Testing for convergence and catching-up for Kedah with the rest of the states in Malaysia: a panel unit root test analysis
Published 2009“…In Malaysia, the issue of economic convergence is much debated. Despite various Malaysia Development Plans for the past three decades, regional disparity among states persists. …”
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Article -
Predictors of psychological distress among divorced women in Iran
Published 2015“…Economic hardship was found to be the strongest contributor. …”
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Article -
Chemical Stabilization of Clayey Soil with Polypropylene Fiber Reinforcement for Roadbase Construction
Published 2020“…Roads are essential as a medium for people to connect and also to improve the economic activities of a country. Khan et al. [1] added that road and highway are the centers of economic activities in all countries where land-based communication is dominant. …”
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Book Section -
Handbook of research on impacts of international business and political affairs on the global economy
Published 2016“…In addition to business strategies, corporations must also be aware of political affairs that may impact their global economic status. The Handbook of Research on Impacts of International Business and Political Affairs on the Global Economy features dual perspectives on the business and political viewpoints for nations striving to maintain their economic standing in the era of globalization. …”
Book -
Impact of bank transparency on investor confidence.
Published 2008“…In addition, the Asian economic crisis has affected the confidence of investors adversely.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Innovative uses of structural steel in the Singapore construction industry
Published 2008“…The recent economic downturn has affected the whole region and the construction industry is the hardest hit sector. …”
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Thesis -
Work-family policy in the United States and Germany: sub-federal and employer-provided policy
Published 2023“…This theoretical distinction is not commonly made, with many previous studies focusing solely on economic considerations, or on both normative and economic explanations without distinguishing the extent of their explanatory potential. …”
Thesis -
The global security initiative of China
Published 2023“…Strategically, the Initiative is aligned to China’s preference for non-military measures, such as economic statecraft and diplomacy, to safeguard its national security.…”
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Commentary -
Bankruptcy act 1995 : major changes and implications
Published 2013“…The bankruptcy laws of Singapore have a relatively long history and are in need of reform to meet the changing social, political and economic situation. With the objective of developing a system of bankruptcy legislation that is reflective of our social and cultural conditions and consistent with our economic climate and objectives, Singapore Parliament recently legislated the Bankruptcy Act 1995.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
An overview of forecasting facing breaks
Published 2016“…Economic forecasting may go badly awry when there are structural breaks, such that the relationships between variables that held in the past are a poor basis for making predictions about the future. …”
Working paper -
Women and education in Malaysia.
Published 2005“…The importance of education for Sustained economic growth. It is also recognized that gender equality in Access to education is necessary if More women are to contribute towards Social and economic development. …”
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Article -
The philosophy of higher education of the 21st century.
Published 2007“…It is constrained by the possibilities that exist within the socio-politico and economic infrastructure from where it springs from and whose benevolence it feeds and nurtures on. …”
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Article -
Kajian Efisiensi Irigasi Dilihat Dari Sudut Pandang Teknis, Sosial, Ekonomi dan Lingkungan (Studi Kasus Daerah Irigasi Bedegolan Kabupaten Kebumen)
Published 2011“…So efficiency irrigation is important to be research to know, how much effect from a technical, social, economic and environmental factor size influenced the efficiency water irrigation. …”
Thesis -
Published 2013“…Motorcycle parts trade in the village of Jejeran, Wonokromo Pleret Bantul Yogyakarta is one of the largest central sales of used motorcycle parts in Yogyakarta. Economic activities in this trade led to the informal economic sector activities which are indicated with a simple management,low capital and low education levels.This informal trade sector grows wide and large in a rural area where the existing facilities and access is very limited.Nevertheless trading activities in Jejeran able to survive with large scale and is not inferior to the informal sector in urban areas. …”
Thesis -
Ukraine war: will it lead to a new Bretton Woods?
Published 2022“…Reforms of the 1944 US-led Bretton Woods global economic architecture have been implemented in a gradual and incremental manner. …”
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Commentary -
Published 2011“…The economic growth in Semarang has resulted in bad impact of degradation the environment, traffic jams, increasing informal sectors and unemployment, crimes, and various social-politic conflicts. …”
Thesis -
The Bedouin of central Oman: adaptation or fossilization.
Published 1982“…Historically analyzes the impact of the Petroleum Development (Oman) Company and Western legal, economic, bureaucratic forces on the Bedouin of central Oman. …”
Journal article -
Research into the design and safety features of AREVA designed evolutionary power reactor (EPR)
Published 2015“…Nuclear power plants had proven from the years of usage to be a cheap electrical generator, thus more effort are placed into designing safer and more economical reactors. EPR is one of the generation III+ reactors that is designed by AREVA and is promoted to be a safe and economical reactor competitive to other reactors in the market. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Tabung Haji as an Islamic financial institution for sustainable cconomic development
Published 2011“…Keywords: TH, Pilgrimage, Islamic Financial Institution, Depositors and Sustainable Economic Development …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Capitalism, Communism and Confucius? Some Reflections on Asian Grwth and Crisis
Published 2001“…The economic development in East and Southeast Asia after 1960 is discussed in light of economic growth theory', international security politics, and Asian culture. …”