Graph-enabled digital twins for intelligent product lifecycle management: a multi-dimensional approach to design, manufacturing, and supply chain transformation
Published 2024“…In today’s increasingly dynamic business landscape, industries are faced with global headwinds, intensified competition, and increased volatility driven by factors such as increased demand for tailored products and solutions as well as geopolitical, economic, and climate disruptions. To address these challenges and remain competitive, the product lifecycle management (PLM) paradigm, which allows companies to be in control of their products and services across the lifecycle, has gained attention from industries. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
21世纪中国公路喜剧电影中的大众文化:城乡叙事、性别关系与世界主义 = The popular culture in 21st-century Chinese road comedies: urban-rural narration, gender relationships, and cosmopolitanism...
Published 2024“…The urban-rural narration focuses on the unsurmountable wealth and class disparity in the accelerating economic development after the 1978’s reform and opening-up policy. …”
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Thesis-Master by Research -
Consumer perception of last-mile delivery: temporal and spatial factors with attributional bias
Published 2025“…Chapters 6 and 7 systematically investigate such shifts in perceptions of temporal factors, with stated choice experiments valuation frameworks relying on Value-Of-Time and Value-Of-Reliability concepts to quantify and monetise the economic values obtained from LMD usage. Fourth, despite the shifts in service characteristics, the increasingly intricate LMD business relationship involves more service parties. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Nanofiber composite forward osmosis membranes : synthesis, characteristics and applications
Published 2014“…As the water demands increase exponentially with the expansion of human territory in all aspects, the current energy source that we heavily rely on, the fossil fuel, is going to be depleted in the next several decades. As a result, the economic efficiency of the seawater and brackish water desalination, the only two sectors that could increase water supply for us, has spearheaded in the water purification related research and technologies. …”
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Thesis -
Urban nutrient recovery through cultivation of chlorella sorokiniana
Published 2015“…It would be of significant environmental benefits and economic savings should the recovery of such urban waste nutrients be successfully coupled with microalgae cultivation. …”
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Interface engineering towards transition metal based nanocomposites for water splitting
Published 2017“…Hydrogen production from water splitting via photocatalysis or electrolysis is considered to be an economical and environmentally friendly approach to convert clean energy into chemical fuels. …”
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Thesis -
Synthesis and applications of DPP-based II-conjugated polymers via direct arylation polymerization
Published 2018“…To overcome the drawbacks of these traditional coupling reactions, direct arylation by activation of C-H bonds has emerged as a new type of cross-coupling reaction as an economically attractive and ecologically benign way. …”
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Thesis -
Transitional metal based nanomaterials as catalysts for water electrolysis
Published 2018“…However, the sluggish kinetics in both side electrodes makes it not economic. To decrease the energy consumption and speed up the reaction rate, efficient and earth abundant catalysts are urgently needed. …”
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Thesis -
الغزو العراقي لدولة الكويت عام 1990م قراءة جديدة في الأسباب والعوامل = Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990: a new reading of causes and factors = Penjajahan Iraq ke Kuwait pada tahun...
