A Regularity Criterion for the Nematic Liquid Crystal Flows
Published 2010-01-01Get full text
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Mercantilismo moderno, fallimento delle banche centrali e dilemma di politica economica: il caso di Taiwan
Published 2013-10-01Get full text
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Modern mercantilism, central bank bankruptcy and policy dilemma: the case of Taiwan
Published 2013-10-01Get full text
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Ku dambakan hadirmu
Published 2024“…Ku dambakan hadirmu, Membangkit aku dari lena, Dunia fana penuh noda penuh nista, Mencari reda disela nafas…”
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Newspaper -
Pietas and impietas as the characteristics of “good” and “bad” citizens and politicians in Rome during the decline of the Republic
Published 2021-01-01“…Accusations of impietas covered a number of cases of violation of religious regulations: inter alia, negligence of rites or sacrifices (neglegentia), profanation of worship or a sacred place, encroaching on or destruction of temples (templa, aedes, fana, sacella), places (e.g. groves – luci) or objects (e.g. altars – arae, statues – simulacra) recognised as holy, as well as tombs (violatio), sacrilegium (sacrilege), violation of the principles of divinatio (contra auspicia), as well as waging a war contrary to religious principles (bellum impium). …”
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Functional nucleic acids with synthetic sugar or nucleobase moieties
Published 2023-09-01“…In this article, we first focus on two types of XNAs, threose nucleic acid (TNA) and 2’-fluoroarabinose nucleic acid (FANA), and summarize recent in vitro selections of TNA and FANA aptamers and catalysts. …”
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Bicara Pada Akhir Usia /
Published 2022“…Diharap kisah-kisah yang dipaparkan akan dapat dimanfaatkan oleh kumpulan ini dan berupaya membuka mata hati dan minda generasi muda khasnya dan pembaca amnya mengenai 'trials and tribulations' yang dilalui oleh warga emas meniti hari-hari terakhir dalam kehidupan di dunia yang fana. Kata-kata dan perasaan yang dicoret dalam naskhah ini merupakan perspektif penulis sebagai seorang warga emas dan tidak semestinya mewakili warga emas secara menyeluruh. …”
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Faithful Translation in Sapardi Djoko Damono’s Poetry Translated by Harry Aveling
Published 2014-07-01“…Penelitian ini membahas tentang penerjemahan puisi Sapardi Jokodamono yang berjudul Sihir Hujan dan Yang Fana adalah Waktu ke dalam puisi berbahasa Inggris dengan judul Black Magic Rain dan Time is Meaningless yang diterjemahkan oleh Harry Avelling. …”
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Published 2018-09-01“…O presente texto apresenta uma análise de três elementos estruturadores da narrativa de Um nome para matar (Maria Alice Barroso): o narrador, o personagem e a significação de seus nomes próprios, baseando-se nos estudos de Ligia Chiappini Moraes Leite, de Maria Lúcia Dall Fana e de Stephen Ullmann. Posteriormente, estabelece uma aproximação com a novela Quem matou pacífico?…”
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Published 2018-09-01“…O presente texto apresenta uma análise de três elementos estruturadores da narrativa de Um nome para matar (Maria Alice Barroso): o narrador, o personagem e a significação de seus nomes próprios, baseando-se nos estudos de Ligia Chiappini Moraes Leite, de Maria Lúcia Dall Fana e de Stephen Ullmann. Posteriormente, estabelece uma aproximação com a novela Quem matou pacífico?…”
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Simulasi dinamis sistem tenaga listrikmulti-mesin.
