Designing The National Spatial Data Infrastructure For Jordan
Published 2018“…On the other hand, there are many advantages like barring the duplication of spatial data, eliminating the redundancy of spatial data, raising the collaboration among organizations and different departments, improving the economic development at different levels. In creating the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) strategy, the first step is the awareness on the fact that most environments have various kinds of users who require different levels of functionality and access to spatial data. …”
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Thesis -
Assessment of high-burnup LWR fuel response to reactivity-initiated accidents
Published 2009Get full text
Thesis -
Transforming thermal comfort model and control in the tropics : a machine-learning approach
Published 2020“…To mitigate those occupants who may be in discomfort, we aim to derive the economic model and use it to judiciously balance between the HVAC electricity cost saving and the incentive expenditure, maximizing the total cost saving while maintaining occupants' satisfaction levels over 84%. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
An open-access database and analysis tool for perovskite solar cells based on the FAIR data principles
Published 2022Get full text
Journal Article -
Next generation design of floating systems for coastal solar farms
Published 2023“…HDPE barrier is a relatively economical protection measure compared to other floating breakwaters. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Constructive foil-wake Interactions of tandem flapping hydrofoils for propulsion and energy harvesting
Published 2023“…In order to maximize their power production and economic viability, the hydrofoils need to be densely populated which however poses interference challenges that affect their energy harvesting performances. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Development of a diafiltration-nanofiltration-reverse osmosis (DiaNF-RO) process for ion fractionation towards resource recovery in seawater desalination
Published 2024“…The findings from this research provide a better understanding on the technical feasibility and economic possibility of the DiaNF-RO design. However, more data from the future pilot test are required to further improve the practicality of the process. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Covalent organic frameworks for membrane separations
Published 2024“…These findings contribute valuable insights, optimizing separation efficiency and paving the way for more energy-efficient and economically viable applications in the future.…”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Permanent Resident
Published 2016“…Most people chose to come to Singapore due to her economic opportunities which has continued to be prosperous even till today. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
大众宗教复兴的政治 :庙宇、国家和跨境宗教网络 = The politics of revitalizing popular religious : temple, state, and trans-boundary religious networks
Published 2017“…Then, an astounding resurgence of religion took place with the onset of economic reform and ideological relaxation in the late 1970s. …”
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Thesis -
DENIZENSHIP DI INDONESIA Model Citizenship Orang-orang yang Tertolak
Published 2012“…The reasons for the government to raise fuel prices - for example, concerning the high cost of imports to the state budget deficit, energy subsidies are poorly targeted, so need to be transferred to another form, and so on - not just ideologically opposed to Article 33 UUD 1945 and contrary to the 2012 State Budget Law, but also unacceptable both economically, politically as well. The debate in this massive policy making fuel becomes very difficult and delayed. …”
Thesis -
Response of respiratory, gastrointestinal, and urinary tracts of buffalo calves following exposure to Pasteurella multocida B:2
Published 2015“…Infection results in outbreaks and death of animals, which in turn leads to economic losses to the farmers. Animals surviving the outbreaks usually gain immunity and become lifelong carriers. …”
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Thesis -
Reproductive allometry and plasticity in relation to plant population density in soybean [(Glycine max L.) Merrill.]
Published 2015“…From an agronomic perspective, biomass quantification to different plant organs especially to the economic yield based on allometric and plasticity analyses are limited. …”
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Thesis -
Efficacy of supercritical carbon dioxide extracted dabai pulp oil and defatted dabai pulp in hypercholesterolemic sprague-dawley rats for cardiovascular health
Published 2021“…Meanwhile, the information on the quality parameters of DPO indicates the economic value of DPO to be used and commercialised as a new source of supplementary oil in the future.…”
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Thesis -
Effects of epibrassinolide on growth, physiological and biochemical responses and quality of rockmelon (Cucumis melo L. var. cantalupensis) cultivated under high temperature
Published 2022“…In conclusion, it was recommended that EBR can be used to mitigate the issues of HT stress related to the economical yield of rockmelon cultivars for future crop modification and breeding.…”
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Thesis -
Prediction of Flow Field And Oxygen Utilization Rate (Our) In Orbal Biological System (Obs) Using Cfd
Published 2016“…This intention is in line with the current demand on wastewater treatment system, which not only focusing on the achievement of specified effluent quality standards, but also taking into consideration other aspects such as economic and environmental. Because of this reason, the study was conducted to understand the complicated process of OBS. …”
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Thesis -
Candida Antartica Lipase B Mediated Kinetic Resolution Of Racemic Acebutolol
Published 2015“…The advantages of immobilized enzyme makes it possible for economical industrial production of chiral drugs, particularly beta blockers in the near future. …”
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Thesis -
Evaluation of sustainable forest management techniques for biomass production and carbon sequestration
Published 2014“…Thus, increasing the value and sustainable use of forest ecosystems has significant economic implication while at the same time is an important step towards resource conservation and environmental protection. …”
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Thesis -
Investigation of passive radiative cooling in tropical climates
Published 2023“…In fact, it is in the tropics (latitudes between 0° and 23.44°) that experiences summer throughout the year where radiative cooling can be fully utilized and to reap the greatest economic benefits. If deployed on a large scale, radiative cooling could become an alternative or solution to overcome the large quantity of energy required for cooling of indoor spaces in tropical cities. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy