Genotype diversity of Newcastle disease virus in Nigeria: disease control challenges and future outlook
Published 2018“…Finally, we suggest future directions in the war against the economically devastating ND in Nigeria.…”
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Innovation in the Malaysian furniture industry: drivers and challenges
Published 2018“…The Malaysian furniture industry is the country’s fastest growing sub-sector within the wood-based industry, and its socio-economic importance cannot be taken lightly. The industry is driven primarily by comparative advantages derived from low cost factor inputs, which has eroded in recent years due to escalating production cost. …”
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Hydraulic characteristics of capillary wick irrigation system
Published 2015“…Further investigation would provide a generalized broader evidence on CWS performance based on techno-economical performance of the wick under diverse conditions.…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
A comparative study inwell-being among Malaysianhouseholds
Published 2012“…The results also revealed that among the three dimensions of well-being, Malay ethnic households had highest level of internal satisfaction than Indian and Chinese households; urban and Malay households had higher level of external satisfaction than rural, Chinese and Indian households; and finally, able-bodied households had higher level of economic status satisfaction than vulnerable households.…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Pre-treatments enhancing biodegradation of EFB fibers for composting
Published 2015“…This paper presents a new process to enhance the biodegradation rate of EFB fibers prior to composting which is by performing some new kinds of pre-treatment which are not only economical but also profitable. Rapid composting is the objective of this study and and is achievable by operating high pressure steam pre-treatment combined with acid pre-treatment. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
An exploratory study on counterfeit purchase intention of international brands amongst Malaysians.
Published 2001“…This is only the supply side of the whole counterfeit trade. The economic theory always suggests that there is supply when demand occurs. …”
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Thesis -
Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (map) infection in dairy catlle in Taman Pertanian Universiti
Published 2016“…MAP infection or also known as Johne's disease is viewed as one of the most serious and chronic bacterial diseases among ruminants that will indirectly cause economic losses to the farmers This study was conducted to determine the presence of MAP organisms in fecal and antibodies in the serum samples. …”
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Project Paper Report -
Participation of local communities in conservation of mangrove forest at Kuching Wetlands, Sarawak
Published 2016“…Using multiple regression analysis, factors like socio-demographics, economic income, resources, conflicts, knowledge and awareness were tested to determine the influence on the participation. …”
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Project Paper Report -
Effects of basal stem rot on oil palm inter-frond angles for different severity levels
Published 2019“…White-rot fungus Ganoderma is the causal pathogen of BSR disease leading to significant economic loss to the oil palm industry. Early disease detection is crucial to control the disease and to reduce the disease effects on the yield. …”
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Evaluation of the virulence of entomopathogenic fungus, Isaria fumosorosea isolates against subterranean termites Coptotermes spp. (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae)
Published 2019“…In Malaysia, the family Rhinotermitidae includes two species of subterranean termites with extremely high economic importance; namely Coptotermes curvignathus Holmgren, and the Asian Subterranean Termite (Coptotermes gestroi Wasmann). …”
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Field performance comparison of the combine harvesters utilized for rice harvesting in Malaysia
Published 2019“…The results suggested that MCH was more efficient and economical in conducting the harvest operation in a rice field.…”
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Food insecurity among university students at two selected public universities in Malaysia
Published 2019“…However, no significant association was found between socio-economic status and food insecurity status at p<0.05. …”
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An Application of Spatial Equilibrium Analysis to the Paddy Postharvest System in Tanjong Karang, Peninsular Malaysia
Published 1988“…The model constraints consist of twenty nine set of equations relating to paddy and rice flows, capacity, queuing, handling, pricing, supply and demand. The short-run economic situation is simulated in the model to find the optimal solution. …”
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Thesis -
Framing analyses of Malaysia’s media outlets and editorial decisions concerning frame preferences after the 2008 general election
Published 2020“…Through a content analysis of news articles of an UMNO-owned media (Utusan Malaysia) as well as an independent news portal (Malaysiakini), the study identified five different news frames (conflict, human interest, economic consequences, morality, and responsibility) employed in the news articles. …”
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Consumers willingness to pay (WTP) of special tax for non-green vehicles towards environmental performance in Malaysia
Published 2019“…The data was analysed using Economic Valuation Method. The result shows that Malaysians are willing to pay the price increase in road tax by 6.49% maximum level for non-green vehicles as well as all control variables included in the doubled-bounded case. …”
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Life cycle of oil palm bunch moth, Tirathaba mundella walker (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) reared under laboratory conditions on artificial diet
Published 2019“…The life cycle of T. mundella has not been described in detail despite its economic importance. This study aimed to describe the bionomic characteristics of T. mundella, rearing on an artificial diet, at 25 oC. …”
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Microbial study of pH sensitive starch based film using agar diffusion method (zone inhibition assay)
Published 2019“…Active and smart packaging is a promising form of food packaging that offers a great economical potential due to consumer demand for a packaging that accommodate a hectic way of life. …”
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The impacts of NPD characteristics on innovation market performance and its survival: the mediating role of collaboration
Published 2019“…In this paper, we employed transactional cost economic (TCE) theory to explain the relationships between NPD characteristics (innovation uncertainty and asset specificity) and collaboration,and the mediation effect of collaboration on the relationships between NPD and performance. …”
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Seroprevalence of small ruminant lentivirus (SRLV) among small ruminant in foster farm programme, FPV, UPM
Published 2017“…Caprine Arthritis-Encephalitis Virus (CAEV) is an incurable disease of goats that has both social and economic impacts. Clinical disease in goats includes encephalitis in kids; chronic arthritis, inflammatory mastitis and progressive respiratory disease in adults. …”
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Project Paper Report -
Isolation and analysis of the rhla and rhlb from rhamnolipid producing bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains S5
Published 2015“…The genes sequence that were identified and analyzed could facilitate the understanding on the rhamnolipids biosynthesis in P. aeruginosa strain S5, hence the information can be further used in genetic modulation in order to produce natural biosurfactant in the economic yet safer manner which meets industrial and ecological prospect.…”
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Project Paper Report