Notes on the History of Normality – Reflections on the Work of Quetelet and Galton
Published 2006-11-01“…The article describes how the ideas of the Belgian statistician Adolphe Quetelet and his concept of the “average man”, together the work of the Victorian polymath Francis Galton, who coined the term eugenics, have had lasting influence on how we today conceive the term normality. …”
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"O homem, em toda parte é a riqueza da nação": o discurso eugênico na Sociedade de Medicina de Porto Alegre nas décadas de 1920 e 1930
Published 2021-04-01“…A Eugenia, desde seu desenvolvimento como teoria científica por Francis Galton, teve grande difusão por diversos países durante a primeira metade do século XX. …”
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Recepcja i rozwój idei eugenicznej na ziemiach polskich w XIX i XX wieku
Published 2012-12-01“…In the 19th century, Francis Galton divided the practice of eugenics into positive and negative categories. …”
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The introduction of the Stanford-Binet intelligence scales in Paraguay
Published 2016-05-01“…Although the first strategies to evaluate the human intellectual skills find millennial precedents in the ancient China, the attempts of measurement in the modern period began with the English psychologist Francis Galton in the decade of 1880, applying physiological measurements to estimate the human talent. …”
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A Eugenia entre os séculos XX e XXI: uma discussão necessária
Published 2023-12-01“…RESUMO A eugenia nasceu no final do século XIX, na Inglaterra, tendo como principal protagonista Francis Galton (1822-1911). Ao Brasil, chegou na passagem do século XIX para o XX, mas ganhou capilaridade a partir do protagonismo de Renato Kehl (1889-1974). …”
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Teaching the Difficult Past of Statistics to Improve the Future
Published 2024-01-01“…Three examples of famous statisticians and their work—Francis Galton’s use of conditional probabilities to demonstrate “hereditary talent,” Karl Pearson’s attempt to quantify the intelligence of Jewish immigrant students, and Ronald A. …”
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Eugenika i przejawy jej recepcji w polskiej myśli politycznej do 1939 roku
Published 2010-12-01“…<p>Eugenics and indications - its reception in the Polish political thought</p><p>The term eugenics was introduced by Francis Galton in the 19<sup>th</sup> century. It is a system ofviews declaringthe possibility of improvinghereditary characteristics of human beings by creating conditions favouring the maintenance and development of advantageous features. …”
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Individualisation at sentencing
Published 2018“…Results indicate that sentence lengths for assault offences are affected by a preference for certain numbers—a tendency first observed by Francis Galton in the 19th century.</p> <p>On a more positive note, we find no evidence that the sentencing guidelines for assault and burglary introduced in 2011 have diminished the degree of individualisation in sentencing. …”
Journal article -
Eugenia em A Máquina do Tempo de H.G. Wells
Published 2021-06-01“…Dialogando com o gênero literário de utopia, o livro serve como veículo para que o autor critique seu contexto histórico e, então influenciado por Francis Galton e Thomas Huxley, deixe transparecer o que via como solução: o controle consciente do processo de evolução através da eugenia. …”
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Consciousness and enlightenment in the Boletim de Eugenia (1929-1933): Rethinking the concept of eugenic education in Brazil
Published 2023-07-01“…We found that the concept of eugenic education was presented in an ambiguous and contradictory way in these texts, reflecting the broad sense in which the term was structured by Francis Galton, but also how the notions of enlightenment and eugenic consciousness were interpreted by the journal's directors. …”
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O paradoxo social-eugênico, genes e ética
Published 1995-12-01“…Os modelos matemáticos desenvolvidos por Francis Galton, seu fundador, dependiam desse modelo plástico de herança, onde as partículas hereditárias podiam ser modificadas pelas circustâncias ambientais. …”
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Academic Racism in Sweden in the First Half of XX Century: Creation and Activities of the State Institute of Racial Biology
Published 2020-01-01“…The appearance of racial biology as a direction of scientific research in the late XIX - early XX centuries, which was framed in the works of Anders Retzius, Gustav Retzius, Francis Galton, Alfred Pletz, who became ideological followers of Joseph Arthur de Gobino, father of the Aryan racial theory is traced. …”
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Datafication genealogies beyond algorithmic fairness: making up racialised subjects
Published 2023“…First, it focuses on the study of datafication of colonised bodies through biometrics by Francis Galton during the 19th-century. Second, it takes into account police identification procedures about unauthorised migrants, enforced by the French police at the Italian border in the 20th-century. …”
Conference item -
A single case neuroimaging study of tickertape synesthesia
Published 2023-07-01“…However, atypical development of reading mechanisms may occasionally result in ticker-tape synesthesia (TTS), a condition described by Francis Galton in 1883 wherein individuals “see mentally in print every word that is uttered (…) as from a long imaginary strip of paper”. …”
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Factors influencing the latency of simple reaction time
Published 2015-03-01“…SRTs were first measured by Francis Galton in the 19th century who reported visual SRT latencies below 190 ms in young subjects. …”
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Children perform better on left than right targets in an ordinal task
Published 2022-06-01“…Francis Galton first reported that humans mentally organize numbers from left to right on a mental number line (1880). …”
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Lebensunwertes Leben: Roots and Memory of Aktion T4
Published 2019-12-01“…In the first section, I summarize the discussion that resulted from the theories of Charles Darwin and Francis Galton. Even if those theories do not in any way allude to the consequences that we have witnessed decades after their publication, they started a debate about the value of life and the legitimacy of human intervention in the selection of hereditary character traits, as well as the concept of race and the different methods and forms of theories and eugenics that were later adopted in Europe and in the United States. …”
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EUGENIA, NEOGENIA E BIOÉTICA: Aproximações e Distanciamentos sob uma Perpectiva Jurídica de Reconhecimento de Direitos
Published 2018-08-01“… O trabalho em pauta tem por objetivo trazer uma melhor explicação a respeito dos conceitos de eugenia, que teve seu desenvolvimento realizado por um estudioso inglês chamado Francis Galton; e a respeito da neogenia, termo que caracteriza as práticas eugênicas em associação ao avanço da engenharia genética, que tem se focado no fim de mapear o genoma humano, para que se façam alterações por meio de uma seleção pré-implantatória dos gametas. …”
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Karl Pearson
Published 1994“…Contributions to the Pearsonian corpus from such statisticians as Francis Ysidro Edgeworth (1845-1926), Francis Galton (1822-1911), and George Udny Yule (1871- 1951) are also addressed.…”
Thesis -
“The Identity Problem” in Prenatal Testing
Published 2020-02-01“…In a broader sense, it has been around at least since the idea of eugenics was discussed in fictional utopias, such as Samuel Butler’s Erewhon: or, Over the Range (1872)[v] and Francis Galton’s Kantsaywhere (1910),[vi] both highly influenced by Darwin’s ideas. …”
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