arms, respectively. ..."
קבל טקסט מלא
קבל טקסט מלא
קבל טקסט מלא
קבל טקסט מלא
קבל טקסט מלא
Article -
A conserved MCM single-stranded DNA binding element is essential for replication initiation
יצא לאור 2014"...The ring-shaped MCM helicase is essential to all phases of DNA replication. The complex loads at replication origins as an inactive double-hexamer encircling duplex DNA. ..."
קבל טקסט מלא
קבל טקסט מלא
Article -
The SMC Complex MukBEF Recruits Topoisomerase IV to the Origin of Replication Region in Live Escherichia coli
יצא לאור 2014"...Using live-cell quantitative imaging, we show that MukBEF directs TopoIV to ori, with fluorescent fusions of ParC and ParE both forming cellular foci that colocalize with those formed by MukBEF throughout the cell cycle and in cells unable to initiate DNA replication. Removal of MukBEF leads to loss of fluorescent ParC/ParE foci. ..."
קבל טקסט מלא
קבל טקסט מלא
Article -
Conserved electron donor complex Dre2-Tah18 is required for ribonucleotide reductase metallocofactor assembly and DNA synthesis
יצא לאור 2014"...Eukaryotic ribonucleotide reductases (RNRs) require a diferric-tyrosyl radical (Fe[III over 2]-Y•) cofactor to produce deoxynucleotides essential for DNA replication and repair. This metallocofactor is an important target of RNR-based therapeutics, although mechanisms of in vivo cofactor assembly, inactivation, and reactivation are poorly understood. ..."
קבל טקסט מלא
קבל טקסט מלא
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A DNA Damage-Induced, SOS-Independent Checkpoint Regulates Cell Division in Caulobacter crescentus
יצא לאור 2014"...Cells must coordinate DNA replication with cell division, especially during episodes of DNA damage. ..."
קבל טקסט מלא
קבל טקסט מלא
Article -
Redox-Linked Changes to the Hydrogen-Bonding Network of Ribonucleotide Reductase β2
יצא לאור 2015"...Ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) catalyzes conversion of nucleoside diphosphates (NDPs) to 2′-deoxynucleotides, a critical step in DNA replication and repair in all organisms. Class-Ia RNRs, found in aerobic bacteria and all eukaryotes, are a complex of two subunits: α2 and β2. ..."
קבל טקסט מלא
קבל טקסט מלא
Article -
Mitotic entry in the presence of DNA damage is a widespread property of aneuploidy in yeast
יצא לאור 2015"...We show that Rad52-GFP foci form during S phase, consistent with the observation that DNA replication initiation and elongation are impaired in some aneuploid yeast strains. ..."
קבל טקסט מלא
קבל טקסט מלא
קבל טקסט מלא
Article -
Direct quantification of the translocation activities of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pif1 helicase
יצא לאור 2020"...Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pif1 (ScPif1) is known as an ATP-dependent DNA helicase that plays critical roles in a number of important biological processes such as DNA replication, telomere maintenance and genome stability maintenance. ..."
קבל טקסט מלא
Journal Article -
Manipulation of G-quadruplex nanostructures using sequence engineering and chemical modifications: towards development of functional G-quadruplex scaffolds
יצא לאור 2024"...These structures are shown to exist inside the cells and play important roles in various crucial processes like gene expression, DNA replication, transcription and translation. Synthetic G4s are shown to have different functional applications in therapeutics and nanotechnology. ..."
קבל טקסט מלא
Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Unravelling gene regulation in the epidermis during differentiation
יצא לאור 2018"...Polyamines are small polycationic molecules that are essential for many cellular processes including DNA replication, RNA modification and protein synthesis. ..."
קבל טקסט מלא
Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Expression of S-phase cyclins affects sensitivity to DNA damage response modulators
יצא לאור 2018"...<p>DNA replication stress triggers an intra-S phase checkpoint that is dependent on Ataxia- Telangiectasia and Rad3 related (ATR) kinase signalling. ..."
Thesis -
Microsatellite instability in early onset and familial colorectal cancer.
יצא לאור 1996"...The majority of HNPCC families have germline mutations in mismatch repair (MMR) genes, such as MSH2 or MLH1, so that HNPCC cancers characteristically exhibit DNA replication errors (RERs) at microsatellite loci. ..."
Journal article -
Roles for NUCKS1 in cell cycle progression and the DNA damage response
יצא לאור 2020"...NUCKS1 is a transcription factor implicated in cell cycle progression, DNA replication, and tumourigenesis. However, detailed mechanistic studies explaining how NUCKS1 controls these functions have not been performed. ..."