Showing 101 - 120 results of 138 for search '"Giotto"', query time: 0.14s Refine Results
  1. 101

    Sicurezza Territoriale e gestione delle emergenze: soluzioni ed architetture per sistemi collaborativi by Andrea Fiduccia

    Published 2010-03-01
    “…At the same time, Intergraph offers a broad range of solutions for Emergency Operations Centers (EOCs) and crisis management systems (I/PR, I2RMS, GIOTTO).…”
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    Sicurezza Territoriale e gestione delle emergenze: soluzioni ed architetture per sistemi collaborativi by Andrea Fiduccia

    Published 2010-03-01
    “…At the same time, Intergraph offers a broad range of solutions for Emergency Operations Centers (EOCs) and crisis management systems (I/PR, I2RMS, GIOTTO).…”
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    Siete voi qui, ser Brunetto?». I volti di Brunetto Latini: rappresentazione e autorappresentazione by Noemi Ótott

    Published 2017-12-01
    “…As in portrait (attributed to Giotto) of Brunetto Latini and Dante Alighieri, history has tended to pair the two poets, who were both exiled from their native Florence. …”
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    Studio della mammella con protesi in tomosintesi by Enrico Pofi, Rosella Stella, Roberta Fedele, Sara Vecchio, Domenica D'Ottavio, Ilria Valenti

    Published 2021-12-01
    “…In un primo gruppo di 15 donne, utilizzando una configurazione standard per l’algoritmo di controllo automatico dell’esposizione (AEC) presente sul mammografo IMS Giotto Class, sono state acquisite otto proiezioni, di cui quattro con mammografia digitale con protesi inclusa, e quattro in Tomosintesi con manovra di Eklund. …”
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    Sankt Franciskus och kyskhetens ikonografi by Minna Hamrin

    Published 2015-04-01
    “…Many of the episodes illustrated by Giotto and the artists of the 14th and 15th centuries were replaced by others that focused on Francis’s poverty, humility and exemplary chastity. …”
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    L’uso delle tecnologie visive per documentare e rappresentare l’impatto di interventi futuri. by Laura Galloni

    Published 2010-12-01
    “…Come i pittori, da Cimabue a Giotto, da Mantegna a Leonardo, a Raffaello, hanno creato con le loro tele, elevando il livello artistico e culturale del tempo, o i grandi architetti, da Palladio a Bramante fino a Le Corbusier hanno costruito con i loro progetti, così il disegno, material prima di pittori, di architetti, o di chiunque si accinga a realizzare un’idea in fieri, deve assumersi la responsabilità e il compito di “essere un bel disegno”, per migliorare ciò che più riguarda l’uomo: l’ambiente in cui vive.…”
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    Published 2017-05-01
    “…The Italian Junior Doctors Association and the Giotto Movement carried out a web survey to identify the motivational aspects and the level of satisfaction of Italian junior doctors regarding knowledge and skills acquired after attending the General Practitioners’ specific training (GP-ST). …”
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    Protocols for single-cell RNA-seq and spatial gene expression integration and interactive visualization by Surbhi Sona, Matthew Bradley, Angela H. Ting

    Published 2023-03-01
    “…Here we provide protocols for implementing Seurat and Giotto packages to elucidate cell-type distribution in our example human ureter scRNA-seq dataset. …”
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    La pintura mural hispano-musulmana. ¿Tradición o innovación? by Carmen Rallo Gruss

    Published 2003-06-01
    “…Textos como el Libro dell´Arte de Cennino Cennini nos hablan de su recuperación por los iniciadores del Renacimiento italiano como el Giotto; desde allí se expandirá la técnica a todos los países europeos. …”
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    La página ideal de Sol LeWitt by Eugènia Agustí

    Published 2014-06-01
    “…Bajo esta excitante visión que sobrevuela nuestras mentes, el artículo emprende un recorrido, trasladándonos en el tiempo sin movernos de Italia, para recuperar la paleta de los frescos del primer Renacimiento en las figuras de Giotto y Piero della Francesca, por quienes LeWitt manifiesta una gran devoción. …”
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    El trazado de la elipse en la pintura hasta Caravaggio by Fernando Fraga, Antonio Amado Lorenzo, Antonio Amado Lorenzo, Marta Colón Alonso, Marta Colón Alonso

    Published 2020-03-01
    “…Se parte de la experiencia de Giotto y de los estudios acerca de las cónicas de Durero, para analizar posteriormente cómo una selección representativa de pintores (Campin, Leonardo o Rafael) se enfrentaron a la cuestión sin conseguir resolverla, a diferencia de Caravaggio quien, de alguna manera, lo soluciona (Figs. 1 y 2).…”
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    Ion cyclotron waves during the Rosetta approach phase: a magnetic estimate of cometary outgassing by M. Volwerk, C. Koenders, M. Delva, I. Richter, K. Schwingenschuh, M. S. Bentley, K.-H. Glassmeier

    Published 2013-12-01
    “…For various activity levels of the comet, the crossing of the observational threshold is determined, whose level is derived from the wave power in the undisturbed solar wind near the comet's location during the approach phase at the appropriate frequency. The Giotto flyby at 27P/Grigg–Skjellerup is used to obtain an estimate of how often water-group ion cyclotron waves are observed, and to get insight into the wave forms. …”
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    Mirror mode structures near Venus and Comet P/Halley by D. Schmid, M. Volwerk, F. Plaschke, Z. Vörös, T. L. Zhang, T. L. Zhang, W. Baumjohann, Y. Narita

    Published 2014-06-01
    “…In this paper, we study where mirror mode structures are generated near unmagnetized solar system bodies (Venus and comet P/Halley measured in situ by Venus Express and Giotto). To estimate the location of the mirror mode source region at Venus, we apply a turbulent diffusion model of mirror mode structures, which has already been successfully tested in planetary magnetosheaths (Earth, Jupiter, Saturn). …”
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    Defect Isolation from Whole to Local Field Separation in Complex Interferometry Fringe Patterns through Development of Weighted Least-Squares Algorithm by Zhenkai Chen, Wenjing Zhou, Yingjie Yu, Vivi Tornari, Gilberto Artioli

    Published 2023-12-01
    “…The direct structural diagnosis tool is used to investigate defects and their impact on a complex antique wall painting of Giotto. The interferometry data is acquired with a portable off-axis interferometer set-up with a phase-shifted reference beam coupled with the object beam in front of the digital photosensitive medium. …”
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    A study of the Arundel Society 1848-1897 by Ledger, T

    Published 1978
    “…Founded to 'collect diligently and with discrimination the highest and best examples of Art and to bring them before hundreds of English minds' the presence of Aubrey Bezzi, Lord Lindsay, Edmund Oldfield, Samuel Rogers and John Ruskin on the Society's first council meant that the initial publication of engravings after two early Italian artists, Fra Angelico and Giotto, was unsurprising. After 1856, under the guidance of Henry Layard, the archaeologist and politician, the Society became even more firmly committed to copying and publishing frescoes of the early Renaissance. …”