For a Physical Education in terms of potency: what can the body in motion do?
Published 2020-04-01“…Based on theoretical research on philosophers such as Spinoza, Deleuze and Guattari, we problematize the way in which bodily practices can pose to the body the issue of the limits of its (im)potency by means of a circuit of affections that goes from helplessness to joy. …”
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La poetica fisionomica di Franz Kafka
Published 2011-10-01“…This anti-transcendent reading, whichmakes use of some fundamental philosophical accounts (such as Deleuze and Guattari’s, Wittgenstein’sand Adorno’s), is developed in particular in two directions: on the one side the abolition of the subjectand on the other side the creation of an anti-perspective and anti-metaphorical literature.…”
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De machine fictionnelle à machine de guerre. Général Instin
Published 2021-01-01“…Cet article vise à montrer que le Général Instin est une machine fictionnelle proliférante et rhizomatique qui présente plusieurs caractéristiques de ce que Deleuze et Guattari nomment une « machine de guerre ».…”
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Limitations of the metaphor of immersion to understand the novel and the Internet as analogous virtual spaces
Published 2012-02-01“…Thus, Internet is misunderstood by many experts as virtuality (next to Baudrillard), rather than linking its hypertext system closer to other theories like those proposed by Deleuze and Guattari or Bourriaud.…”
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Published 2011-12-01“… En este artículo, el pensamiento de Deleuze y Guattari está puesto a prueba en relación con las tesis antropobiológicas del lenguaje. …”
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Une histoire moléculaire pour une géographie molaire ?
Published 2005-04-01“…L’objet principal de cet ouvrage pourrait se réduire à la mise en évidence de l’imbrication du temps et de l’espace, ou de l’histoire et du territoire, à travers une série de concepts énoncés ad hoc : déterritorialisation, visagéité, devenir, etc., familiers des lecteurs de Deleuze et Guattari. De nouvelles clefs sont proposées par ces philosophes pour dépasser la lecture métaphorique ou factuelle de la géographie, et leur « déterritorialisation », ou rencontre ...…”
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Discipline and regimen. About machines which enslave/liberate bodies
Published 2014-01-01“…On the one hand I highlight the focus of the Foucauldian liberation project; on the other hand I want to justify this project on an ontological level by introducing a “machine language” (inspired by the two-volume work <em>Capitalism and Schizophrenia</em> of Deleuze and Guattari). For this purpose I construct a research mini-tool whereby the difference between discipline and regimen will be analyzed. …”
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Voices of Reticence, Desire, and Resistance in The History of Mary Prince, A West Indian Slave Related by Herself (1831)
Published 2022-01-01“…Secondly, these issues and the narrator’s related discourses of resistance and resilience will be investigated through Deleuze and Guattari’s anti-Freudian paradigm of desire and body politic.…”
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Pathology: A Diffractive Encounter of Machine/Body
Published 2019-02-01“…I’ve been thinking about poems and about college as rhizomes (Deleuze and Guattari 1987), and as diffractive techniques (Barad 2007; Gullion 2018) for thinking about the social world. …”
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About the rhizomatic narrative of António Lobo Antunes
Published 2017-11-01“…Therefore, the theoretical foundations are based on the discussion of Umberto Eco about "open work" and "work in movement", Roland Barthes about "text of fruition", and Deleuze and Guattari about “book rhizoma”.…”
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Lumpérica: Allegory and Quotation of Rhizomatic Voices in the Postmodern Chilean Narrative
Published 2019-07-01“…The present article will analyze the voice of the narrator from the rhizomatic figure (Deleuze and Guattari) to determine its non-place in the construction of narrative scenes in the new performative forms of literary expression. …”
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Deleuze, Guattari : peut-on faire l’histoire d’un agencement ?
Published 2008-01-01“…L’ouvrage de François Dosse : Gilles Deleuze Félix Guattari, biographie croisée se présente comme une biographie savante et documentée de deux personnes. …”
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The other half Bodies and absences in the work of Rafael Spregelburd
Published 2017-03-01“…Following the ideas of Deleuze and Guattari (1980), the dissolving levels (or plateaus): organism, significance and subjectivity or identity, will be analyzed in several of Spregelburd’s works. …”
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Transformational Zones and Violent Encounters. Matthew Barney’s “The Order”
Published 2014-06-01“…In A Thousand Plateaus, Deleuze and Guattari argue against Art (with a capital A) as a nominal concept and in favour of “the possibility of a simultaneous usage of the various arts within a determinable multiplicity” (331). …”
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Carvalhos, juncos, árvores e rizomas: paradigmas na formação de professores Oaks reeds, trees and rhizomes: paradigms in teacher education
Published 2012-09-01“…Este artigo tem por objetivo discutir, a partir da análise de dados empíricos, as metáforas do mundo enquanto rizoma e enquanto árvore, tal como apresentadas por Deleuze e Guattari (1995), relacionando-as à formação inicial e continuada de professores de línguas estrangeiras. …”
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Desarticulación de la máquina antropológica en “Axolotl” de Julio Cortázar.
Published 2021-11-01“…De ahí que la hipótesis de este artículo sostiene que “Axolotl”, más que expresar una confrontación humano-animal, incide en el devenir-animal (Deleuze y Guattari) como vía de acceso a una posibilidad ontológica. …”
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Noticing Musical Becomings: Deleuzian and Guattarian Approaches to Ethnographic Studies of Musicking
Published 2014-09-01“…Deleuze and Guattari pursue this aim by aspiring to an ontology that is not grounded upon being but upon the processuality or primary dynamism of reality. …”
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Published 2016-12-01“…Fanon´s texts predate, chronologically speaking, to Deleuze and Guattari work. However, both are part of the critical process that began in the mid-twentieth century, particularly from the historical movement of decolonization. …”
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Hacia una lógica aberrante del aberrante: pensar la locura desde la literatura
Published 2022-12-01“…Esto basado en los planteamientos de Deleuze y Guattari. Para ello se toma como punto de partida la noción de los movimientos aberrantes que, leyendo la obra de Deleuze, elaboró David Lapoujade entendiéndolos como movimientos que se producen en la relación entre distintos términos heterogéneos, pero manteniendo su heterogeneidad. …”
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Devir-Animal e Educação
Published 2002-12-01“…O devir-animal é, entre todos os devires assinalados por Deleuze e Guattari, aquele que mais se aproxima dos humanos. …”
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