U.S. National Parks and “The Tragedy of the Commons”
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The Tragedy of the Megastructure
Published 2018-12-01“…This quantitative quandary is also raised in another field by Garrett Hardin in 1968 as the ‘enclosure dilemma’. The publication of his article “The Tragedy of the Commons” sparked a broad controversy coinciding with the megastructure’s momentum. …”
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Reinvenciones de lo común: hacia una revisión de algunos debates recientes
Published 2019-10-01“…Next, we comment on Garrett Hardin’s theory of the tragedy of the commons and its rebuttal by Elinor Ostrom and others. …”
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The limits of moral responsibility for global poverty
Published 2017-11-01“…However, we do not have to be extremely impartial, which is recommended by utilitarianism (Garrett Hardin, Peter Singer), concentrating only on the consequences of action and its utility (agent-neutral evaluation). …”
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From “Tough Love” to “Street Fight”: Garret Hardin and Cordelia S. May’s Battle for Population Control and Eugenics at the Turn of the Millennium
Published 2023-12-01“…ABSTRACT This essay draws on epistolary documentation, conference proceedings, and U.S. government reports to analyze the correspondence of right-wing “conservative” activists Garrett Hardin and Cordelia S. May, focusing on their obsession with population control and eugenic principles as solutions to the growing ecological disasters of the 1960s through the early 2000s. …”
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Cankurtaran Sandalı Etiğine Karşı Adil İnsan
Published 2018-12-01“…Bunun en açık örneğini, ikincil ekolojik etikler içinde gösterilen ve Hume Çatalı olarak adlandırılan değer - olgu ayrımından yola çıkan Garrett Hardin’in cankurtaran sandalı etiğinde görmemiz mümkündür. …”
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Sisyphus and Climate Change: Educating in the Context of Tragedies of the Commons
Published 2021-01-01“…And that is the challenge that we take up here. Though Garrett Hardin suggests that the solution is a governmental process that rules over all contenders, since a world government seems unlikely before the planet hits the tippy point, we suggest an educational initiative instead: one that holds a mirror up to the behaviour of individuals, rather than to the behaviour of individuals in groups. …”
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Les parcs nationaux aux États-Unis et la « tragédie des commons »
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The Image Fallacy: Rethinking the Tragedy of the Commons
Published 2023-05-01“…We must avoid being locked in one image, like that of Garrett Hardin’s Tragedy of the Commons. The image may lead us astray, ignoring the things that matter to the wellbeing of the millions of small-scale fisheries people around the world whose lives are dependent on a healthy resource base as well as functioning communities and a governance system that works for them. …”
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El dilema de los recursos naturales comunes "sin doliente(s)"
Published 2011-11-01“…La tragedia de los comunes (término popularizado por Garrett Hardin en 1968) explica cómo el acceso sin restricciones a un recurso "comunal" finito conduce a la sobreexplotación y al agotamiento de dicho recurso por el aumento desmedido en su demanda. …”
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Education, Environment and Sustainability
Published 2007-12-01“…These early warnings on the methods of increasing productivity (Rachel Carson); the models of industrial production and occidental lifestyles (Barry Commoner and Fritz Schumacher); the loss of and tragedy of the commons (Garrett Hardin); and exponential demographic growth (Paul Ehrlich and Donella Meadows), are only a few of the better known (not in chronological order).…”
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El dilema de los recursos naturales comunes "sin doliente(s)"
Published 2010-05-01“…La tragedia de los comunes (término popularizado por Garrett Hardin en 1968) explica cómo el acceso sin restricciones a un recurso "comunal" finito conduce a la sobreexplotación y al agotamiento de dicho recurso por el aumento desmedido en su demanda. …”
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Safe system for sustainable development
Published 2024-03-01“…By proposing a structure where sustainability is facilitated by the system's design, the paper builds on key concepts from seminal works by scholars like Garrett Hardin, Mancur Olson, Elinor Ostrom, and Ahrend Lijphart. …”
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O conceito do comum: apontamentos introdutórios
Published 2018-06-01“…No artigo, tratamos da obra de autores como Garrett Hardin, Elinor Ostrom, David Bollier, Laval e Dardot, Hardt e Negri, Silvia Federici, Michel Bauwens, Silke Helfrich, Imre Simon, Miguel Said Vieira, Joan Subirats e César Rendueles, Yochai Benkler, Rafael Zanatta e Ugo Mattei, entre outros. …”
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¡Tierra y caciques! Del mal gobierno de los comunes y la restricción de la libertad
Published 2017-11-01“…Si ese fuera el caso, se precisaría una autoridad que contuviera el daño al recurso compartido mediante la coerción, siguiendo a Garrett Hardin (1968, 1998). Sin embargo, la situación real tiene muy poco que ver con la lógica económica y la teoría de juegos que apoyan la tesis de dichos artículos. …”
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Turning conflict into collaboration in managing commons: A case of Rupa Lake Watershed, Nepal
Published 2015-09-01“…A growing body of literature on the commons has provided fascinating and intricate insights on how some local institutions have successfully managed to avoid a seemingly inevitable “tragedy of the commons” once popularized by Garrett Hardin. Primarily benefitting from the recent studies on the commonpool resources conducted by Elinor Ostrom and colleagues, polycentric selforganization and autonomy, rather than the direct state or market control over the commons, are often recognized as key features of the long enduring commons. …”
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Role of the emergency in the management of the social problem of the elderly
Published 2019-11-01“…Conclusions The over-demand of emergency services may lead to the dilemma “The tragedy of the commons”, described by Garrett Hardin in 1968. Therefore, good orientation, education and training in social and health care, and the development of a plan with resources such as a multidisciplinary referral service: “Social Unit”, would increase the efficiency of care for the elderly with social problems.…”
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Leveraging Law as the Principal Instrument of Public Health Policy
Published 2014-03-01“… [7] Gaylen and Jennings, “The Perversion of Autonomy, Revised and Expanded Edition: The Perversion of Autonomy: Coercion and Constraints in a Liberal Society,” (2003). [8] Garrett Hardin, “Tragedy of the Commons,” Science 162, no. 3859 (1968):1243-1248…”
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