Preservation of Yellow Bamboo, as an Effort to Maintain the Cultural Tradition of Gorontalo (Case Study of Communication Situation in Dikili Tradition in Gorontalo)
Published 2021-01-01“…The result of this research is there are several communicative events that occurs in Dikili tradition, such as; mopoma'lumu, momuata bohu, mopoloduo, and mongabi, Dikili script is a manuscript of dhikr in Gorontalo language, the manuscript is in the form of narrative or poetry. …”
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Intellectual cultivation: Quranic perspective in light of Surat Al-Kahf
Published 2019“…The research will also discuss the role of reflection and other spiritual practices such as Dhikr (remembering Allah), khalwa (meditating in solitude), shukr (gratitude) in the enhancement of our intellectuality and spiritual awareness.…”
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The Practice of Islam in America: An Introduction
Published 2018-07-01“…One wonders too if inclusion of other dhikr practices adapted by American Muslim followers of the Tijaniyya or the Ba‘Alawi sufi networks could have been helpful to give voice to dhikr practice in Chapter 2, out- side the Halveti Jerrahi context. …”
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Sufism Concepts of Abdurrahman Al-Tha'alibi in Tafsir Al-Jawa>hir Al-H{isa>n fi> Tafsi>r al-Qur’a>n
Published 2021-01-01“…This article discusses some of the Sufism concepts, al-walayah, al-khalwah, al-dhikr, al-tafakkur and al-tawakkal according to Al-Tha'alibi, Muslim scholar from Algeria in the 8th and 9th centuries in Tafsi>r Al-Jawa>hir al-H{isa>n fi> Tafsi>r al-Qur'a>n. …”
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Methods of Preventives to keep Birth Control in the Quran
Published 2017-12-01“…They also include the establishment of prayer, giving charity, reciting Dhikr (remembrance) and asking of forgiveness. The preventive tools for maintaining the quality of birth control, however, include not approaching adultery, prohibiting adoption, and forbidding incest, the people of shirk and immorality and blasphemy.…”
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Do Professional Teachers Not Experience Stress? How does Islamic Perspective Manage Stress?
Published 2022-07-01“…The conclusions are: First, how to manage stress according to the existing situation, namely: Faith in Allah SWT, sincere intention to practice the knowledge possessed by students, Absorbing the meaning of prayer and dhikr that we always pray to Allah SWT, Put your trust in Allah SWT, Accept what is the current situation and conditions, Be patient in dealing with all problems, and Always be grateful for the blessings that Allah SWT has given. …”
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Pendekatan Spiritual Dan Herbal Sebagai Alternatif Rehabilitasi Non Medis Bagi Pecandu Narkoba
Published 2018-11-01“…Spiritual rehabilitation is carried out by restoring human nature to faith and piety by worship, loving family and friends, endeavoring and socializing through da'wah therapy, prayer, recitation and dhikr in congregation, doing rukiyah to fight the addiction with bathing therapy in river and boiled water (godog) accompanied by prayer, then rehabilitate herbs with potions like herbs for vitality and poison detoxification.…”
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Published 2014-09-01“…The community did with various religious traditions, such as dhikr (prayer) in the tomb and on the waterfront and implement indigenous tradition (sort of ceremony Tabuik) as a sign of gratitude to Allah SWT. …”
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Published 2020-07-01“…Muslim society’s acceptance of a hadith is manifested in many behaviors, one of which is the use of the hadith sentences as a prayer and dhikr that manifests in a ḥizb. The hadith used as part of the ḥizb is a hadith containing prayers taught by Allah to the Prophet during the battle of Uhud. …”
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Pemanfaatan Media Ibadah Di Masjid Shirotol Mustaqim, Waru, Pamekasan
Published 2023-08-01“…The results of the research show: (1) worship activities: congregational prayers, recitation, tadarus, dhikr, taklim assemblies, and other educational activities. (2) worship media: (a) yellow book: the book of safinatunnajah which contains the science of fiqh (the foundations of Islam) and the book of nashohibul ibad about the science of tasawuf. …”
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Upaya Penyadaran Pecandu Narkoba Melalui Nilai Religiusitas di Panti Rehabilitasi Pondok Tetirah Dzikir Yogyakarta
Published 2023-05-01“…This study entitled efforts to awareness of drug addicts through the value of religiosity in pondok tetirah dhikr Rehabilitation Center yogyakarta. The purpose of this study is to determine the role of religiosity in the rehabilitation of drug addicts, efforts made in regaining awareness of drug addicts, and to determine the inhibiting factors in regaining awareness of drug addicts. …”
