Variability in Asian parents’ English and mathematics skills: A family-based study
Published 2022-07-01“…The data were collected from 152 Hong Kong and 280 Cebu City (Philippines) parents who learn English as a second language. The academic performances of their children (Hong Kong: Mean age = 8.72 years; Cebu City; Mean age = 6.59 years) were also measured. …”
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Article -
Sophisticated Thinking: Higher Order Thinking Skills
Published 2015-09-01“…They are second-year bachelor students of the Higher School of Economics who are studying English as a second language. On the basis of the ideas expressed by B. …”
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Contextual factors and clinical reasoning: differences in diagnostic and therapeutic reasoning in board certified versus resident physicians
Published 2017-11-01“…Patient contextual factors, including English as a second language and emotional volatility, were portrayed in the videos. …”
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A genome-wide association study of Chinese and English language phenotypes in Hong Kong Chinese children
Published 2024-03-01“…There is a lack of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) on literacy phenotypes of Chinese as a native language and English as a second language (ESL) in a Chinese population. In this study, we conducted GWAS on 34 reading/language-related phenotypes in Hong Kong Chinese bilingual children (including both twins and singletons; total N = 1046). …”
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Peer feedback and Chinese medical students’ English academic writing development: a longitudinal intervention study
Published 2023-08-01“…Little is known, however, about the effects of incorporating peer feedback to enhance English as a second language (L2) medical students’ academic writing performance. …”
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PBL in an EAP classroom: an insight study on students' language skills / Zuriani Yaacob
Published 2012“…Giving the students opportunities for self-directed learning will promote positive changes in their effort of learning English as a second language. Besides, in promoting such independent learning environment, it is important for the facilitator to clarify about PBL, its underlying principles and characteristics in which later would enable them to become familiar with the PBL processes. …”
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Thesis -
Metacognitive awareness of listening strategies and perception of listening skill during remote learning
Published 2021“…The online classes associated with the Covid-19 pandemic have resulted in the magnitude of remote learning of ESL (English as a second language). Sustaining the quality of teaching and learning of listening skills has become more challenging for everyone. …”
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Relationships between cross-cultural tendencies in learning and use of language learning strategies among Chinese-Malaysian and Iranian tertiary ESL learners
Published 2011“…In addition, Oxford’s Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (1980) was employed to determine the use of language learning strategies. 150 Chinese-Malaysian learners of English as a second language and 150 Iranian learners of English as a foreign language participated in the study. …”
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Thesis -
Comparison between Competent and Basic English Language Learners Using Cognitive and Affective Learning Strategies
Published 2007“…A comparative study between two types of respondents are involved in this study; namely the excellent and below the average students using English as a second language thus 129 students of B(Ed.) TESL in UPM were being partially experimented on. …”
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Thesis -
Acquisition of english wh-questions by Kadazandusun speakers in Malaysia
Published 2016“…In addition, the findings would have pedagogical implications for the English as a second language (ESL) classroom, in particular in the East Malaysian state of Sabah.…”
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Thesis -
Relationship between communication apprehension and willingness to communicate among TESL undergraduates in a public university in Malaysia
Published 2019“…Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) undergraduates are trained to become English language educators in the Second Language (L2) context. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Arabic-Speaking University Students' Willingness To Communicate In English In The Study Abroad Context
Published 2016“…It is hoped that this study will add value to the limited empirical research evidence regarding a person’s willingness to communicate in English as a second language, in the context of studying abroad in Malaysia. …”
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Thesis -
Video-based English enrichment programme for primary school
Published 1994“…As these oral-aural language, we need to provide additional experience and the chance to develop oral-aural language abilities for students who have any disadvantage, especially those who are learning English as a second language. It is in such a situation that videos will be of immense value, giving the extra qualities of movement, sequence, drama and link between sound and vision. …”
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Monograph -
Published 2004-01-01“…Predmeta, ki na prvi pogled najbolj odražata multikulturalizem sta angleščina kot drugi jezik (English as a second language – ESL) in drugi jeziki (Languages other than English - LOTE), multikulturno izobraževanje kot tako pa mora biti sestavni del vseh glavnih učnih področij, odražati ga mora tudi etos šole. …”
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Assessing the competency of pharmacists in writing effective curriculum vitae for job applications: a cross-sectional study and readability index evaluation
Published 2023-11-01“…Jordan is one such country where English is a second language for many, and little is known about the CV/job application writing skills of Jordanian pharmacists. …”
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The impact of hearing impairment on early academic achievement in Aboriginal children living in remote Australia: a data linkage study
Published 2020-10-01“…Other factors associated with poorer NAPLAN results included being male, lower Year 2 school attendance, low birthweight, average household size> 5 persons, living in a very remote community and speaking English as a second language. Conclusions OM-related HI was independently associated with poorer early year academic achievement in Aboriginal children living in remote NT communities. …”
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Processing of speech utterances for computer aided training of speaking skills
Published 2014“…This thesis addresses several issues which are relevant to computer-aided language learning systems, particularly for learning of English as a second language (L2). The first issue is about the evaluation of prosody of the learner’s speech utterances. …”
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Thesis -
L2 writing self-efficacy, task-value, and strategies of Malaysian undergraduate students
Published 2014“…The sample of the study consisted of 304 Malaysian undergraduate students learning English as a second language at Unveristi Putra Malaysia. Participants were drawn from a writing course. …”
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Thesis -
An analysis of technical oral presentation anxiety in English among engineering students in Universiti Malaysia Pahang
Published 2013“…In addition, the concept of Communication Apprehension (McCroskey, 1982b) was used as a basis in further understanding the anxiety experienced by the students in technical oral presentation and oral communication in English as a second language (ESL). This case study used a mixed method sequential explanatory approach proposed by Creswell (2003). …”
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