Moderation of the association between COVID-19-related income loss and depression by receipt of financial support: Repeated cross-sectional surveys of young adults in Canada and Fr...
Published 2023-03-01“…Financial support interventions may help to mitigate the negative effects of income loss on young adults mental health during periods of economic crisis.…”
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Climatic, weather, and socio-economic conditions corresponding to the mid-17th-century eruption cluster
Published 2022-05-01“…Yet the early 17th century was also characterized by widespread warfare across Europe – and in particular the Thirty Years' War (1618–1648) – rendering any attribution of socio-economic crisis to volcanism challenging. In China and Japan, historical sources point to extreme droughts and famines starting in 1638 (China) and 1640 (Japan), thereby preceding the eruptions of Komaga-take (31 July 1640) and Mount Parker (4 January 1641). …”
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La Innovación y la transferencia de tecnologías en la Estación Experimental "Indio Hatuey": 50 años propiciando el desarrollo del sector rural cubano (Parte I) Innovation and techn...
Published 2011-12-01“…The scientific results were focused on forage conservation, as strategy to relieve the feed deficit occurred every year, during the dry season. With the economic crisis of the 90's, a reconversion process began in the dairy cattle exploitation technologies. …”
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Using clinical practice variations as a method for commissioners and clinicians to identify and prioritise opportunities for disinvestment in health care: a cross-sectional study,...
Published 2015-04-01“…Background: NHS expenditure has stagnated since the economic crisis of 2007, resulting in financial pressures. …”
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Published 2020-08-01“…In 1998, Indonesia experienced economic crisis, the cooperative business units and MSMEs were relatively stable and able to survive compared to the large companies. …”
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Published 2022-03-01“…Especially in wage societies, this economic crisis has turned into social crises. In this process, labour law practices have become questionable. …”
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Diferencias innatas y desigualdades socio-espaciales de Calidad de Vida en San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina = Innate differences and socio-spatial inequalities Quality of Life in...
Published 2016-09-01“…</p><p><em>The purpose of the article is to show how innate differences such as sex, age and birthplace, are strongly associated with socio-spatial inequalities of Quality of Life (Q&L) in a group of neighborhoods of San Carlos de Bariloche, Northern Patagonia of Argentina, between the 1997 economic crisis and the recovery of the 2005. The main approach to the analysis is based on the Integrated Poverty Method (IPM) that measure both the short-term (income lines) and structural (Unsatisfied Basic Needs, UBN) poverty of the population according to those innate differences of the household’s head. …”
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Sociological approach to the Social movement of Blacks in America (Analysis of Origins, processes and outcomes)
Published 2017-06-01“…Segregation in the economy has been expanding in 2011 and at the beginning of the economic crisis, 1.91 percent of African - Americans and 91.5 percent of Latinos- Americans were homeowners. …”
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Developments in Legal Education: Beyond the Primary School Model
Published 1991-01-01“…Most view the future with apprehension, largely because of the economic crisis that faces higher education in nearly all countries in the English speaking world. …”
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Estructura institucional y organización territorial local en España: fragmentación municipal, asociacionismo confuso, grandes ciudades y provincias supervivientes Estructura instit...
Published 2010-12-01“…In theory, the main role of the province is the economical, technical and legal cooperation with the small and medium size municipalities, but actually this role could be implemented by the Autonomous Communities, and the provinces means an arena for the political clientelism and a privileged and comfortable space for the local political elites that could perfectly be suppressed, especially in a context of deep economic crisis and reduction of public resources.…”
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Envejecimiento poblacional como reto de la ciencia, la técnica y la sociedad
Published 2015-10-01“…<strong> Development: </strong>The technological advances and scientists have allowed that today great part of the life of a person lapses like elder. The world economic crisis that is living and that it will affect all in proportional form at the developmental levels reached, it leaves at side the aged population's health and the attention from the State to the sector health and up to where we review, Cuba is the only country of the world that has a state program that is in charge of each one of the 7 fundamental aspects that are necessary to get an active and satisfactory longevity. …”
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Published 2018-08-01“…Prior to the 1997 economic crisis, insolvency laws in most state economies were generally out of date and irrelevant to the modern commercial needs, particulary the cross-border insolvency matters that has not been well regulated. …”
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L'efectivitat del dret a l'habitatge a Catalunya i el paper del dret urbanístic: esperances en ple drama? - The Effectiveness of the Right to Housing in Catalonia and the Role of U...
