Attractiveness of Gothic villains : an exploration of sexuality and monstrosity in gothic fiction.
Publicat 2011Matèries: “…DRNTU::Humanities…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Seeing victorian ghosts : spiritualism, metaphors of the occult, and the domestication of the supernatural in the ghost stories of Vernon Lee and Margaret Oliphant
Publicat 2012Matèries: “…DRNTU::Humanities…”
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Thesis -
Codeswitching and language dominance in Singapore.
Publicat 2012Matèries: “…DRNTU::Humanities…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
林晨剧作研究 = A study of Lin Chen's plays
Publicat 2012Matèries: “…DRNTU::Humanities…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
苏轼诗词中菊花的意象 = The chrysanthemum imagery in Su Shi's poetry
Publicat 2012Matèries: “…DRNTU::Humanities…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
中国当代文学对父子关系的探讨 :从鲁迅的期许看王朔的《我是你爸爸》和孙睿的《我是你儿子》= A study of father and son relationship in contemporary literature of China : an analysis of Wang Shuo's " I am your father " and Sun R...
Publicat 2012Matèries: “…DRNTU::Humanities…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
公平性、效率性、保障性与自由性:探讨新加坡双语政策的政治悖论 = Equity, efficiency, security and freedom : examining the political paradox of the bilingual policy in Singapore...
Publicat 2012Matèries: “…DRNTU::Humanities…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
从客观到主观 :论中国的崛起如何被包装 = “Packaging” China : reviewing the Images associated with the rise of China
Publicat 2012Matèries: “…DRNTU::Humanities…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
以文化霸权理论为基础分析汉人对“剃发令”的态度 = An analysis of the attitude of the Hans Chinese towards queue order, based on the concept of Cultural Hegemony...
Publicat 2012Matèries: “…DRNTU::Humanities…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
通过《遮蔽的伊斯兰》所使用的中英词汇寻找隐藏的偏见 = Searching for biasness through the analysis of English and Mandarin lexicon used in “Covering Islam”...
Publicat 2012Matèries: “…DRNTU::Humanities…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
汉语身体动作动词“抓”的词义特征研究 = A study of the lexical meanings of the physical action verb 'Zhua' in Chinese
Publicat 2012Matèries: “…DRNTU::Humanities…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
韩偓《香奁集》里的忠君情感 = Patriotic sentiments in Han Wo‘s “Xiang Lian Ji”
Publicat 2012Matèries: “…DRNTU::Humanities…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
历史、传统、怀旧 :牛车水的建构过程与地方意义= Place as process : the making of Chinatown and its implications in history, heritage and nostalgia
Publicat 2012Matèries: “…DRNTU::Humanities…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
《新客》:新加坡第一部华语电影的书报讨论 = Discussions of the first Singapore Chinese-language film, Xinke (new immigrant)
Publicat 2012Matèries: “…DRNTU::Humanities…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
《南洋商报》对新马“华语电影”的讨论(1950-1965)= A study of Singapore-Malaya “Chinese-language cinema” in Nanyang Siang Pau(1950-1965)
Publicat 2012Matèries: “…DRNTU::Humanities…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
《聊斋志异》中“情生于欲”的作品分析 = A study of romance evolving from erotic desire in “strange tales of Liaozhai” (Liao Zhai Zhi Yi)
Publicat 2012Matèries: “…DRNTU::Humanities…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
National day family : a study of the Singaporean family as depicted in national day music videos.
Publicat 2012Matèries: “…DRNTU::Humanities…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Living alone, on my own : where’s the familial in their graying world? A study of seniors living alone in Singapore
Publicat 2012Matèries: “…DRNTU::Humanities…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
未完成的杀戮 :近期南京大屠杀题材电影研究 = The unfinished killing : a study of recent Nanking massacre cinema
Publicat 2012Matèries: “…DRNTU::Humanities…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
明代杂剧中的僧尼形象研究 = The protrayal of monk and nun in traditional Ming opera (Zaju)
Publicat 2012Matèries: “…DRNTU::Humanities…”
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Final Year Project (FYP)