Showing 281 - 300 results of 306 for search '"Feynman diagram"', query time: 0.12s Refine Results
  1. 281

    Worldline master formulas for the dressed electron propagator. Part I. Off-shell amplitudes by N. Ahmadiniaz, V.M. Banda Guzmán, F. Bastianelli, O. Corradini, J.P. Edwards, C. Schubert

    Published 2020-08-01
    “…Although the parameter integrals generated by the master formula are equivalent to the usual Feynman diagrams, they are quite different since the use of the inverse symbol map avoids the appearance of long products of Dirac matrices. …”
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  2. 282

    The Generalized Hypergeometric Structure of the Ward Identities of CFT’s in Momentum Space in <i>d</i> > 2 by Claudio Corianò, Matteo Maria Maglio

    Published 2020-05-01
    “…Similar expressions have been obtained in the past in the computation of an infinite class of planar ladder (Feynman) diagrams in perturbation theory, which, however, do not share the same (dual conformal/conformal) symmetry of our solutions. …”
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  3. 283

    The MSR mass and the OΛQCD $$ \mathcal{O}\left({\Lambda}_{\mathrm{QCD}}\right) $$ renormalon sum rule by André H. Hoang, Ambar Jain, Christopher Lepenik, Vicent Mateu, Moritz Preisser, Ignazio Scimemi, Iain W. Stewart

    Published 2018-04-01
    “…In contrast to earlier low-scale short-distance mass schemes, the MSR scheme has a direct connection to the well known MS¯ $$ \overline{\mathrm{MS}} $$ mass commonly used for high-energy applications, and is determined by heavy quark on-shell self-energy Feynman diagrams. Indeed, the MSR mass scheme can be viewed as the simplest extension of the MS¯ $$ \overline{\mathrm{MS}} $$ mass concept to renormalization scales ≪ m Q . …”
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  4. 284

    About electrons and position in triplet production: Some remarks by G.O. Depaola, M.L. Iparraguirre, D. Palacios

    Published 2020-12-01
    “…This eliminates the difficulty of distinguishing, in the theory, which is the recoil electron and which is the created.In this work we have analyzed the eight Feynman diagrams and we have shown that for energies lower to ~1000mc2, the assumption just described is not a good approximation, so we propose a different way to work (Iparraguirre, 2014) [2]: we classify the electrons into the less energetic and the most energetic ones without taking into account their origin. …”
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  5. 285

    NLO QCD corrections to full off-shell production of t t ¯ Z $$ t\overline{t}Z $$ including leptonic decays by Giuseppe Bevilacqua, Heribertus Bayu Hartanto, Manfred Kraus, Jasmina Nasufi, Malgorzata Worek

    Published 2022-08-01
    “…This calculation is based on the matrix elements for the e + ν e μ − ν ¯ μ b b ¯ τ + τ − $$ {e}^{+}{\nu}_e{\mu}^{-}{\overline{\nu}}_{\mu }b\overline{b}{\tau}^{+}{\tau}^{-} $$ final state and includes all resonant and non-resonant Feynman diagrams, interferences and off-shell effects of the top quark as well as the W and Z gauge bosons. …”
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  6. 286

    The MSR mass and the O(Λ[subscript QCD]) renormalon sum rule by Hoang, André H, Jain, Ambar, Lepenik, Christopher, Mateu, Vicent, Scimemi, Ignazio, Stewart, Iain W, Hoang, André H., Preisser, Moritz

    Published 2018
    “…In contrast to earlier low-scale short-distance mass schemes, the MSR scheme has a direct connection to the well known [bar over MS] mass commonly used for high-energy applications, and is determined by heavy quark on-shell self-energy Feynman diagrams. Indeed, the MSR mass scheme can be viewed as the simplest extension of the [bar over MS] mass concept to renormalization scales ≪ m[subscript Q]. …”
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  7. 287

    Dynamical Field Inference and Supersymmetry by Margret Westerkamp, Igor Ovchinnikov, Philipp Frank, Torsten Enßlin

    Published 2021-12-01
    “…We investigate the interplay of measurement constraints with the non-linear chaotic dynamics of a simplified, illustrative system with the help of Feynman diagrams and show that the Fermionic corrections are essential to obtain the correct posterior statistics over system trajectories.…”
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  8. 288

    Ambitwistor strings: worldsheet approaches to perturbative quantum field theories by Geyer, Y

    Published 2016
    “…<p>Tree-level scattering amplitudes in massless theories not only exhibit a simplicity entirely unexpected from Feynman diagrams, but also an underlying structure remarkably reminiscent of worldsheet theory correlators, yet essentially algebraic. …”
  9. 289

    Clifford Odd and Even Objects in Even and Odd Dimensional Spaces Describing Internal Spaces of Fermion and Boson Fields by Norma Susana Mankoč Borštnik

    Published 2023-03-01
    “…It turns out that the properties of fermion and boson fields differ essentially from their properties in even dimensional spaces, resembling the ghosts needed when looking for final solutions with Feynman diagrams.…”
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  10. 290