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Interpretasi Imam Al-Maraghi dan Ibnu Katsir Terhadap Qs. Ali Imran Ayat 190-191
Published 2021-01-01“…This also requires the integration of the function of reason and dhikr as a unity that must be present in every Muslim, in order to be able to take lessons from the signs of the power of Allah SWT. …”
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Published 2018-03-01“…The dhikr consisting of twelve services performed by the leaders of the so-called dede or baba is called Ayin-i cem in the The Alevi-Bektashi communities. …”
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Pengaruh Relaksasi terhadap Kecemasan dan Kualitas Tidur pada Pasien Intensive Care Unit
Published 2016-02-01“…Research procedures performed by observing and assessing check the level of anxiety and sleep quality before and after intervention. Relaxation dhikr influence the change in the level of anxiety and sleep quality. …”
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Makna Hidup dalam Perspektif Cosmic Intellegence
Published 2018-12-01“…The results of the study show that someone who has undergone or practiced Cosmic Intelligence training in contemplative meditative dhikr, finds awareness, awareness of his existence on this earth, his awareness as a servant of Allah, the realization that he is the caliph of Allah, who must undergo duty of servitude (imaniyyah-ilahiyyah, ubudiyah ilahiyyah, ubudiyyah insaniyyah, mu'amalah insaniyyah) and undergo the task of the Caliphate or called the Cosmic Task. …”
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Imām Ibn Khuzaymah and His Methodology in Ṣaḥīḥ Ibn Khuzaymah
Published 2016-06-01“…Allah Almighty Himself took the responsibility to guard His word (the Qur’an): (He says :) verily, we, it is We Who have sent down the Dhikr (i.e. the Qur’an) and surely, We will got it (from corruption). …”
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Budaya Religius Dalam Pembentukan Karakter Peserta Didik Di SMP Islam Ulul Albab Nganjuk
Published 2019-12-01“…The religious culture at Ulul Albab Islamic Middle School contains the implementation of tartil and tahfidz every morning, then continues with the Dhuha Praying in touch, at the time of Dzuhur students are required to pray in congregation, and the last is the implementation of a special mujahadah which is held once a month every 8th, in it contains Dhikr, prayers, and Sunnah Prayers. Second, the impact of the application of religious culture in Ulul Albab Nganjuk Islamic Middle School on the character of students includes the politeness of the students towards the teacher and those who are older than him, a sense of tolerance among friends, a reduction in the nature of bullying, so it is more disciplined with religious habituation, especially in religious habituation. matters of worship and students become more responsible. …”
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Published 2018-06-01“…While the path of service is carried out by the subject by giving emphaty to other people who are experiencing distress, giving hands to those who ask for help and giving alms to those in need. The way of dhikr is done by always remembering Allah, realizing and believing in Allah as the provider of the provision and who regulates one's sustenance and being honest in work expecting God’s blessing.…”
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Implementasi Tradisi Muslimatan Terhadap Spiritual Masyarakat Di Desa Sana Daja Pasean Pamekasan
Published 2022-03-01“…The results showed: the implementation of the Muslim tradition with several activities including: 1) reading the Prophet's prayer, which is a chanting sholawat to praise the Prophet Muhammad SAW as a sign of affection for the Prophet 2) reading Surah Yasin, in order to instill Islamic aqidah and hope that good in the hereafter 3) tahlil, which contains dhikr readings whose rewards are addressed to relatives who have died 4) offering mauidzoh hasanah, which is a spiritual shower that contains religious knowledge and 5) social gathering an activity that is in tradition muslimatan in order to train the people of Sana Daja in saving money so that they live more prosperously. …”
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Model of the Naqsabandiyah Order and Its Effect on Spiritual Intelligence
Published 2021-10-01“…The results showed: (1) The model of the Naqsyabandiyah tarekat in Surau Nurul Amin Boyolali were: Strategy through Dhikr, to foster calm; Method through Suluk, to practice honesty and discipline of the soul; and the techniques used are ubudiyah, alms, pilgrimage. (2) The development of the Naqsyabandiyah congregation in Surau Nurul Amin Boyolali influences spiritual Intelligence. …”
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