Social Roots of Global Environmental Change: A World-Systems Analysis of Carbon Dioxide Emissions
Published 2015-08-01Get full text
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Od ruchu protestu do partii władzy. Rozwój Zielonych w Niemczech
Published 2008-12-01“…So day there are a lot of green parties all over the world, but and the German greens are the most successful, they are an example for other green parties.…”
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An evaluation of New Zealand political party Websites.
Published 2004-01-01“…The research also found that the major parties were using their Websites more effectively than the minor and non-parliamentary parties, but the most effective Website belonged to the Green Party.…”
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Caring for the Earth’s Environment - the Strategy of the Future of Russia and the World
Published 2018-04-01“…The article analyzes the main threats from the development of the environmental crisis; shows imperfections and deviations of the Green party movement, activities of relevant international organizations and agreements. …”
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Actual Party-Political Trends in Germany
Published 2019-08-01“…A further decline in the popularity of the popular parties of the CDU, CSU and SPD; the rise of the rating of «green» party ( first places in popularity according to the surveys); the upcoming land elections in Saxony and Brandenburg in September, in Thuringia in October; discussions about the growth of right-wing extremism and radicalism (caused by the murder of communal politician V. …”
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The politicisation of climate change attitudes in Europe
Published 2022“…That linkage partly but not fully accounts for why voters for different party families have different beliefs and worries about climate change. Green party voters are more climate conscious than other voters with similar left-wing identities and political values. …”
Journal article -
Ewolucja elektoratu partii Zielonych w Republice Federalnej Niemiec
Published 2003-12-01“…The article analyses the evolution of “the Green electoral potential" drawing a particular attention to the social and psychological structure of the voters and their motives to cast their votes on the Green Party. The Greens’ electorate gathers young people who belong to the middle class, dwell in urban areas, are well educated and subscribe to postmaterial values. …”
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Strange bedfellows: the Bundestag’s free vote on pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) reveals how Germany’s restrictive bioethics legislation is shaped by a Christian Democrati...
Published 2015-08-01“…Even more importantly, net of religious and professional ties, affiliation with either the Christian Democrats or the left-libertarian Green party is closely linked to restrictive bioethical preferences. …”
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Communitarianism as a Method of Analysis: An Effort for Localization in Social Sciences
Published 2015-06-01“…Their rise is the result of the gradual fall of mobilizing ideologies such as the left and liberal in the political area, the decline of proletarian movements, the process of depoliticization of Europeans countries and the decline of the Green Party, the supporters of the environment, and the feminist movements. …”
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Activism and Environmentalism in British Rock Music: the Case of Radiohead.
Published 2017-07-01“…Moreover, Yorke often took to his band's official website in order to express his outrage at the British government's environmental policy, lending his support to organisations like Friends of the Earth and the Green Party. The analysis of some of Radiohead's best-known songs provides an outline of the band's political ideology, which was, in turn, fulfilled by some of the band members' activism. …”
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The Moral Foundations of Environmentalism: Care- and Fairness-Based Morality Interact With Political Liberalism to Predict Pro-Environmental Actions
Published 2019-08-01“…Liberal ideology was a stronger predictor of electricity conservation with increasingly high levels of individualising morals (Study 1, N = 144), while conservative ideology was a stronger predictor of positive feelings towards the Green Party with increasingly high levels of individualising morals (Study 2, N = 233). …”
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Published 2015-08-01“…For example, a member of parliament for the German Green Party stated in a recent interview that "a reformist party today has to be a left-Keynesian party which contradicts the logic of capital" (Ebermann 1998). …”
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Multiculturalism in Germany
Published 2010-12-01“…However, they have gained certain sympathy, mainly in parts of liberal-democratic circles – the Green Party leading the way – but more in a symbolic sense in countering xenophobia and cultural exclusion in German society. …”
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The Choice of Spitzenkandidaten: A Comparative Analysis of the Europarties’ Selection Procedures
Published 2016-02-01“…Based on the analysis of the procedures applied within the European People’s Party (EPP), the Party of European Socialists (PES), the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Party (ALDE), the European Green Party (EGP), and the Party of the European Left (EL), one of the main findings of this article is that the procedures are largely copy-paste from the Europarties’ internal procedures for selecting a president. …”
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Results of the parliamentary elections in Hungary and prospects for Russian-Hungarian relations
Published 2022-06-01“…The course of the election campaign and its main topics are considered, as well as the positions of those political parties and their coalitions that were elected to parliament following these elections: the FIDESZ-GS coalition and the Christian Democratic People's Party (CDNP), the United for Hungary coalition consisting of the Jobbik Party, the Hungarian Socialist Party and the Dialogue for Hungary Party, the Democratic Coalition party, the Green Party of Hungary and the Momentum Party, as well as the nationalist party Our Motherland. …”
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Analyzing drivers of organic food sales-A pooled spatial data analysis for Hamburg (Germany).
Published 2023-01-01“…However, there is a stronger connection with the more "radical" Left Party than with the "mainstream" Green Party, which may provide evidence for the attitude-behavior gap, as Left Party supporters are very convinced of their attitudes (pro-environment) and behavior thus follows. …”
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From Standing Rock to flint and beyond
Published 2018-04-01“…The struggle at Standing Rock has been strengthened by a coalition formed with activists from other Indigenous Nations, including representatives from the Amazon Basin, and from non-Indigenous movements and political organizations such as the Green Party and #BlackLivesMatter. This article reflects upon the centrality of Indigenous Sovereignty within the broader struggle for human rights and democracy in their most inclusive and substantive senses, especially in societies whose development has been built upon the violence of colonial expansion, white supremacy, and heteropatriarchy. …”
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Published 2022-03-01“…The article analyzes the cooperation of one of the leading pan–European political organizations – the European Green Party (EPP) – with its partners in the countries participating in the Eastern Partnership program (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine). …”
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