Exploring Perceptions and Elements of Entrepreneurial Behavior in Pesantren: Understanding Fundamental Concepts of Entrepreneurial Behavior
Published 2023-08-01“…Entrepreneurial behavior includes a series of good deeds (al-amal al-shalih) and noble standards (al-akhlaq al-karimah). …”
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Peningkatan Mutu Komunikasi Pemuda Yang Beretika Dan Cerdas Dengan Semangat Ajaran Veda
Published 2018-02-01“…</em></p><p><em>The importance of Hindu youth to understand the meaning of the teachings of Hinduism through tattwa, also very useful also ethical or ethical Hindu material to be the basis of ground, apply, and berkarma, so that his movement leads to good deeds (susila or subhakarma). This is not the ideals of the Hindu youth, because the ideals of the Hindu youth are for the realization of wise young Hindu cadres (gunamantha), wisdom (prajna), intelligent wisesa), acting well (sadhu), doing right (sukarma or subhakarma ), diligent work (karmani) is not lazy to work (akarmani), apply full value (mulya karma), as well as being a good and right young (suputra-suputri).…”
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Too Good to be Liked? When and How Prosocial Others are Disliked
Published 2021-08-01“…Consistent with our assumptions, the extreme prosocial target was liked less than the control target, and even more so when the comparison situation was salient (Experiment 1), and when the target showed off with her good deeds (Experiment 2). Implications that prosociality does not always breed more liking are discussed.…”
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Living Hadis : Studi atas Tradisi Sedekah Nasi Bungkus Hari Jumat oleh Komunitas Sijum Amuntai
Published 2019-09-01“…Alms itself is not limited to only assets or material, but can also be done through physical effort, one of which is good deeds to others. There are many verses of the Qur'an and matan hadith that invite Muslims to give alms, either openly or secretly. …”
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Worship and Beseeching for Help (In the light of Sūrah al Fātiḥa) (Urdu)
Published 2016-07-01“…The fundamental objectives of Qur‘ān, faith and good deeds have been explained in this Sūrah. That is why this Sūrah is also proclaimed as “Umm al Kitāb” and “Umm al Qur‘ān”. …”
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Active Objectivism: Analyzing Tabatabai’s View on the Meaningful Life
Published 2018-09-01“…To achieving compliance of a man’s purpose with the divine goal requires faith and good deeds.…”
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Wanita Karir, Studi Kritis Perspektif Maqashid Syariah
Published 2021-10-01“…A person who does alms and good deeds will get his own honor in the eyes of his community (hifdz al 'ird). …”
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Relevance of “Pananaroon” to Islam and Culture of Meranaw
Published 2020-01-01“…Meranaws of Lanao areas is known as a Riyayatan ko Kambilangataw (role model in characters and good deeds). They have their unique cultural beliefs, tradition, and ethics, such as kambilangataw (etiquette), kaseselai (giving worth), kapoporowai (praise) kasangila (heed), kapamagawida (helping each other), kapakiroroyoden (sense of empathy), and kapamagipata, (caring person). …”
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Hierarchy of Values in Qur’anic Hermeneutic of Abdullah Saeed (A Study of Contextual Interpretation in Q.S. Al-Hujurat)
Published 2021-05-01“…The five hierarchies of values become a complete unified frame as an effort to the contextual interpretation of the Qur’an, especially the ethico-legal verses that mostly fill the daily life of most Muslims based on the understanding of maqashid al-sharia and the concept of good deeds. This study uses a descriptive analysis method and hermeneutic analysis techniques to apply the concept hierarchy of values in the Qur’anic interpretation. …”
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Children’s motives for admitting to prosocial behavior
Published 2016-02-01“…Therefore, this study examined the diversity in and development of motivations for admitting to engaging in prosocial behavior, with the aim of clarifying whether disclosing good deeds to teachers varies as function of children’s grade level in school, and how such motivations differ with age and gender. …”
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An Islamic Ethnomethodology Approach to Examine Mosque Accounting Practices
Published 2023-05-01“…The data is analyzed through five stages: charity, knowledge, faith, revelation information, and good deeds, and collected through interviews, observation, and documentation. …”
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Hizbullah’s Post-Islamist Resistance Art
Published 2018-04-01“…It is ‘clean art’ that portrays good deeds, as distinguished from bad deeds that characterize indecent or lowbrow art.’ …”
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The Content Characterization of Yashname of Soviet Period (Based on Yashname of Turkmenian, Azerbaijan And Karakalpak) / Sovyet Dönemi Yaşnamelerinin Muhteva Özellikleri (Türkmen,...
Published 2016-11-01“…Those poems not only summarize human life but also take themes to pen such as volatility of mortal world, inescapable end of all human beings, preparing to the life to come, trying to commit good deeds in 12-19 th centuries. Most poets of Turkic nations wrote poems of this theme, that became a tradition. …”
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I ricordi d’infanzia nel Dnevnik pisatelja di F. M. Dostoevskij: interazioni tra memoria individuale e memoria collettiva.
Published 2012-12-01“…In Dostoevsky’s view, childhood memories are an invaluable treasure – two or three good memories from a sad and painful childhood are able to guide a man to good deeds even in the most terrible moments of his adult life. …”
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To Heaven through Hell: Are There Cognitive Foundations for Purgatory? Evidence from Islamic Cultures
Published 2021-11-01“…Traditional Islamic theology rejects the notion of purgatory (<i>Al-Motahher</i>) through the Balance doctrine (<i>Mizan</i>), which states that if the good deeds performed during a Muslim’s life outweigh their bad deeds, the person will enter heaven without suffering or punishment. …”
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Makna Khashyah dalam Al-Qur’an: Analisis Kritis atas Emosi Dasar dalam Psikologi Islam
Published 2022-03-01“…Fear that is guided by knowledge will be able to grow the mental health of its owner, in the form of good ethics, the spirit of worship, doing good deeds, and being far from lust. Thus, khasyah, faith, and knowledge are three interrelated things…”
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Aspects of Social Welfare in the Islam: Suraht Al-Ma'un as a Model
Published 2022-09-01“…Being a true believer has a close relationship with good deeds, mainly what is directed to the disadvantaged groups in the Muslim community. …”
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Comparison of emotional and social intelligence assessment of students in state and private school during the pandemic
Published 2021-12-01“…It implies that parents and teachers should more often train students to feel happy doing good deeds, so good character is embedded in the heart and lasts for a long time.…”
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The Semantic of The Term M'aroof in The Holy Quran and Its Relevance to Women's Rights in The Family
Published 2010-02-01“…The word m‘aroof (righteous deed) in the Holy Quran denotes the manifest action of good deeds and includes all kinds of obedience. The words ‘urf (custom) and m‘aroof occur more than forty times in the Holy Quran, mostly in the legal passages. …”
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Published 2022-12-01“…Then the solutions in the Qur'an to avoid anxiety include: Striving hard to look at the future, Continuously trying to follow Allah's instructions, Istiqomah in goodness, Sincere, Reaching for the future with faith, piety and good deeds.…”
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