The sustainability of employee efficiency through moonlighting style
Published 2022“…Employees moonlight for different reasons, including extra cash, paying off debt, starting a business, and leisure. Low salaries and economic hardships are commonly stated as grounds for moonlighting. …”
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A framework for blockchain and internet of things integration in improving food security in the food supply chain
Published 2024“…Food security, as defined by the United Nations' Committee on World Food Security, means that “all people, at all times, have physical, social, and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their food preferences and dietary needs for an active and healthy life”. …”
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Marketing strategies for internationalization in China’s higher education: an ally or barrier for sustainable development?
Published 2024“…In this era of the commodification of higher education, the dominating concept of higher education now is that it functions as a commercial product for the purpose of national economic development. Consequently, the free market rules linked to consumerism seem to rule and shape how higher education should operate. …”
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An outbreak of lymphocystis disease virus infection in cultured juvenile John's snapper (Lutjanus johnii) in Malaysia
Published 2023“…Farmers and authorities should beware of the impacts LCDV infection, as it can cause high mortality and economic losses in cultured fish.…”
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An overview of cultural and media literacy theory
Published 2023“…Minority groups are minorities in the statistical sense of the word, as well as politically, economically, and culturally disadvantaged groups. However, the existence of minority cultures makes cultural diversity in the world possible. …”
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A systematic literature review of tourism translation and power
Published 2023“…The second theme demonstrated the power exertion in translating tourism texts for economic reasons. The third and fourth themes referred to ideology-related and culture-related power exertion in the process of translating tourism texts. …”
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Factors influencing the development and implementation of e-Government services in China
Published 2023“…Information and communication technology (ICT) rapidly transforms global government service delivery through modernized infrastructure. As an economic giant, China recognizes the need to centralize operations and enhance service delivery through e-government services. …”
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Traditional hill paddy cultivation practices among the kenyah ethnic in sarawak
Published 2023“…However, due to the trend of agricultural development that requires quick cash returns to meet current socio-economic needs, the practice of hill paddy cultivation is also affected and faces the threat of change. …”
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The effect of population growth on unemployment youth in Somalia
Published 2023“…The relationships between the independent variables (population growth, gross domestic product, and inflation) and the dependent variable (unemployment) were established using Ordinary Least-Squares (OLS) regression. The economic software EVIEWS was employed to estimate the values of the impact of population growth on unemployment. …”
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Planning tools to revitalise urban vacant land from ecological perspectives: a systematic review
Published 2023“…Additional studies from the perspective of growing cities are necessary to provide insights into urban vacant land revitalisation planning, considering the competing objectives of economic prosperity and green space preservation.…”
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Nexus between family capital and corporate reputation through learning and corporate governance
Published 2023“…The results finds that the family capital in china exhibit unique characteristics shaped by economic factors, cultural and institutional factors. …”
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The impact of accessing education via smartphone technology on education disparity—a sustainable education perspective
Published 2023“…Following the fourth target of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), education disparity is one of the graver concerns delaying substantial economic development, especially in emerging market-based nations. …”
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Thermal performance study on coconut husk and kenaf fibre as thermal insulation materials
Published 2024“…Heat recovery systems are being studied for recovering lower-grade energy, but not many of them are suitable and economically effective for low temperature waste heat. …”
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A flexible model for fuel subsidy reform in Malaysia
Published 2024“…Due to the current spike in crude oil prices and the economic uncertainty, the government of Malaysia is in the midst of revising the current fuel subsidy scheme that imposes caps on both petrol RON95 and diesel. …”
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Forest carbon trade in Malaysia: early assessment of awareness, knowledge, and constraints among forest owners
Published 2024“…Forest owners prefer biomass production and timber production due to the higher economic returns. Against this background, policymakers as well as federal-state initiatives need to address the gaps with the forest carbon credit project development ecosystem, in order to facilitate and realize the full carbon sequestration potential of the country.…”
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Citizen journalism under pressure: the case of Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines
Published 2024“…The findings demonstrate prevalent economic, political, and cultural pressures in these countries, with political factors exerting the most pressure on the rise of citizen journalism. …”
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Examining the impact of value added tax on Sukuk yield: a review
Published 2024“…Moreover, green Sukuk also play important role in the social and economic development of a country and more such infrastructural investment is needed.…”
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An empirical study of auditors’ efforts, audit technology and impact on tax auditors’ performance
Published 2024“…Ultimately, this research serves as a vital resource for both practitioners and scholars interested in understanding and improving the effectiveness of tax audits within an evolving economic landscape.…”
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Government policies and their impact on the China securities index 300 stock market: Insights from the COVID-19 crisis
Published 2024“…The stock market is a reflection of a country’s economic situation. This article takes the Chinese government policies during the COVID-19 crisis as the research object and analyzes the impact of government policies on the CSI300 index. …”
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Application of machine learning approach on halal meat authentication principle, challenges, and prospects: a review
Published 2024“…Meat is a source of essential amino acids that are necessary for human growth and development, meat can come from dead, alive, Halal, or non-Halal animal species which are intentionally or economically (adulteration) sold to consumers. Sharia has prohibited the consumption of pork by Muslims. …”
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