Eirene, Ploutos, Cefisodoto e Cecropia. A proposito di I.Eleusis 57
Published 2016-12-01Get full text
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Como Iluminar a morte? Mistérios de Elêusis, A Visita e Gato Negro
Published 2024-10-01“… Esse relato refere-se a três casas de espetáculo lambe-lambe que tem a morte como princípio dramatúrgico: Mistérios de Elêusis, A Visita e Gato Negro. Mistérios de Elêusis é uma trilogia sobre a mitologia de Perséfone, deusa regente do mundo dos mortos. …”
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List Hadriana o sprzedaży ryb w Eleusis IG II² 1103. Tekst, tłumaczenie, komentarz
Published 2024-09-01Subjects: Get full text
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La rehabilitación de las aparchai en época imperial
Published 2020-04-01Subjects: “…Eleusis…”
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[Recenzja]: "Stowarzyszenie Patriotyczno-Religijne „Eleusis” w latach 1902-1914", Teresa Podgórska, Lublin 1999, Redakcja Wydawnictw KUL, 157 s. + il.
Published 1999-12-01Subjects: “…Eleusis…”
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La integración de los cultos rurales en la ciudad de Atenas entre el Arcaísmo y el Clasicismo
Published 2021-11-01Subjects: Get full text
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La adormidera y el culto a Ceres en la escultura romana de las iniciadas durante el siglo II d.C.
Published 2020-04-01Subjects: Get full text
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Death, Rebirth, and Pilgrimage Experience in Aelius Aristides’ <i>Hieroi Logoi</i>
Published 2024-07-01Subjects: Get full text
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Hercules Romanus, Hercules Gaditanus, Iovis Olympius, Sandan y Iupiter Victor: cultos locales y selecciones imperiales en la moneda de Adriano
Published 2019-09-01“…En medio de su primera gran gira, Adriano, en el año 124, se inició en Eleusis, en las cercanías de Atenas, y en asociación con Hércules. …”
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Juno trains her chorus: Statius, Thebaid 12.464-480
Published 2023“…It argues that the description of the entry of the Argive women into Athens and appeal for assistance in securing burial for their dead fathers, husbands, and sons depend closely on the equivalent scene at Eleusis in the Supplices of Euripides. In particular, it argues that Statius employs technical terms for the training and bringing on stage of a tragic chorus both as a figure of allusion acknowledging the scene’s debt to Euripides and in order to indicate that it is only through tragic appeal to the emotions that this epic poem can reach an ending. …”
Journal article -
Fra huskult til basilika
Published 2004-07-01“…The main purpose, however, is to discuss the character of the Christian cult house in relation to a number of related earlier and contemporary types of buildings such as the classical Hellenistic-Roman temples, the Jewish synagogue and a number of Graeco-Roman buildings that can be reagrded as historical forerunners of the Christian church building: the Greek counsel hall (bouleutêrion), the hall of initiation (e.g. Eleusis), the lecture hall (such as gymnasium and stoa), the Greek and Near Eastern cult theatres, the roman basilica and the Roman mithraeum. …”
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Identity and society within ‘landscapes of memory’: Iron Age cult at Bronze Age ruins (1000-700 BC)
Published 2018“…In Attica: Athens and Eleusis. </p> <p>From this study it is argued that a cultic engagement with the Bronze Age past was an attractive prospect to Iron Age communities in Greece. …”
Thesis -
MBL2 Genotypes and Their Associations with MBL Levels and NICU Morbidity in a Cohort of Greek Neonates
Published 2015-01-01Get full text
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Molecular Prevalence, Genetic Diversity, and Tissue Tropism of <i>Bartonella</i> Species in Small Mammals from Yunnan Province, China
Published 2024-04-01“…Notably, <i>Apodemus chevrieri, Eothenomys eleusis, Niviventer fulvescens, Rattus tanezumi, Episoriculus leucops, Anourosorex squamipes</i>, and <i>Ochotona Thibetana</i> exhibited infection rates of 44.4%, 27.7%, 100.0%, 6.3%, 60.0%, 23.5%, and 22.2%, respectively. …”
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