On the improvement of executive functions via a group-based intervention program : a preliminary analysis
Cyhoeddwyd 2012Pynciau: “...DRNTU::Humanities...”
Cael y testun llawn
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Singapore healthcare industry : social trends and medical industry concentration.
Cyhoeddwyd 2012Pynciau: “...DRNTU::Humanities...”
Cael y testun llawn
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Discrimination in Singapore job advertisements.
Cyhoeddwyd 2012Pynciau: “...DRNTU::Humanities...”
Cael y testun llawn
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Reduplication in Malay.
Cyhoeddwyd 2012Pynciau: “...DRNTU::Humanities...”
Cael y testun llawn
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Not so "chee bai" anymore : a look at Hokkien swear words in Singapore and how they have changed over time.
Cyhoeddwyd 2012Pynciau: “...DRNTU::Humanities...”
Cael y testun llawn
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Calvino and other measures of coherence, form and harmony : invisible cities, if on a winter’s night a traveler and Mr. Palomar.
Cyhoeddwyd 2012Pynciau: “...DRNTU::Humanities...”
Cael y testun llawn
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Psychological capital : review and development
Cyhoeddwyd 2012Pynciau: “...DRNTU::Humanities...”
Cael y testun llawn
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Prejudice against foreign students in university : does priming articles reduce implicit prejudice?
Cyhoeddwyd 2013Pynciau: “...DRNTU::Humanities...”
Cael y testun llawn
Final Year Project (FYP) -
黄遵宪南洋政绩与其文学创作研究 = The study of Huang Zunxian’s political contributions and his literary works in Nanyang
Cyhoeddwyd 2013Pynciau: “...DRNTU::Humanities...”
Cael y testun llawn
Traethawd Ymchwil -
砂拉越乡镇的文化环保经验 :新尧湾场所精神与地方知识构成 = Cultural environmentalism in Sarawak towns : construction of spirit of the place and local knowledge of Siniawan...
Cyhoeddwyd 2013Pynciau: “...DRNTU::Humanities...”
Cael y testun llawn
Traethawd Ymchwil -
论“伪译”现象背后的作者意图, —以《第三只眼睛看中国》为例 = Viewing China through the third eye : the author’s intention behind pseudotranslation
Cyhoeddwyd 2013Pynciau: “...DRNTU::Humanities...”
Cael y testun llawn
Final Year Project (FYP) -
经济相互依赖对两岸政治关, 系走向的影响 :以ECFA为研究个案 = The implications of economic interdependence on cross-strait political relations : a research based on the case study of ECFA...
Cyhoeddwyd 2013Pynciau: “...DRNTU::Humanities...”
Cael y testun llawn
Final Year Project (FYP) -
“C’mon, I was just teasing” : a look into functions of teasing amongst young Singaporeans.
Cyhoeddwyd 2013Pynciau: “...DRNTU::Humanities...”
Cael y testun llawn
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Language attitudes towards Singapore mandarin and putonghua : a comparison between Singaporean chinese and Chinese nationals.
Cyhoeddwyd 2013Pynciau: “...DRNTU::Humanities...”
Cael y testun llawn
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Crosslingual comparison of linguistic phenomenon in English, Japanese and Chinese
Cyhoeddwyd 2013Pynciau: “...DRNTU::Humanities...”
Cael y testun llawn
Final Year Project (FYP) -
由“继善成性”到“成性存存” :试论儒家哲学“善”概念 的两层含义 = From the “experiential stage” to the “transcendent stage” of moral existence : a commentary on the multiple connotations of the “Shan” concept i...
Cyhoeddwyd 2013Pynciau: “...DRNTU::Humanities...”
Cael y testun llawn
Final Year Project (FYP) -
从文化角度探讨新加坡博物馆文物文本的翻译 = An analysis of the translation of Singapore museum relic texts from a cultural perspective.
Cyhoeddwyd 2013Pynciau: “...DRNTU::Humanities...”
Cael y testun llawn
Final Year Project (FYP) -
非关行役苦,显隐塞垣间 :纳兰性德康熙二十一年边塞诗词之比较 = The feelings too intertwined to endure : a comparative study of Nalan Xingde's frontier-style poems and Ci poetry in twenty-first year of Kangxi (1...
Cyhoeddwyd 2013Pynciau: “...DRNTU::Humanities...”
Cael y testun llawn
Final Year Project (FYP) -
《西游记》的叙事技巧 :以唐僧的三个徒儿形象塑造为例 = Exploring the narrative techniques of the novel “Journey to the West” : using the portrayal of the Tang monk’s disciples as example...
Cyhoeddwyd 2013Pynciau: “...DRNTU::Humanities...”
Cael y testun llawn
Final Year Project (FYP) -
The effect of auditory training on speech-in-noise performance by elderly bilinguals in Singapore
Cyhoeddwyd 2013Pynciau: “...DRNTU::Humanities...”
Cael y testun llawn
Final Year Project (FYP)