Search for a Charged Higgs Boson Produced in the Vector-Boson Fusion Mode with Decay H[superscript ±] → W[superscript ±]Z Using pp Collisions at √s = 8 TeV with the ATLAS Experimen...
Published 2015“…The limits are compared with predictions from the Georgi-Machacek Higgs triplet model.…”
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Article -
Interacting spin-2 fields in the Stueckelberg picture
Published 2013“…We revisit and extend the `Effective field theory for massive gravitons' constructed by Arkani-Hamed, Georgi and Schwartz in the light of recent progress in constructing ghost-free theories with multiple interacting spin-2 fields. …”
Journal article -
Development of user-friendly GUI for semiconductor quantum well infrared photodetector simulation I : InGaAsSb/InAlAs QW study
Published 2020Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
HiCT: High Throughput Protocols For CPE Cloning And Transformation
Published 2013Get full text
Technical Report -
Search for anomalous electroweak production of vector boson pairs in association with two jets in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV
Published 2021“…The results are interpreted in the context of the Georgi–Machacek model.…”
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Article -
High temperature, magnetic field assisted (sub)THz quantum cascade laser
Published 2012Get full text
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Article -
A specialized flavone biosynthetic pathway has evolved in the medicinal plant, Scutellaria baicalensis
Published 2016“…Wogonin and baicalein are bioactive flavones in the popular Chinese herbal remedy Huang-Qin (Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi). These specialized flavones lack a 4′-hydroxyl group on the B ring (4′-deoxyflavones) and induce apoptosis in a wide spectrum of human tumor cells in vitro and inhibit tumor growth in vivo in different mouse tumor models. …”
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Article -
The Reference Genome Sequence of Scutellaria baicalensis Provides Insights into the Evolution of Wogonin Biosynthesis
Published 2020“…Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi is important in Chinese traditional medicine where preparations of dried roots, "Huang Qin," are used for liver and lung complaints and as complementary cancer treatments. …”
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Article -
Info Pintar: bil. 4 Oktober-Disember 2013 / Perpustakaan Tun Abdul Razak
Published 2013“…Mengandungi antaranya : Bicara Ketua Pustakawan; Dari Meja Ketua Editor 2; Xplorasi PTAR 2013 : Usaha Berterusan PTAR Di Dalam Mempromosikan Perkhidmatan Berkualiti Dan Mendekati Para Pengguna; Wargakerja PTAR Memenangi Persembahan Terbaik; Konvensyen KIK UiTM – Kumpulan Keylite (PTAR) Menggondol Persembahan Terbaik; Lawatan Akademik Prof. Dr. Ursula Georgy Bersama Wakil Fakulti Pengurusan Maklumat, UITM Ke Perpustakaan Tun Abdul Razak (PTAR); Program "Every Child Needs A Family"; Lawatan Audit Program Pascaijazah Institut Pengajian Tinggi Awam (IPTA); Lawatan Kerja Penandaarasan Ke Perpustakaan Universiti Zon Utara; Audit Pemantauan (Surveillance Audit 1) LRQA ISO 9001:2008; Gotong-Royong Perdana, Amalan Tradisi Di PTAR; Teambuilding KPA Dan KPP Di Pulau Pangkor; Program Library is My Second Home Meriah; Lawatan Penandaarasan Daripada Unit Perpustakaan Institut Pendidikan Guru Malaysia (IPG), Kampus Ipoh, Hulu Kinta, Perak Ke Perpustakaan Tun Abdul Razak; Lawatan Tapak Bangunan Baru Ptar Kampus Puncak Alam; Alternatif PTAR; Bengkel Pemantapan Modul Kemahiran Maklumat; Lawatan & Taklimat Perpustakaan Fakulti Perladangan & Agroteknologi; Kelas Kemahiran Maklumat Akademi Pengajian Bahasa; Lawatan Sambil Belajar Sekolah Rendah Agama Rakyat As-Saadiah; Mini Konvensyen KIK Zon Tengah UiTM Shah Alam.…”
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Monograph -
Observation of electroweak W±W± JJ production with the CMS experiment
Published 2017Get full text
Thesis -
Social Mobility and Stability of Democracy: Reevaluating De Tocqueville*
Published 2019Get full text