Què passa amb els aliments després de la seva digestió?
Published 2007-07-01“…Presentem tres activitats didàctiques complementàries, pensades per a alumnes de batxi-llerat, que pretenen estudiar el procés de digestió i d’absorció de nutrients al budell prim, des del nivell macroscòpic d’òrgan (pràctica de laboratori) al nivell molecular (simulació), tot considerant el procés de “parlar ciència” a través d’una activitat d’estructuració i la pro-ducció d’un text explicatiu.…”
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Occlusion Issues in Early Renaissance Art
Published 2011-12-01“…Finally, I argue that the marked intransitivity in occlusion by architecture in the paintings of Duccio can be related to the issue of perceptual versus cognitive influences on the visual impact of paintings.…”
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Nautilus: poesie, racconti, immaginario (Orazio Maria Valastro)
Published 2007-03-01“…Come ha sostenuto Duccio Demetrio, l’autobiografia non è semplicemente un genere letterario. …”
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3D Thermal Imaging System with Decoupled Acquisition for Industrial and Cultural Heritage Applications
Published 2020-01-01“…Furthermore, one example of an application of our methodology in the cultural heritage field is presented, with an eye to preservation and restoration: the integration is applied to a marble statue called Madonna with the Child, a fine work of the Florentine sculptor Agostino di Duccio (1418−1481). The results suggest that the method can be successfully applicable to a large set of scenarios. …”
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EVAR Solution For Acutely Thrombosed Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm in a Patient with COVID-19
Published 2022-01-01Get full text
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Influencia del spaguetti-western en Malditos Bastardos de Quentin Tarantino
Published 2010-01-01“…El análisis de la banda sonora nos revela la presencia dominante de temas de algunos títulos míticos del spaghetti-western cómo El halcón y la presa, El retorno de ringo (Il retorno di Ringo, 1966), de Duccio Tessari, Salario para matar, o De hombre a hombre (1967) de Giulio Petroni. …”
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La cena eretica
Published 2022-06-01“…E se questa scarsa considerazione per la preminente questione religiosa si configura già come una trasgressione, per quanto riguarda i temi della convivialità si giunge a scelte pittoriche e narrative che sfiorano l’eresia vera e propria. Duccio di Buoninsegna nella sua cena del 1308 mette al centro tavola un maialino, mentre diversi dipinti dei Baschenis, presentano la tavola ingombra di gamberi di fiume e di altri crostacei. …”
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Caracterización química de la vidriera del rosetón del Duomo de Siena (Italia, 1288-1289)
Published 2010-06-01“…They come from the rose window elaborated under the drawing of Duccio di Buoninsegna masterwork (1288- 89 AD). This note explains the results obtained by EMPA, representative of bulk chemistry of several coloured glasses (deep green, olive green, yellow, purple, pink, deep blue, light blue, red plaqué and also uncoloured), as well as the associated trace elements (obtained by Induced Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry) that represent the chemical fingerprint of these glasses. …”
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Panorama Konstantynopola w Liber chronicarum Hartmanna Schedla (1493). Miasto idealne – memoria chrześcijaństwa
Published 2018-12-01“…Since the beginning of 14th century Italian painters such as: Duccio di Buoninsegna, Giotto di Bondone, Simone Martini and Ambrogio Lorenzetti painted parts of the cities or the entire monumental panoramas in various compositions and with various meanings. …”
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