Contrasting aims and approaches in the study of ancient Egyptian mathematics in the 1920s
Published 2022“…We argue that by the end of the 1920s, a topic that had hitherto largely been the preserve of Egyptologists had passed into the hands of mathematicians.…”
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Visions of Disrupted Chronologies: Sergei Eisenstein and Hedwig Fechheimer’s Cubist Egypt
Published 2022-09-01“…By juxtaposing two ostensibly divergent characters, the Jewish art historian and Egyptologist Hedwig Fechheimer (1871–1942) and Soviet filmmaker and theorist Sergei Eisenstein (1898–1948), this paper investigates how both approaches folded time, creating Cubist chronologies. …”
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Les femmes et le monde des Annales
Published 2017-05-01“…It then explores the education and careers of women somehow connected to the Annales from its founding in 1929 through World War II: the two who contributed articles (the historian-ethnographer Lucie Varga and the economic-historian Thérèse Sclafert); those whose books were reviewed or served as reviewers (the economic historian Yvonne Bézard, the linguist-mythographer Marie-Louise Sjœstedt; the Egyptologist Germaine Rouillard); and the Renaissance scholar Eugénie Droz, who published one of Febvre’s books. …”
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Karl Marx, Marxism and Black Africa (Translated from French by V.M. Rusakov)
Published 2019-03-01“…It is this work that Cheikh Anta Diop (1923-1986) and Amilcar Cabral (1924-1975). The first, Egyptologist, had the audacity to take a step on the track traced by the founders of historical materialism to throw light on civilizations until then considered on the fringes ofthe history of humanity; the second, political leader of the national liberation movement in Guinea Bissau and in the Cape Verde Islands, distinguished himself by his anti-dogmatic attitude towards the work of Marx, which enabled him to enrich this work and lead a struggle of victorious liberation in a country whose realities are different, in many respects, from those which enabled Marx to analyze the capitalist system of his time.…”
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The Architectural and Topographical views of Seville in the 1838 and 1864 sketchbooks of John Gardner Wilkinson (1797–1875)
Published 2022-04-01“… The Egyptologist John Gardner Wilkinson travelled extensively throughout Europe from 1817 to 1864 and yet little has been written about his travels other than those in Egypt. …”
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Tidlig islamisk historie i mnemohistorisk betydning - et case-study af sûrat al-kâfi rûn
Published 2008-09-01“…This article takes its theoretical point of departure in German Egyptologist Jan Assmann's thesis on monotheism as building on a Mosaic Distinction between 'true' and 'false' in religion; 'belief' and 'unbelief,' and ultimately 'us' and 'them'. …”
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Ancient Egyptian mathematics in the early 20th century: a mathematical view from Kiel, 1926
Published 2024“…This new edition, published by the Egyptologist Thomas Eric Peet, had served much more generally to revive interest in the subject of Egyptian mathematics, which was further explored by a small number of authors, including Peet and Neugebauer, throughout the rest of the 1920s. …”
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Slavic ornaments in the decoration of the costume of Islamic Egypt
Published 2022-12-01“…More than 1000 textile fragments from the graves and from the garbage mounds of the cities of Al-Fustat and old Cairo, dating back to the 11th-19th centuries, were purchased by the English Egyptologist Professor Percy Newberry and his wife Essie from merchants in Egypt in the 1890s and 1930s and transferred to the museum. …”
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On Egyptian elite and royal attitudes to other cultures, primarily in the Late Bronze Age
Published 2016“…Moreover, his studies of topics relating to regions on the periphery of his core interests have often been far ahead of what specialists in these areas had achieved. For an Egyptologist such as myself, a striking example is his treatment of the Tale of Wenamunin the same book (Liverani 1990: 247–54), which at the time of its publication could only be matched in any way by an article by an Assyriologist (Bunnens 1978): nothing comparable had come from within Egyptology. …”
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Sto let výuky egyptologie v češtině | A century of teaching Egyptology in Czech
Published 2019-06-01“…Only three years later, he became Associate Professor of Egyptology at the faculty. As the only Egyptologist at the faculty (it was not until 1930 that his former pupil, Jaroslav Černý, started to read some lectures alongside him as a private senior lecturer), Lexa addressed a broad range of themes during his lectures. …”
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0289 The Patronage of Berlin’s Egyptian Museum by German-Jewish Press Tycoon Rudolf Mosse (1843–1920) and the Sequestration of His Art Collection during the "Third Reich"
Published 2023-09-01“…Most had been acquired on the antiquities market by Egyptologist Heinrich Brugsch (1827–1894) during his journey to Egypt in 1891–1892, which was financed by Mosse. …”
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El derecho en el Egipto faraónico
Published 1998-01-01“…About De Alonso and and Royano the Armenian borned egyptologist Arpag Mekhitarian said: «The Spanish authors dealing with the Ancient Egypt, and specially about pharaonic law, are very special: we here have the work oí a forwarded». …”
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Apuntes biográficos sobre Sir William James Erasmus Wilson Biographical notes about Sir William James Erasmus Wilson
Published 2012-12-01“…The most relevant aspects of the work of this English scientist were shown including his greatest contributions as physician, his remarkable scientific production written out in more than 30 publications as well as outstanding aspects of his life as philanthropist and Egyptologist. His participation in the transfer to London of the famous obelisk known as Cleopatra's needle was stood out. …”
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Biographical monuments: displaying selves and lives in ancient Egypt
Published 2021“…This chapter surveys the genre normally referred to by Egyptologists as ‘biography’ or ‘autobiography’, comprising texts, often inscribed on stone monuments, which recount, in various forms, events in a non-royal person’s life and/or aspects of their moral character. …”
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Published 2016-11-01“…Perring in 1939 is wrong. Egyptologists have been making references to the drawing for many years. …”
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Kontextualisierung von Terrakotten im spätzeitlichen bis spätantiken Ägypten
Published 2014-12-01“…In the first weekend of December 2013 fifteen archaeologists and Egyptologists from Germany and abroad met at the Martin von Wagner-Museum in Würzburg, to discuss current research on the coroplastic art of ancient Egypt. …”
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Ancient Egypt in our Cultural Heritage?
Published 2013-09-01“…Until the end of the 20th century Egyptologists have rarely dealt with the prelude to their discipline, limiting their interest to the critical approach to ancient sources and to noting the attempts to interpret the hieroglyphic script and the function of pyramids. …”
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A senhora da casa ou a dona da casa? Construções sobre gênero e alimentação no Egito Antigo The lady of the house or the housewife? Gender and nutrition in Ancient Egypt
Published 2012-12-01“…Previous studies on eating habits by Egyptologists have disregarded the aspect of gender and the role of women, mainly focusing on religion and funerary practices. …”
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Ancient Egypt in our Cultural Heritage?
Published 2016-02-01“…Until the end of the 20th century Egyptologists have rarely dealt with the prelude to their discipline, limiting their interest to the critical approach to ancient sources and to noting the attempts to interpret the hieroglyphic script and the function of pyramids. …”
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