Published 2013-06-01“…</p><br><p>The present study analyses the legal techniques for the enhancement of good administration in relation with the right to housing and takes into account the amendments made to <em>la Ley 18/2007 operada por la Ley 9/2011</em> [Act 18/2007 implemented by Act 9/2011], as well as public policies in the new context of economic crisis. Thus, the study analyses the new measures adopted to protect mortgage borrowers unable to meet their obligations and considers to what extent the future establishment of assignment of payment would be constitutionally acceptable if applied to loan or credit contracts still in force, as well as the imposition on owners of forced rentals to avoid the loss of accommodation on the part of debtors. …”
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Processus socio-territoriaux urbains à l’œuvre dans les trajectoires des femmes enceintes ayant accouché prématurement
Published 2018-01-01“…An example of a reading, by trajectory, that informs the urban contexts of this study Lille: socioeconomic instability of the native population In Lille, the identified profiles are linked to the industrial decline, associated to the economic crisis that strongly devastated the North of France, especially after 2008. …”
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Published 2012-05-01“…</p> <p> </p> <p>Kata kunci: Institusi lokal, kemiskinan, perkotaan</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p> </p> <p>The increasingly rapid urban growth and fast urbanization flow as well as the impacts of the economic crisis in the last few years cause poverty in the urban areas to grow more and more. …”
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Nursing care when facing adversity: commitments to resistance from academia El cuidado de enfermería en la adversidad: compromisos de resistencia desde la docencia1
Published 2007-12-01“…These circumstances are expressed when we return to old ways of exclusion or alienation, or in the presence of new ways of expressing social action by the nursing professionals, who have been limited by the means available that generate a way of life in prolonged social, political and economic crisis, which is the way of life for Colombia today". The final part of the article contains a series of proposals that are geared to tackling the question: Where should we orient the governance of care? …”
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A redação convergente e a produção de conteúdos para dispositivos móveis.
Published 2014-12-01“…</li></ul><p> </p><ul><li>The transformation of journalism over the last decade highlights at the very core of the practice fundamental changes in the production process, human agency and the modes of content distribution. The economic crisis affecting journalism around the world has intensified the need to find solutions. …”
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El cuidado de enfermería en la adversidad: compromisos de resistencia desde la docencia Nursing care when facing adversity: commitments to resistance from academia
Published 2007-12-01“…These circumstances are expressed when we return to old ways of exclusion or alienation, or in the presence of new ways of expressing social action by the nursing professionals, who have been limited by the means available that generate a way of life in prolonged social, political and economic crisis, which is the way of life for Colombia today". …”
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Tempo e melancolia: república, modernidade e cidadania negra nos contos de Astolfo Marques (1876-1918) Time and melancholy: Republic, modernity and black citizenship in the short s...
Published 2012-01-01“…In Maranhão fin de siècle, the economic crisis of agro-export system added to the slave labor political crisis bequeathed to the republican regime early decades an intense social struggle around the definition of the citizenship boundaries, in which the racial subordination of black people is a crucial point. …”
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Published 2021-03-01“…If, therefore, the pandemic is creating an inevitable disorientation and a consequent slowdown of life in all its expressions, it cannot be denied that the environmental crisis that has characterized the last 50 years, and the economic crisis that occurred between 2007 and 2013, second only to the great depression of the early twentieth century, have long imposed on humanity a change of pace with effects, especially on the social level, not easy to solve. …”
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