Efficacy of whole cell inactivated Vibrio harveyi vaccine against vibriosis in a marine red hybrid tilapia (Oreochromic niloticus x Oreo mossambicus) model
Julkaistu 2020“…The infection leads to significant economic losses for aquaculture farms, and vaccination is an alternative approach for the prevention and control of fish diseases for aquaculture sustainability. …”
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Artikkeli -
Transgenerational evaluation of elacteriospermum tapos extracts on the male offspring of obesity-induced sprague dawley rats
Julkaistu 2021“…Obesity has been considered as a great public health concern, that has spread in both economic and poor resources countries. This study aimed to investigate the effect of Elateriospermum tapos supplementation on the male offspring of female obesity-induced Sprague Dawley (SD) rats at weaning and adult age. …”
Artikkeli -
DNA fingerprinting, fixation-index (Fst), and admixture mapping of selected Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea [L.] Verdc.) accessions using ISSR markers system
Julkaistu 2021“…The Bambara groundnut, an African underutilized legume, has the capacity to boost food and nutrition security while simultaneously addressing environmental sustainability, food availability, and economic inequalities. A set of 32 ISSRs were screened out of 96 primers based on very sharp, clear, and reproducible bands which detected a total of 510 loci with an average of 97.64% polymorphism. …”
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Artikkeli -
An inverted hydride-fueled pressurized water reactor concept
Julkaistu 2010Hae kokoteksti
Opinnäyte -
Optimization of the LWR Nuclear Fuel Cycle for Minimum Waste Production
Julkaistu 2012“…The development and deployment of such innovative systems is technically and economically challenging. In this work, a possibility of constraining the generation of long lived radioactive waste through multi-recycling of Trans-uranic actinides (TRU) in existing Light Water Reactors (LWR has been studied. …”
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Technical Report -
Power system adequacy and cost/worth assessment incorporating virtual power plants
Julkaistu 2018“…A variety of factors such as the emergence of novel business models in deregulated power markets, adoption of smart grid technologies, economic recession as well as climate change has led to a proliferation of distributed energy resources (DER) in low and medium voltage power networks over the last decade. …”
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Opinnäyte -
A web-based self-management programme for people with type 2 diabetes: the HeLP-Diabetes research programme including RCT
Julkaistu 2018“…WP D was an individually randomised controlled trial in primary care with a health economic analysis. WP E used a mixed-methods and case-study design to study the potential for implementing the HeLP-Diabetes programme within routine NHS practice.…”
Journal article -
Factors affecting labour productivity, skilled labour and return to education in Malaysia
Julkaistu 2014“…In line with these facts, the third objective in this study attempts to investigate the return to education at different levels of the highest certificate achieved in six economic sectors under the National Key Economic Areas (NKEA) in 2002, 2004 and 2007. …”
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Opinnäyte -
Use of clinoptilolite zeolite to improve efficiency of phosphorus use in acid soils
Julkaistu 2016“…Thus, adoption of Clinoptilolite zeolite in reduced amount of fertilization was found to be economically feasible as it not only gives higher profit in return but hopefully could also promote sustainability of agricultural productivity and soil fertility.…”
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Opinnäyte -
An integrated ultrasonic-assisted enzymes as a single extraction unit for gallic acid from labisia pumila (kacip fatimah)
Julkaistu 2018“…Ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) is widely reported for the extraction of medicinal plants and herbs due to its economical and green technology. Therefore, this study applied UAE with unified enzymatic extraction (EnE) to enhance the extraction yield of gallic acid from Labisia pumila. …”
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Opinnäyte -
Effects of SiO2-Al2O3-ZrO2 Tri-hybrid Nanofluids on Surface Roughness and Cutting Temperature in End Milling Process of Aluminum Alloy 6061-T6 Using Uncoated and Coated Cutting Ins...
Julkaistu 2021“…The minimum quantity lubricant method is an alternative in supplying the lubricant into the machining zone due to flood machining and conventional fluid possess safety, health, economic and environmental effects. In this study, the experimental data were analyzed statistically using analysis of variance and response surface methodology. …”
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Artikkeli -
Optimization of the flow characteristic in various array arrangements of multiple picohydro power turbines
Julkaistu 2017“…Accordingly, MHP is the most economical technology to generate power. This is because MHP use the water flow in a river to generate power, where it is a continuous process. …”
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Research Report -
Baicalein as promising anticancer agent_A comprehensive analysis on molecular mechanisms
Julkaistu 2023“…Despite significant therapeutic advancements for cancer, an atrocious global burden (for example, health and economic) and radio- and chemo-resistance limit their effectiveness and result in unfavorable health consequences. …”
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Artikkeli -
Baicalein as promising anticancer agent: A comprehensive analysis on molecular mechanisms and therapeutic perspectives
Julkaistu 2023“…Despite significant therapeutic advancements for cancer, an atrocious global burden (for example, health and economic) and radio- and chemo-resistance limit their effectiveness and result in unfavorable health consequences. …”
Hae kokoteksti
Artikkeli -
Exploration of secondary deposit to determine manganese ore body
Julkaistu 2023“…Even the quality was high but it still not reaching the ore body It can be concluded that this area is not economical for commercial production of manganese ore and by pursuing this area will surely contribute to business risks, negatively impacting on potential profitability. …”
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Artikkeli -
Kinetic and thermodynamic evaluations of oil extraction from immobilized Chlorella vulgaris using different solvents
Julkaistu 2023“…The positive values of ΔS and the negative values of ΔG indicated that the oil extraction using heptane is thermodynamically spontaneous and irreversible, thus making it economically feasible. The fatty acids methyl esters such as palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, and linolenic were the prime constituents quantified in the oil extracted using heptane compared to other solvent systems. …”
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Hae kokoteksti
Artikkeli -
Putting rooftops to use – A Cost-Benefit Analysis of food production vs. energy generation under Mediterranean climates
Julkaistu 2019“…Rooftop farming is an environmentally and economically sustainable way of exploiting urban rooftops, reducing “food miles” and providing local jobs, while roof-integrated solar photovoltaic (PV) modules provide clean energy, are increasingly cost-effective, and offer job opportunities. …”
Hae kokoteksti
Artikkeli -
Protocol for a randomized controlled trial evaluating the impact of the Nurse-Family Partnership’s home visiting program in South Carolina on maternal and child health outcomes
Julkaistu 2021“…Trial registration: The trial was registered prospectively on the American Economic Association Trial Registry (the primary registry for academic economists doing policy trials) on 16 February 2016 (AEARCTR-0001039). …”
Hae kokoteksti
Artikkeli -
Spatial structure of workplace and communication between colleagues: A study of E-mail exchange and spatial relatedness on the MIT campus
Julkaistu 2024“…The results provide limited evidence that spatial planning may be used strategically to encourage social, cultural, and economic exchange or knowledge-spillovers within buildings and campuses.…”
Hae kokoteksti
Artikkeli -
Oblivious routing of highly variable traffic in service overlays and IP backbones
Julkaistu 2010“…We also bring out the versatility of the scheme in not only handling widely fluctuating traffic but also accommodating applicability to several widely differing networking scenarios, including i) economical Virtual Private Networks (VPNs); ii) supporting indirection in specialized service overlay models like Internet Indirection Infrastructure (i3); iii) adding QoS guarantees to services that require routing through a netwo- - rk-based middlebox; and iv) reducing IP layer transit traffic and handling extreme traffic variability in IP-over-optical networks without dynamic reconfiguration of the optical layer. …”
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