    QCD compositeness as revealed in exclusive vector boson reactions through double-photon annihilation: e+e−→γγ⁎→γV0 and e+e−→γ⁎γ⁎→V0V0 by Stanley J. Brodsky, Richard F. Lebed, Valery E. Lyubovitskij

    Published 2017-01-01
    “…We show how the differential cross sections dσdt, as predicted by QCD, have additional falloff in the momentum transfer squared t due to the QCD compositeness of the hadrons, consistent with the leading-twist fixed-θCM scaling laws, both in terms of conventional Feynman diagrams and by using the AdS/QCD holographic model to obtain the results more transparently. …”
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  11. 291

    Vacuum loops in light-front field theory by L'ubomír Martinovič, Alexander Dorokhov

    Published 2020-12-01
    “…However, the vacuum bubbles in the genuine light-front field theory are nonvanishing not due to the Fourier mode carrying LF momentum k+=0 (as is the case in the LF evaluation of the covariant Feynman diagrams), in full accord with the observation that the LF perturbation theory formula breaks down in the exact zero-mode case. …”
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  12. 292

    Non-perturbative defects in tensor models from melonic trees by Fedor K. Popov, Yifan Wang

    Published 2022-11-01
    “…By identifying a novel large N limit that generalizes the melonic limit in the presence of defects, we prove that the defect one-point function of the scalar field only receives contributions from a subset of the Feynman diagrams in the shape of melonic trees. These diagrams can be resummed using a closed Schwinger-Dyson equation which enables us to determine non-perturbatively this defect one-point function. …”
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  13. 293

    Finite-volume and thermal effects in the leading-HVP contribution to muonic (g − 2) by M. T. Hansen, A. Patella

    Published 2020-10-01
    “…In contrast to earlier work [1] based in the finite-volume Hamiltonian, the results presented here are derived by formally summing all Feynman diagrams contributing to the Euclidean electromagnetic-current two-point function, with any number of internal pion loops and interaction vertices. …”
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  14. 294

    Three loop massive operator matrix elements and asymptotic Wilson coefficients with two different masses by J. Ablinger, J. Blümlein, A. De Freitas, A. Hasselhuhn, C. Schneider, F. Wißbrock

    Published 2017-08-01
    “…Starting at 3-loop order, the massive Wilson coefficients for deep-inelastic scattering and the massive operator matrix elements describing the variable flavor number scheme receive contributions of Feynman diagrams carrying quark lines with two different masses. …”
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  15. 295

    Boomerang webs up to three-loop order by Einan Gardi, Mark Harley, Rebecca Lodin, Martina Palusa, Jennifer M. Smillie, Chris D. White, Stephanie Yeomans

    Published 2021-12-01
    “…Abstract Webs are sets of Feynman diagrams which manifest soft gluon exponentiation in gauge theory scattering amplitudes: individual webs contribute to the logarithm of the amplitude and their ultraviolet renormalization encodes its infrared structure. …”
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  16. 296

    CP $$ \mathcal{CP} $$ structure of the top-quark Yukawa interaction: NLO QCD corrections and off-shell effects by Jonathan Hermann, Daniel Stremmer, Malgorzata Worek

    Published 2022-09-01
    “…Finite top-quark and gauge-boson width effects as well as all double-, single- and non-resonant Feynman diagrams including their interference effects are taken into account. …”
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  17. 297

    Scaling behavior of crystalline membranes: An ε-expansion approach by Achille Mauri, Mikhail I. Katsnelson

    Published 2020-07-01
    “…The value of η at this order is shown to be insensitive to Feynman diagrams involving vertex corrections. As a consequence, the self-consistent screening approximation for the GCI model is shown to be exact to O(ε2). …”
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  18. 298

    N $$ \mathcal{N} $$ = 2 conformal gauge theories at large R-charge: the SU(N) case by Matteo Beccaria, Francesco Galvagno, Azeem Hasan

    Published 2020-03-01
    “…This perturbative analysis identifies maximally non-planar Feynman diagrams as the relevant ones in the double scaling limit. …”
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  19. 299

    Worldline master formulas for the dressed electron propagator. Part 2. On-shell amplitudes by N. Ahmadiniaz, V. M. Banda Guzmán, F. Bastianelli, O. Corradini, J. P. Edwards, C. Schubert

    Published 2022-01-01
    “…Its main advantages are the avoidance of long products of Dirac matrices, and its ability to unify whole sets of Feynman diagrams related by permutation of photon legs along the fermion lines. …”
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  20. 300

    Hadronic light-by-light contribution to $$(g-2)_\mu $$ ( g - 2 ) μ from lattice QCD with SU(3) flavor symmetry by En-Hung Chao, Antoine Gérardin, Jeremy R. Green, Renwick J. Hudspith, Harvey B. Meyer

    Published 2020-09-01
    “…The representation used is based on coordinate-space perturbation theory, with all QED elements of the relevant Feynman diagrams implemented in continuum, infinite Euclidean space. …”
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