Published 2018“…This research aims to study and analyze the economic, political and social causes and factors underlying the decision of the former Iraqi regime to invade and occupy Kuwait in August 1990, which triggered into the second Gulf crisis, in a new attempt to probe the reality of this invasion and the dimensions that cover various levels, regional and international. *********************************************************** Penjajahan Iraq ke atas Kuwait pada tahun 1990 merupakan peristiwa penting di rantau Arab sepanjang abad yang kedua puluh. …”
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Article -
Published 2011“…To realize the potential of such financing and to ensure its distribution to become a realsource of financing, the funds are sourced on credit is a means that is absolutely necessary. In this case, there was a relationship between economic actors with the banks. Banks in providing loans or loan capital would require collateral for these loans as security and certainty of such loans, because in the absence of security and certainty of these loans, the bank will be difficult to avoid the risks that occur as a result of the creditors who of default. This study aims to determine how the implementation of Individual Insurance (Borgtocht) as collateral in bank lending practices as additional collateral and whether the underwriting agreement may be effective as an additional guarantee, and whether the underwriting agreement can effectively protect the creditor if the debtor defaults. The research was conducted at the office of PT Bank Tabungan Negara (limited company) Yogyakarta branch. Research methodology used in this study is an empirical juridical, which saw the working of the law in society. The data used are the primary data is data obtained directly from the field by using interviews, as well as secondary data in the form of literary study. Analysis of the data used is a qualitative analysis of the withdrawal of a deductive conclusion. The results obtained: 1). Warranty provision of additional collateral in the for of underwriting agreement in a credit agreement in the bank is very rarely used, this is because in a credit agreement at a bank guarantee provided is not a guarantee of individual collateral material. 2). Guarantees an individual is still required but the supplemental and in certain conditions is casuistry, because the benefits of underwriting agreement underwriting the loan agreement is when the bank as debtor's creditors are unsure of the character but guarantees provided sufficient and / or vice versa but the good character of debtor funds less adequate. In principle guarantees an individual will be effective on the debtor at the stage of "substandard" in fulfilling its obligations to creditors. …”
Thesis -
Japanese anthropologists and Malaysian society. Contributions to Malaysian ethnography
Published 1999“…Kuwahara’s paper shows how economic factors such as the increasing importance of rubber over padi triggered changes in a matrilineal system in Rembau. …”
Article -
Recognizing the Relevance of History and Shaping the Future of the Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health (APJPH)
Published 2008“…The Editorial Board, in partnership with its member institutions, will coordinate and run publishing workshops to mentor up-and-coming authors, particularly from non-English-speaking countries in the developing or less economically developed nations in the Asia-Pacific region. …”
Article -
Evaluation on the effectiveness of potential endophytic trichoderma spp. From North Sumatra, Indonesia in preventing and suppressing ganoderma boninense infection in oil palm seedl...
Published 2019“…Basal stem rot (BSR) caused by the fungus Ganoderma boninense is regarded as the most destructive disease of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jaqc.) and causes significant economic losses in the oil palm industry of South East Asia. …”
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Thesis -
Isolation, characterization, and pathogenicity of non and myo-inositol utilizing aeromonas species isolated from cultured freshwater fishes in Peninsular Malaysia
Published 2022“…Motile Aeromonas septicemia (MAS) is a bacterial disease that is caused by Aeromonas spp. and this disease has infected many freshwater fishes, causing huge economic losses to some countries. Furthermore, many studies have reported the presence of multiple virulence genes and antibiotic resistance abilities among these notorious Aeromonas spp. …”
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Thesis -
Seroprevalance of selected bacterial and viral diseases of small ruminants in Terengganu, Malaysia
Published 2020“…Small ruminant production is an important economic activity for many smallholder farmers in Malaysia. …”
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Thesis -
Genetic diversity and development of high fiber yield kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) mutant hybrids through diallel crosses
Published 2022“…Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) is an economically important fiber crop globally for multipurpose industrial uses such as paper making, car interior components and building boards. …”
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Thesis -
Carbon Dioxide Enrichment Effects on Growth and Physiological Attributes of Oil Palm Seedlings
Published 2008“…Subsequently, cost of seedling establishment and nursery management remains high and economic pay back slows due to relatively late bearing. …”
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Thesis -
Bio-Dynamics and Life Cycle of Shrimp (Penaeus Semisulcatus De Haan), in Bushehr Coastal Waters of the Persian Gulf
Published 2006“…The major species of penaeid prawn, in terms of catch (>80%) and economic importance, in the Persian Gulf (including Bushehr waters) is Penaeus semisulcatus, commonly known as the green tiger prawn. …”
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Thesis -
Pathology and pathogenesis of Brucella melitensis infection in bucks
Published 2014“…It is caused by Brucella melitensis leading to serious economic impact to goat farmers following abortions and stillbirths. …”
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Thesis -
Development Of Sybr Green I Real-Time Pcr Method For Detection And Differentiation Of Newcastle Disease Virus Pathotypes
Published 2008“…Consequently, spread of the disease and economical losses can be prevented…”
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