The dependence of body weight in copepodite stages of Pseudocalanus spp. on variations of ambient temperature and food concentration
Published 2004-03-01“…The results presented here indicate that <i>Pseudocalanus</i> sp. from Puget Sound (a species resembling <i>Pseudocalanus minutus</i>) is similar to <i>P. elongatus</i> from the southern North Sea and the English Channel with respect to growth parameters in the studied range of temperatures for excess food. …”
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Phytoplankton diversity and community composition along the estuarine gradient of a temperate macrotidal ecosystem: combined morphological and molecular approaches.
Published 2014-01-01“…Microscopical and molecular analyses were used to investigate the diversity and spatial community structure of spring phytoplankton all along the estuarine gradient in a macrotidal ecosystem, the Baie des Veys (eastern English Channel). Taxa distribution at high tide in the water column appeared to be mainly driven by the tidal force which superimposed on the natural salinity gradient, resulting in a two-layer flow within the channel. …”
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Le campagne lombarde, tessera chiave del mosaico agrario europeo.
Published 2014-07-01“…Indisputably, modern agriculture is essentially an outgrowth of the humid temperate regions bordering the English Channel, but English, French and German scholars were wrong to identify these regions as the only cradle of the modern agricultural revolution. …”
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Sex difference in open-water swimming-The Triple Crown of Open Water Swimming 1875-2017.
Published 2018-01-01“…Data from 535 finishers in 'Catalina Channel Swim', 1,606 finishers in 'English Channel Swim' and 774 finishers in 'Manhattan Island Marathon Swim' were analysed. …”
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Statistical modeling of the space–time relation between wind and significant wave height
Published 2023-06-01“…A transfer function is established between wind fields over the North Atlantic (predictors) and the significant wave height (predictand) at three locations: southwest of the French coast (Gironde), the English Channel, and the Gulf of Maine. The developed method considers both wind seas and swells by including local and global predictors. …”
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Refractivity variations and propagation at Ultra High Frequency
Published 2017-01-01“…These variations are region specific and we have selected a region of one kilometer height over the English Channel. We have constructed different modified refractivity profiles based on the local meteorological data. …”
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Genetic Diversity and Structure of <i>Anax imperator</i> Leach, 1815 Populations (Odonata: Aeshnidae) in Ponds at Regional and European Scales
Published 2022-01-01“…Only the U.K. population presented a significant genetic differentiation from other European populations, suggesting that the English Channel might act as a barrier to gene flow for <i>A. imperator</i>. …”
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Ontogenetic shift in the energy allocation strategy and physiological condition of larval plaice (Pleuronectes platessa).
Published 2019-01-01“…We combined these three indices to evaluate ontogenetic variations of growth performance, lipid dynamics and nutritional condition of plaice larvae caught in the field during winter 2017 in the eastern English Channel and the Southern Bight of the North Sea. …”
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Regime Shift in an Exploited Fish Community Related to Natural Climate Oscillations.
Published 2015-01-01“…Based on a 24-year-long time-series of scientific surveys monitoring 55 fish and cephalopods species, we report here a rapid and persistent structural change in the exploited fish community of the eastern English Channel from strong to moderate dominance of small-bodied forage fish species with low temperature preferendum that occurred in the mid-1990s. …”
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Using Satellite-Based Data to Facilitate Consistent Monitoring of the Marine Environment around Ireland
Published 2022-04-01“…The strongest seasonal Chl-a trends were observed in divisions VIId and VIIe (the English Channel), primarily in the summer months, followed by northern divisions VIa (west of Scotland) and VIb (Rockall) in the winter months.…”
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Estimations of statistical dependence as joint return period modulator of compound events – Part 1: Storm surge and wave height
Published 2018-07-01“…Overall, significantly strong values of positive correlations and dependencies were found over the Irish Sea; English Channel; and south coasts of the North Sea, Norwegian Sea, and Baltic Sea, with compound events taking place in a zero-lag mode. …”
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Heterogeneous integrated dataset for Maritime Intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance
Published 2019-08-01“…It covers a time span of six months, from October 1st, 2015 to March 31st, 2016 and provides ship positions over the Celtic sea, the North Atlantic Ocean, the English Channel, and the Bay of Biscay (France). The dataset is proposed for an easy integration with relational databases. …”
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The peculiar case of Myxicola infundibulum (Polychaeta: Sabellidae): echo from a science 200 years old and description of four new taxa in the Mediterranean Sea
Published 2023-07-01“…We also examined material present in the collection of one of the authors previously identified as M. infundibulum, comparing Mediterranean material to some from the English Channel, and material from North America. This led to the erection of four taxa new to science from material recently collected along the Italian coasts, and the restoration of Myxicola pacifica Johnson, 1901. …”
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Site distribution at the edge of the palaeolithic world: a nutritional niche approach.
Published 2013-01-01“…This paper presents data from the English Channel area of Britain and Northern France on the spatial distribution of Lower to early Middle Palaeolithic pre-MIS5 interglacial sites which are used to test the contention that the pattern of the richest sites is a real archaeological distribution and not of taphonomic origin. …”
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Published 2013-01-01“…Waves entering from the English Channel were attenuated after crossing the Dover strait. …”
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Environmental Impact on Harmful Species <i>Pseudo-nitzschia</i> spp. and <i>Phaeocystis globosa</i> Phenology and Niche
Published 2022-01-01“…In this study, we aimed to assess for the first time the relationship between environmental conditions, phenology and niche ecology of harmful species <i>Phaeocystis globosa</i> and the complex <i>Pseudo-nitzschia</i> along the French coast of the eastern English Channel. A new method of bloom detection within a time-series was developed, which allowed the characterization of 363 blooms by 22 phenological variables over 11 stations from 1998 to 2019. …”
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Classification-Aided SAR and AIS Data Fusion for Space-Based Maritime Surveillance
Published 2020-12-01“…Two case studies in the UK are used to evaluate the performance of the classification-aided data association technique based on the types of SAR product used for maritime surveillance: wide-area and large-scale data association in the English Channel and focused data association in the Solent. …”
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Impact of temperature on Downs herring (Clupea harengus) embryonic stages: First insights from an experimental approach.
Published 2023-01-01“…Here, the impact of temperature was assessed on embryonic stages of Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus), a species of high socio-economic interest, with a particular focus on the under-studied eastern English Channel winter-spawning component (Downs herring). …”
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Linking sea level dynamic and exceptional events to large-scale atmospheric circulation variability: A case of the Seine Bay, France
Published 2019-07-01“…Summary: In this study, the multi-time-scale variability of the South English Channel (case of the Seine Bay, North France) sea level and its exceptional events have been investigated in relation with the global climate patterns by the use of wavelet multi-resolution decomposition techniques. …”
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Lessons Learnt from the Monetary System of Guernsey
Published 2017-10-01“…Bailiwick of Guernsey, situated in the English Channel off the coast of Normandy, just like Jersey and the Isle of Man, is an UK Crown dependency and an autonomous jurisdiction. …”
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