Recycling in Singapore.
Được phát hành 2012Những chủ đề: “…DRNTU::Humanities…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
新加坡佛教与道教混杂现象研究 :以乩童的降神仪式作为田野个案 = A study of Buddhism and Taoism mixed phenomenon in Singapore : observation from Séances
Được phát hành 2012Những chủ đề: “…DRNTU::Humanities…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
谢裕民作品研究 = A study of the works of Chia Joo Ming
Được phát hành 2012Những chủ đề: “…DRNTU::Humanities…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
“乐活心学” :明儒颜钧“乐”的思想与实践 = Being happy in mind learning : the thought and practice on "happiness" by Yanjun
Được phát hành 2012Những chủ đề: “…DRNTU::Humanities…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
柔佛古庙和游神活动 :华人传统宗教功能的维续和演变 = Johor old Chinese temple and god pageant ceremony : the sustainability and evolution of the function of Chinese traditional religion...
Được phát hành 2012Những chủ đề: “…DRNTU::Humanities…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
人道主义下的宗教意识 :论鲁迅与许地山后期作品的生命意义 = Religious consciousness with humanitarianism : an analysis of the meaning of life from later works of LuXun and Xu DiShan...
Được phát hành 2012Những chủ đề: “…DRNTU::Humanities…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
论中国网络言论自由 :以微博的使用与传播为例 = Free speech on Chinese internet : Weibo’s usage and information dissemination
Được phát hành 2012Những chủ đề: “…DRNTU::Humanities…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
空间的包含:庄子〈逍遥游〉“游”义 之探析 = The perspective of space: the philosophy of “you” in Zhuang Zi Xiao Yao You.
Được phát hành 2012Những chủ đề: “…DRNTU::Humanities…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
明代华夏族群边缘的形成、维持与变迁 = The formation, maintenance and shift of Huaxia ethnic boundary during Ming dynasty
Được phát hành 2012Những chủ đề: “…DRNTU::Humanities…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
从流传和演变角度探析民间童话故事《虎姑婆》的教育意义 = An investigation of the transmission and educational implication of the folk tale “Aunt Tiger”
Được phát hành 2012Những chủ đề: “…DRNTU::Humanities…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Formation of Malay undergraduates’ identity vis-à-vis the Malay community’s underachievement in the educational field.
Được phát hành 2012Những chủ đề: “…DRNTU::Humanities…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
A conflicted world : examining the negotiation of contradicting egalitarian beliefs and traditional gender roles.
Được phát hành 2012Những chủ đề: “…DRNTU::Humanities…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
二战前的新加坡女子华文教育之初探 = The preliminary study of pre war female Chinese education in Singapore
Được phát hành 2012Những chủ đề: “…DRNTU::Humanities…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
The impact of drinking attitude on alcohol-related problems in the Asian workplace.
Được phát hành 2012Những chủ đề: “…DRNTU::Humanities…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
新加坡早期建筑女工“蓝头巾”初探 :兼与“红头巾”作比较 = A study of the female construction workers "Lan Tou Jin" in the early days of Singapore : in comparison with "Samsui Women"...
Được phát hành 2012Những chủ đề: “…DRNTU::Humanities…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Time trade off : an accurate measure of health states?
Được phát hành 2012Những chủ đề: “…DRNTU::Humanities…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
小娘惹•大政府 :看《小娘惹》里国家意识形态的展演 = Staging national ideology through peranakan lens : a case study of The Little Nonya
Được phát hành 2012Những chủ đề: “…DRNTU::Humanities…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Reifying “Japanese postmodernity” : an exploration of the liminal in Haruki Murakami’s "A Wild Sheep Chase" and other works.
Được phát hành 2012Những chủ đề: “…DRNTU::Humanities…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Inequality in the distribution of income in Singapore : a theil decomposition analysis
Được phát hành 2012Những chủ đề: “…DRNTU::Humanities…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Pushing the dichotomies : specularising Djuna Barnes’s nightwood, through the lens of Luce Irigaray
Được phát hành 2012Những chủ đề: “…DRNTU::Humanities…”
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Final Year Project (FYP)