Sick leave due to COVID-19 during the first pandemic wave in France, 2020
Published 2023“…In the absence of representative sick leave registry data, local demography, employment patterns, epidemiological trends and contact behaviours can be synthesised to quantify sick leave burden and, in turn, predict economic consequences of infectious disease epidemics.…”
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Essays in applied microeconomics
Published 2019“…In Chapter 1 "The Impact of Economic Shocks on Wage Dynamics in Indonesia" I study the impact of negative productivity shocks on agricultural wages in Indonesia. …”
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Visualization studies on evidence-based medicine domain knowledge (series 3): visualization for dissemination of evidence based medicine information.
Published 2011“…This finds that Chinese EBM has focused mainly on clinical medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, pediatrics, tumor treatment, nursing, health economic and management, and medical education. Internationally, EBM research topics have begun to shift, from drug treatment to surgery or other non-pharmacological treatments; from therapy to diagnosis, rehabilitation, and prevention; from evidence based clinical practice to evidence based management and policymaking. …”
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Importance of strategic management in the implementation of private medicine retailer programmes: case studies from three districts in Kenya
Published 2010“…It had flexible budgetary and decision making processes which were responsive to local contexts, and took account of local socio-economic activities. In contrast, the Kwale programme, which had implementation challenges, was characterised by a complex funding process, with lengthy timelines, that was tied to the government financial management system which constrained implementation Although there was a flexible funding system in Bungoma, a perceived lack of transparency in fund management, inadequate management of inter-organisational relationships, and inability to adapt and respond to changing circumstances led to implementation difficulties.…”
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Derivation of a UK preference-based value set for the short Warwick-Edinburgh mental wellbeing scale (SWEMWBS) to allow estimation of mental well-being adjusted life years (MWALYs)
Published 2023“…<p><strong>Background</strong></p> The Mental Well-being Adjusted Life Year (MWALY) is an alternative outcome measure to the quality-adjusted life year (QALY) in economic evaluations of interventions aimed at improving mental well-being. …”
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Early referral and planned initiation of dialysis: what impact on quality of life?
Published 2003“…Early referral had no independent effect on QoL. Socio-economic status had an important positive effect on physical QoL. …”
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Non-linear control of the plasma vertical position in a tokamak
Published 1997“…During the saturation period the vertical position of the plasma will grow exponentially with the unstable eigenvalue and may reach values that cannot be controlled by the energy provided by the control amplifier which is limited by economic restraints. The primary sources of disturbances and measurement noise that effect the vertical position are the ELMs and the 600<em>Hz</em> noise from the thyristor power supplies. …”
Thesis -
Cost-effectiveness and social outcomes of a community-based treatment for podoconiosis lymphoedema in the East Gojjam zone, Ethiopia
Published 2019“…<br/><br/> <b>Conclusions:</b> Whilst there is evident benefit of the intervention for all, the economic impact would be greatest for the poorest. …”
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Using commensals as proxies for historical inference in the Indian ocean: genetic and zooarchaeological perspectives
Published 2014“…My research contributes significantly to that end for three socially, economically and ecologically important species that are well-established in the Indian Ocean region and beyond.…”
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Risk factors and newborn outcomes associated with maternal deaths in the UK from 2009 to 2013: a national case–control study
Published 2016“…It demonstrates the existence of socio-economic inequalities in maternal death in the UK.</p>…”
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Initial management strategies for dyspepsia.
Published 2001“…The review will be updated in 2002 with an individual patient data meta-analysis of the economic data, and a subgroup analysis by age and predominant dyspeptic symptom.…”
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Determinants of the varied profiles of Plasmodium falciparum infections among infants living in Kintampo, Ghana
Published 2021“…There were significant associations between residence, socio-economic status (SES), parity, IPTp doses, delivery place of infant and having or not having malaria parasites. …”
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A Republican theory of political asylum
Published 2019“…The democratic effects of asylum are thus tied to particular forms of political and economic association as well as institutional competencies that refugees enjoy within their host societies. …”
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Methods for specifying the target difference in a randomised controlled trial: the Difference ELicitation in TriAls (DELTA) systematic review.
Published 2014“…In total, 777 studies were included, and within them, seven methods were identified-anchor, distribution, health economic, opinion-seeking, pilot study, review of the evidence base, and standardised effect size. …”
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The shape of things to come: global order and democracy in 1940s international thought
Published 2016“…This challenge was composed of five core concerns, ranging from the protection of the individual from the modern state and the transformation of democratic participation, to the use of expert planning and modern technology to secure economic justice. Achieving a balance between these competing and at times contradictory imperatives was seen as the key to securing a new democratic order that could resist the temptations of nationalism and totalitarianism and secure peace. …”
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Comparative molecular epidemiology and antigenic characterisation of highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5) virus in Vietnam
Published 2017“…<p>Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus poses a significant economic disease burden to the poultry sector of Vietnam, and is a credible threat for emergence of novel zoonotic viruses. …”
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‘For women there are two nirvanas’: risk and freedom in Myanmar’s contemporary Buddhist revival movement
Published 2020“…Second, they hope to revitalise Buddhism and secure its place and its sociocultural values within Myanmar’s changing political and economic environment. These two desires are intersecting and overlapping, but nevertheless clearly articulated and reflexively rationalised. …”
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Estimating the cost of illness of acute Japanese encephalitis and sequelae care in Vietnam and Laos: a cross-sectional study
Published 2023“…<br><strong> Conclusions<br></strong> JE patients and families in Vietnam and Laos suffer extreme medical, economic, and social hardship. This has policy implications for improving JE prevention in these two JE-endemic countries.…”
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Do adolescents like school-based mindfulness training? Predictors of mindfulness practice and responsiveness in the MYRIAD Trial
Published 2023“…Asian ethnicity and higher school-level economic deprivation were related to greater responsiveness. …”
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An online parenting intervention to prevent affective disorders in high-risk adolescents: the PIPA trial protocol
Published 2022“…Follow-up assessments will be undertaken at 6 and 15 months and a process evaluation will examine context, implementation and impact of the intervention. An economic evaluation will also be incorporated with cost-effectiveness of the parenting intervention expressed in terms of incremental cost per quality-adjusted life year gained. …”
Journal article