Gothic painting in the Catalan-speaking lands between the 14th and 15th centuries
Published 2015-07-01“…The workshop of Ferrer Bassa, who was cognizant of the culture of Giotto and his Tuscan colleagues, received commissions from the court, while the art cultivated in Pisa and Siena was being interpreted by several studios of extraordinary interest in the Kingdom of Mallorca. …”
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Exocyst-Dependent Membrane Addition Is Required for Anaphase Cell Elongation and Cytokinesis in Drosophila.
Published 2015-11-01“…Moreover, recruitment of the small GTPase Rab11 and the PITP Giotto to the cleavage site depends on wild-type function of the exocyst subunits Exo84 and Sec8. …”
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Clustering Analysis Supports the Detection of Biological Processes Related to Autism Spectrum Disorder
Published 2020-12-01Get full text
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Une reconstruction progressiste du passé : Renaissance et Risorgimento dans « Old Pictures in Florence » de Robert Browning
Published 2018-12-01“…At the centre of the poem ‘Old Pictures in Florence’ stands the figure of Giotto’s Campanile, whose design was left unfinished after the fall of the Florentine Republic, as the symbol of this reflection. …”
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More than XRF Mapping: STEAM (Statistically Tailored Elemental Angle Mapper) a Pioneering Analysis Protocol for Pigment Studies
Published 2021-02-01“…Experimental application on some reference pigment layers and a painting by Giotto are presented as validation of the proposed method.…”
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Novel metabolomics-biohumoral biomarkers model for predicting survival of metastatic soft-tissue sarcomas
Published 2023-10-01Get full text
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HuR modulation counteracts lipopolysaccharide response in murine macrophages
Published 2023-03-01Get full text
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Web-Based Software Tools for Systematic Literature Review in Medicine: Systematic Search and Feature Analysis
Published 2022-05-01“…In total, 30 features were assessed across 6 classes, and the interobserver agreement was 86.46%. Giotto Compliance (27/30, 90%), DistillerSR (26/30, 87%), and Nested Knowledge (26/30, 87%) support the most features, followed by EPPI-Reviewer Web (25/30, 83%), LitStream (23/30, 77%), JBI SUMARI (21/30, 70%), and SRDB.PRO (VTS Software) (21/30, 70%). …”
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Published 2022-04-01“…Siete textos para replantear la herencia y, como dijo Jorge Luis Borges, “lo vivido de Dante”: “Dante ayer y hoy” de Marco Grimaldi (en italiano y español), “Una alondra en el Paraíso” de Pablo Williams, “Ojos de Giotto” de Pablo Maurette, “Dante y el castigo lenitivo” de Armando González Torres, “El culo a modo de trompeta” de Ernesto Lumbreras, “Resonancia del infierno en los videojuegos: relaciones intertextuales entre la Comedia y los videojuegos Dante's Inferno y Devil May Cry” de Alejandro Rodríguez y “Elocuencia y esplendor. …”
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Space Probes and Missions of the European Space Agency /
Published 2012Get full text
software, multimedia -
Published 2017-10-01“…Considerações a partir da ética de Ernst Tugendhat - Bruno Amaro Lacerda e Eduarda Cellis da Silva Campos - P.231 - 238 • Perspectivas para a justiça constitucional em tempos de pós-positivismo: legitimidade, discricionariedade e papel dos princípios - Ana Paula Teixeira Delgado - P.239 - 254 • Formação e evolução dos processos criminais havidos no Brasil português - Rogerio da Silva Tjader - P.255 - 268 • A estrutura da União Europeia - Dora Resende Alves - P.269 - 284 • La justice de Giotto - Umberto Vincenti - P.285 - 296 • Análise sobre as internações por condições sensíveis à atenção básica no município de Valença/RJ - Daniele de Oliveira Pereira; Julio Cesar Ferreira Toledo; Key Cardoso Marciano; Cíntia Valéria Galdino e Márcia Ribeiro Braz - P.297 - 308 • Entre os quadros familiares e as fileiras do Partido Conservador: uma breve análise dos primeiros escritos de Eduardo Prado (1879-1881) - Rodrigo Perez Oliveira - P.309 - 332 • A hermenêutica-ontológica heideggeriana - Rogério Tabet de Almeida - P.333 - 340 • A evolução da arrecadação de royalties do petróleo e seu impacto sobre o desenvolvimento econômico no município de Miguel Pereira/RJ - Roberta Silva Ramires e Geovani Nunes Dornelas - P.341 - 354 • A dignidade da pessoa humana no direito comparado e na Constituição Federal de 1988 - Rafael Henrique de Oliveira Liguori - P.355 - 368 • Da Emenda Constitucional n. 66/2010 e a polêmica quanto à permanência do instituto da separação judicial no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro - Isabele Soares de Castro - P.369 - 384 • Relações de trabalho ‘versus’ relações de consumo e a competência da Justiça do Trabalho à luz da EC no 45/2004 - Aline Vaz dos Reis - P.385 - 404 • Obsolescência programada e consumo sustentável: algumas notas sobre um importante debate - Rafael Henrique Renner - P.405 - 416 …”
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Panorama Konstantynopola w Liber chronicarum Hartmanna Schedla (1493). Miasto idealne – memoria chrześcijaństwa
Published 2018-12-01“…Since the beginning of 14th century Italian painters such as: Duccio di Buoninsegna, Giotto di Bondone, Simone Martini and Ambrogio Lorenzetti painted parts of the cities or the entire monumental panoramas in various compositions and with various meanings. …”
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