In defence of children: pro- and anti-natalist arguments in moral philosophy and Karl Barth
Published 2018“…</p> <p>The final two thirds of this dissertation critically examine Karl Barth’s understanding of procreation in <em>Church Dogmatics</em>. Chapter Four takes a panoramic approach, evaluating Barth’s defense of creation’s status as ‘benefit,’ his corresponding rejection of ‘optimism’ and ‘pessimism,’ and the confidence in faith we can have in the world because of the covenant. …”
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Looking Back at the Evolution of James Cone’s Theological Anthropology: A Brief Commentary
Published 2019-10-01“…Cone’s study of Barth led to his 1965 doctoral dissertation, “The Doctrine of Man in the Theology of Karl Barth,” where he critically examined Barth’s <i>Epistle to the Romans</i> and <i>Church Dogmatics</i>. His contemporaries and more recent African American theologians and religious scholars have questioned the extent to which Karl Barth’s ideas shaped Cone’s Black theology. …”
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Niezależność polskiej administracji wyborczej – uwagi de lege lata i postulaty de lege ferenda
Published 2023-01-01“…The authors use research methods appropriate for the dogmatics of constitutional law, in particular, formal-dogmatic and theoretical-legal method. …”
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European Constitutionalism: Development of the Idea and Legal Means of Public Power Limiting
Published 2023-06-01“…This is not about numerous constitutionalist political and legal doctrines, its definition or classification: the thesis characterization of the historical stages of the struggle of civil society against the despotism of the state, competing or affiliated institutions (economic, military and spiritual) allows us to reveal the patterns of dialectics of the essential idea for constitutionalism and appropriate legal means of limiting public authority.The author used the historical-comparative, formal-logical, method of legal dogmatics and specification of legal cases (description of specific cases). …”
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John the Water-Bearer (Ивань Водоносьць). Once Again on Dualism in the Bosnian Church
Published 2020-12-01“…These doctrinal particularities of the Bosnian Church warrant the assertion that its teachings and liturgical practice differed significantly from the dogmatics and practice of the orthodox Churches. Without being a copy of the Bogomil communities, the Bosnian Church was certainly heretical, and neo-Manichean influences from the Eastern Balkans were an integral element of the Bosnian Christians’ faith.…”
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Polish Experience in the Search for the Optimal Model of Performing and Financing Metropolitan Tasks
Published 2023-02-01“…The aim of the study is to analyse and evaluate the projects and adopted acts dedicated to such areas. Using legal dogmatics and historical and legal methods, successive attempts have been made to adopt a legal basis for managing metropolitan areas and performing and financing metropolitan tasks, both in the form of a single act, regulating the organisation and functioning of metropolitan selfgovernment throughout the country using a comprehensive and framework approach and legal solutions dedicated to only one metropolitan area. …”
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Gnosticism and esotericism: an example from Russian new religiosity
Published 2008-01-01“…The author sketches the dogmatics and the history of a new religious movement which created quite a furore in the Ukraine and Russia during the first half of the 1990s. …”
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Published 2023-08-01“…In my study, I will examine how these 'laws' are reflected in the legislation of various nations-international organisations, and the justification for their regulation in legal literature-dogmatics In my study, I will present some issues related to the regulation of artificial intelligence. …”
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Unity and catholicity in the Korean Presbyterian Church: An ecumenical Reformed assessment
Published 2016-03-01Get full text
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The Triune God who speaks: Calvin’s theological hermeneutics
Published 2001-08-01“…In doing so, it seeks to follow a hermeneutical principle Calvin himself held, that Biblical interpretation had to pass through three distinct but related phases; exegesis (represented by his commentaries), dogmatics (represented by the Institutes), and preaching (represented by his sermons). …”
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Civil liability for damage caused by a robot when performing a medical procedure
Published 2021-01-01“…The paper will summarize the results of the analysis on these issues and offer possible solutions in court practice and legal dogmatics.…”
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Three perspectives on the Sabbath
Published 2019-01-01“…This is done from a dogmatic emphasis by dividing the Sabbath into three perspectives: The Creation Sabbath (God’s identification with it), the Covenant Sabbath (Israel’s identification with it), and the Atonement Sabbath (the church’s identification with it). …”
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Despre ce ne vorbesc hărțile? Problema lipsei necropolelor din perioada secolelor VIII‒X în Transilvania Estică și Centrală, respectiv în nordul și centrul Olteniei și Munteniei: î...
Published 2020-11-01“…This omission is mainly caused by an antagonistic presumption of uniformity, perpetuated in the theoretical approaches in archeology, the roots of which can be traced back to the 18–19th century dogmatics about the nation as the primary human organizational form. …”
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Thy Kingdom Come? Visualizing (Post)Colonial Futures in the German Southwest
Published 2023-06-01Get full text
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Jesus Christ as 'vere Deus' as a challenge for interreligious dialogue
Published 2011-05-01“…Reinhold Bernhardt is Professor for Systematic Theology / Dogmatics, University of Basel (Switzerland). Website: http://theolrel.unibas.ch/kopfzeile/personen/profil/profil/person/bernhardt/…”
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