Ankara Anlaşması’ndan Müzakerelere Avrupa Birliği Mali Yardımları(European Union Financial Aids Since Ankara Agreement Until Negotiations)
Published 2009-01-01“…In this study, the financial aids that Turkey had taken since the Ankara Agreement that was signed between Turkey and European Union (EU), that was previously named European Economic Community, until the commencement of the negotiations are investigated. …”
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Western European inflation and the reserve currencies
Published 2014-03-01“…The author establishes to what extent and in what ways British monetary policies, and those of the other main reserve currency countries, have interacted with the European Economic Community’s. The analysis is confined to the years following the return to convertibility, starting with 1959 and ending with 1966. …”
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Heterogeneity of Pharmacy Education in Europe
Published 2014-08-01“…The 1985 European Economic Community (EEC) directive on the sectoral profession of pharmacy assumed that the comparability of pharmacy education across Europe could provide a basis for the mutual recognition of diplomas. …”
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Europe as a Symbol: The Struggle for Democracy and the Meaning of European Integration in Post-Franco Spain
Published 2014-02-01“…This paper analyses the effect that some political actors’ behaviours had on the image of the European integration process in Spain during General Franco’s dictatorship and its influence on the country’s European policy during the democratic transition and the adhesion to the European Economic Community (hereafter EEC). The EEC’s condemnation of the Spanish political regime and the pro-European stances assumed by the democratic opposition created a strong bond between the ideas of European integration and democratization in the eyes of the Spanish public. …”
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Price – Strategic Instrument of EU Market Intervention. Case Study Seurop System
Published 2015-07-01“…In 29 October 1975 Council Regulation of European Economic Community (EEC) provided the common organization of the pig meat market. …”
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Spillovers from EU law into national law: (un)intended consequences for private law relationships
Published 2013“…While this evolutionary road was not always as smooth as some might have liked, the advent of the European Economic Community and the European Atomic Energy Community Treaties in 1957 can be seen as at least in part a response to the growing economic and political interaction between states in Europe; and the subsequent evolution of EU law at the EU legislative and judicial level has oft en been Effected by the use of Treaty bases to respond to social and economic developments precipitated by the application of the general rules of those Treaties over time.…”
Journal article -
Turkish Foreign Policy to European Union and Its Chance to be a European Union Member
Published 2017-05-01“…Hal ini ditandai dengan keikutsertaan Turki dalam beberapa agenda internasional Uni Eropa seperti Europe Council tahun 1949, North Atlantic treaty Organization (NATO) 1952, European Economic Community (EEC) 1959, maupun agenda-agenda lainnya dan secara resmi mendaftar sebagai anggota Uni Eropa pada 14 April 1987. …”
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Self-Employed Foreign Workers In Spain
Published 2014-11-01“…The focus varies according to the country of origin of the individual, whether it lies within the European Economic Community, whether it is a country with which the European Union has co-operation and association agreements or finally, whether it is under the general regime. …”
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L'inflazione in Europa Occidentale e le monete riserva. (Western European inflation and the reserve currencies)
Published 2014-08-01“…The author establishes to what extent and in what ways British monetary policies, and those of the other main reserve currency countries, have interacted with the European Economic Community’s. The analysis is confined to the years following the return to convertibility, starting with 1959 and ending with 1966. …”
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Key Issues for Effective Procurement Remedies
Published 2022-12-01“…Public procurement has been regulated by (then) European Economic Community (EEC) secondary law since 1971. …”
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Modelling of the dependence of travel frequency on the length and duration of a journey. Improvement of city passenger transport systems
Published 2002-12-01“…The main improvement measures have been proposed in accordance with the requirements for the passenger transport as defined by European Economic Community. The implementation of the proposed measures would allow to restore the prestige of the urban passenger transport and encourage its development under the existing market conditions.…”
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How do European Young Muslims View European Identity?
Published 2016-03-01“…The initial understanding of the then European Economic Community as Christian Democratic, thus as Catholic, is no longer valid. …”
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Published 2015-09-01“…Existence of different approaches in Great Britain and the countries of continental Europe to that issue led to the establishment of two economic groupings: European Economic Community and European Free Trade Association. …”
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How do European Young Muslims View European Identity?
Published 2016-03-01“…The initial understanding of the then European Economic Community as Christian Democratic, thus as Catholic, is no longer valid. …”
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Portugal in the Eurozone: Evolution and Expectations
Published 2019-12-01“…At the time of joining the European Economic Community (precursor to the European Union) and the Eurozone, Portuguese agents were very optimistic about the level of development that the country would be able to achieve as a result of being a member of those economic areas. …”
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Poland�s Position on Accession of Turkey to the European Union
Published 2014“…Turkey has been recognized as an official candidate for European Union (EU) membership since 1999, following the initial proposal in applying for European Economic Community in 1950s. Turkeyâ��s application to join EU and its predecessor institution has the longest time span in history, compared to other candidates. …”
Thesis -
Euro-Mediterranean relations and their heading. On the way to a differentiated multilateralism?
Published 2014-01-01“…In this sense, a kind of the privileged region have always created the states of the Southern and Eastern or eventually Northern Mediterranean with which the European Economic Community began to develop cooperation immediately after its formation. …”
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Taxes Harmonization Features in the European Union Countries
Published 2016-11-01“…Today the most developed integration association is the European Union, which main predecessor is the European Economic Community that was created in 1957. The challenge on the today’s agenda in the EU is the formation and strengthening of the economic, monetary and political union of the countries - members. …”
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The Changing Norms in Commonwealth Consular Relations: From Quasi to Formal Arrangement (1963-1972)
Published 2020-01-01“…This came in a most difficult period in the Commonwealth relations - in what Harold Macmillan described as the "wind of change" that proved to be uncomfortable for Her Majesty's Government, not to mention Britain 's application to join the European Economic Community. The paper examines the impact of the VCCR on the Commonwealth's long-standing arrangement in consular relations. …”
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From Neglect to Protection: Attitudes towards Whistleblowers in the European Institutions (1957–2002)
Published 2021-03-01“…Both its focus on the European Coal and Steel Community, European Economic Community, and EU and its focus on changing attitudes towards transparency provide an important contribution to this multidisciplinary field.…”
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