Published 1986“…Metode diskritini dengan mudah dapat diimplementasikan pada komputer mikro atau komputer pribadi. Frekuensi fana sistem dapat ditentukan dengan "eigenvalues".…”
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Pemindahan haba kejuruteraan edisi kedua
Published 1991“…Buku ini mengandungi beberapa bab iaitu kandungan, prakata edisi pertama, prakata edisi kedua, tatanama, bab 1 pengenalan, bab 2 persamaan konduksi haba, persamaan pembeza konduksi haba dalam sistem koordinat cartesian, persamaan pembeza konduksi haba dalam sistem koordinat silinder, bab 3 konduksi keadaan mantap bermatra-satu, konduksi pada kepingan datar, kesan pekali kekonduksian yang tak mantap di dalam satu kepingan datar, bab 4 konduksi haba keadaan mantap bermatra-dua, penyelesaian berangka bagi konduksi haba bermatra-dua, aturcara lelaran berkomputer untuk konduksi mantap bermatra-dua, bab 5 konduksi haba fana, sistem suhu segaya atau kapasiti dilonggokkan, konduksi haba fana bermatra-dua, bab 6 olakan dipaksa: prinsip lapisan sempadan, persamaan lapisan sempadan lamina pada suatu plat datar, olakan dipaksa lamina pada sekeping plat datar, bab 7 olakan dipaksa: ketamsilan reynolds dan analisis bermatra, ketamsilan reynolds, analisis bermatra untuk olakan dipaksa, bab 8 olakan biasa, analisis bermatra olakan biasa, formula untuk ramalan olakan biasa, bab 9 olakan aliran terpisah, hubungan di antara pemindahan haba dengan kesusutan tekanan didalam suatu sistem aliran kompleks, olakan daripada sebuah silinder tunggal dalam aliran bersilang melintang, bab 10 olakan berserta perubahan fasa, penerangan aliran yang melibatkan pemeluwapan, satu model teori untuk pengaliran yang melibatkan pemeluwapan, bab 11 permukaan yang diperpanjangkan, sisir lurus dan spina, had penting sirip lurus, bab 12 penukar haba, jenis penukar haba dan takrifnya, penentuan gayalaku penukar haba, bab 13 hukum sinaran benda hitam dan benda kelabu, penyerapan dan pantulan tenaga sinaran, pemancaran, radiositi dan penyinaran, lampiran 1 maklumat pemindahan haba, lampiran 2 unit dan faktor penukaran, lampiran 3 jadual nilai sifat, lampiran 4 kepancaran gas, indeks.…”
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Book -
Published 2014-06-01“…The Admonation of Sheh Bari edited and reviewed, Pitutur Sheh Bari, which contains the teachings fana has been taught by the Muslim Sufis such as al-Ghazali and al-Qushairi. …”
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Workpiece-Contour-Image Based Wheel Wear Online Detection Methodology
Published 2021-03-01Get full text
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Analyzing the Concept of “Transcendental Ego” In Sawaneh
Published 2013-03-01“…This article has applied an epistemological approach to Sawaneh to analyze the relationship between consciousness and the state of "Fana." In this article, we take Husserlian "transcendental phenomenology" in order to analyze the position of consciousness and indicate the process of its formation toward one of the most important stages in spiritual path, that is, love which has been frequently discussed as basic subject in "Savaneh".…”
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Treatment Outcomes and Associated Factors among Children Hospitalized with Acute Bacterial Meningitis in Eastern Ethiopia: A Cross-Sectional Study
Published 2020-12-01“…In Ethiopia, little is known about treatment outcomes of acute bacterial meningitis and associated factors among hospitalized children.Objective: To assess treatment outcomes of acute bacterial meningitis and associated factors among hospitalized children with acute bacterial meningitis in the Hiwot Fana Specialized University Hospital pediatric ward.Methods: A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted at the pediatric ward of Hiwot Fana Specialized University Hospital, eastern Ethiopia. …”
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A multi-target antisense approach against PDE4 and PDE7 reduces smoke-induced lung inflammation in mice
Published 2009-05-01“…This study examined the effect of 2'-deoxy-2'-Fluoro-β-D-Arabinonucleic Acid (FANA)-containing antisense oligonucleotides (AON) targeting the mRNA for the PDE4B/4D and 7A subtypes on lung inflammatory markers, both <it>in vitro </it>and <it>in vivo</it>.…”
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