Suárez in Eighteenth Century British political thought. Burke’s political thought and Suárez’s inheritance / Suárez en el pensamiento político inglés del siglo dieciocho. El pensam...
Published 2018-12-01“… Resumen El propósito de este artículo es mostrar la influencia que tuvo Suárez sobre el pensamiento político Anglicano británico, es decir, sobre Edmund Burke, un importante político Whig del siglo XVIII. …”
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Suárez in Eighteenth Century British political thought. Burke’s political thought and Suárez’s inheritance / Suárez en el pensamiento político inglés del siglo dieciocho. El pensam...
Published 2018-12-01“…<p><strong>Resumen</strong></p><p>El propósito de este artículo es mostrar la influencia que tuvo Suárez sobre el pensamiento político Anglicano británico, es decir, sobre Edmund Burke, un importante político Whig del siglo XVIII. …”
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Koncepcja „czwartego stanu” Edmunda Burke’a podana przez Thomasa Carlyle’a. Refleksje o polityce i komunikowaniu
Published 2014-04-01“…Concept of “fourth estate” of Edmund Burke by Thomas Carlyle. Afterthought about politics and communication Since 19th century, we have been speaking about speeches of Edmund Burke, about his concept of “fourth estate”. …”
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Estética del horror: La sublimidad en dos relatos de Edgar Allan Poe y Leopoldo Lugones
Published 2016-03-01“…This sublime consideration of horror makes possible a link between these narratives and Edmund Burke 's treatise "A Philosophical Inquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and the Beauttiful", as well as a new key to the understanding of Poe's influence on Lugones.…”
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Trembling in fear and ecstasy
Published 2019-07-01“…This essay investigates how Søren Kierkegaard’s leap of faith can be viewed as a sublime esthetic experience along the lines of the theories of Longinus and Edmund Burke. In Kierkegaard leaps of faith incorporate feelings of terror and passion. …”
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Sense and sensibility : Mary Wollstonecraft as Active Witness to History
Published 2011-04-01“…Wollstonecraft thus seeks to delegitimize Edmund Burke’s rendition of the French Revolution and, beyond, Burke himself as a historian, notably by feminizing him while presenting herself as an active witness to history.…”
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The Modern Import of Lucretius’s Sublime
Published 2016-06-01“…This paper suggests that Longinus himself drew upon Lucretius, before examining the manner in which Edmund Burke and Immanuel Kant used Lucretius in order to elaborate their own theories of the sublime.…”
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Ideias versus redes sociais: ativismo à distância na Inglaterra do século XVIII Ideas versus social networks: long-distance activism in eighteenth-century England
Published 2012-11-01“…Para testar o papel dessas ideologias, comparo dois conjuntos de campanhas: o impeachment de Warrant Hastings por Edmund Burke e a série de mobilizações religiosas iniciada com o movimento contra o tráfico de escravos colonial. …”
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Identité générique et identité sexuelle dans « Eugénie de Franval »
Published 2013-11-01“…A reading of Sade’s short story in the light of Edmund Burke’s A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful can help us understand the confusion of poetics and of sexual identities that is at the centre of the act of writing for the marquis.…”
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Convergências entre o sublime e o grotesco na arte romântica
Published 2018-07-01“…A pesquisa se fundamenta nos pensamentos de Edmund Burke, Friedrich Schiller e Victor Hugo, os quais fazem parte do momento artístico escolhido e abordam o tema de maneira abrangente e profunda.…”
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Conservative in customs and liberal in economics: freedom, equality and democracy in Burke, Oakeshott and Hayek
Published 2020-05-01“…Based on the analysis of the seminal texts Reflections on the Revolution in France, by Edmund Burke; On Being Conservative, by Michael Oakeshott; and Why I Am Not Conservative, by Friedrich A. …”
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La incursión de lo sublime en la ética según el enfoque kantiano pre-crítico
Published 2015-12-01“…Estudiaremos la versión correspondiente al período pre-crítico con el fin de señalar que ya en esta época Kant se distancia del modo de análisis predominante, representado por la obra de Edmund Burke. Consideramos que la novedad del enfoque kantiano radica en el íntimo vínculo que se establece entre lo sublime y la ética.…”
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Published 2018-10-01“…La refl exión y estudio de la legislación francesa terrorista a la luz de la Filosofía del Derecho y de clásicos como Thomas Paine, Alexis de Tocqueville, o Edmund Burke.…”
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La faccia nascosta di Hollywood: Tim Burton e il sublime
Published 2014-12-01“…Moreover, women in Tim Burton’s movies are savior angels, and the sublime is seen as the elevation of the soul, which is the thought we can find in Immanuel Kant, Baldine Saint Girons or Edmund Burke’s works. Another important element is Danny Elfamn´s music, which is played in all Tim Burton´s movies, which is able to magnify the idea of the sublime in all his works.…”
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Thomas Paine and his Rights of Man
Published 2023-01-01“…Paine, a British philosopher involved in the American independence movement, wrote Rights of Man in response to Edmund Burke’s criticisms of the French Revolution. The book defended the principles of the French Revolution and inspired workers to fight for their rights. …”
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Debate on sublime in the end of 18th century: Burke, Kant, Schiller
Published 2009-01-01“…In the article the authors are examining three positions within the 18th Century aesthetic discussion on the sublime - Edmund Burke's, Immanuel Kant's and Friedrich Schiller's. …”
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Paisagens e Crônicas Visuais da Destruição: índices e temporalidades do discurso visual no fotojornalismo
Published 2014-02-01“… Este artigo se propõe a examinar a tópica da paisagem, como elemento condutor da representação da catástrofe no fotojornalismo: recupera-se a noção de indexicalidade, na chave em que ela é pensada relativamente ao conceito da “aura”, na reflexão de Walter Benjamin sobre a história da fotografia; correlaciona-se o tema pictórico da paisagem, em seu aspecto de estabilidade e mudança, ao problema da sublimidade nos escritos de Edmund Burke. Na conclusão, se examinam pistas sobre as relações entre catástrofe e historicidade, a partir da representação de uma natureza revolta. …”
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A história filosófica contra Rousseau
Published 2017-11-01“…A profundidade teórica e o potencial crítico da obra de Robertson foram identificados por Edmund Burke, seu primeiro e mais arguto leitor.…”
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Is the city a cultural landscape? An attempt to analyze the city from the perspective of landscape aesthetics
Published 2015-12-01“…This necessitates a re‑interpretation of the category of the sublime, whereby, through references to Edmund Burke, Theodor W. Adorno and Arnold Berleant, the sublime assumes the nature of a category which determines the existential situation of a person in the world. …”
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