Showing 1 - 14 results of 14 for search '"H.E.R."', query time: 0.11s Refine Results
  1. 1

    An investigation of the electrodeposition of nickel-iron for a novel electrochemical stripping and recovery process by Lam, Kelven Jian Xiong

    Published 2012
    “…Increasing current density led to an increase in Fe selectivity, due to high hydrogen evolution reaction (h.e.r) which accounted for a higher interfacial pH that favoured the formation of iron hydroxide film. …”
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    Final Year Project (FYP)
  2. 2

    Color and material for hotel interior / Syed Abdul Malek Syed Ziad Wapha by Syed Abdul Malek, Syed Ziad Wapha

    Published 1992
    “…The - F i r s t t h i n g most p e o p l e n o t i c e upon e n t e r i n g a s p a c e i s t he c o l o u r scheme,because the c o l o u r c r e a t e s impact and a t m o s p h e r e . T h e r e are t h e warm c o l o u r s l i k e r e d , o r a n g e , t a n , g o l d,p i n k and y e l l o w which can be used t o make even .the c o l d e s t space seems, warm and c o s y , and a t t h e o t h e r end of t h e s c a l e t h e r e are the cool or p o s i t i v e l y c o l d c o l o u r s such as b l u e s , g r e e n s, 1 i l a c s , p u r p l e s , s o m e greys and t u r q u o i s e . …”
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    Student Project
  3. 3

    Development and validation of HERWIG 7 tunes from CMS underlying-event measurements by Sirunyan, A. M, Tumasyan, A., Adam, W., Ambrogi, F., Bergauer, T., Dragicevic, M., Erö, J., Escalante Del Valle, A., Frühwirth, R., Jeitler, M., Krammer, N., Lechner, L., Liko, D., Madlener, T., Mikulec, I., Pitters, F. M, Rad, N., Schieck, J., Schöfbeck, R., Spanring, M.

    Published 2021
    “…Abstract This paper presents new sets of parameters (“tunes”) for the underlying-event model of the $${\textsc {herwig}} \,7$$ H E R W I G 7 event generator. …”
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    Manajemen strategis peningkatan investasi di Kalimantan Tengah by AYOKE, Benny

    Published 1998
    “…The l o c a l g o v e r n m e n t of C e n t r a l K a l i m a n t a n P r o v i n c e had t r i e d t o p u s h t h e r e g i o n a l d e v e l o p m e n t t o c a t c h up w i t h t h e o t h e r d e v e l o p e d r e g i o n s / p r o v i n c e s . …”
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    Crossmodal attentive skill learner by Omidshafiei, Shayegan, Kim, Dong-Ki, Pazis, Jason, How, Jonathan P.

    Published 2021
    “…We modify the Arcade Learning Environment (7] to support audio queries, and conduct evaluations of crossmodal learning in the Atari 2600 games H.E.R.O. and Amidar. Finally, buildi ng on the recent work of Babaeizadeh et aL [4], we open-soulce a fast hybrid CPU-CPU implementation of CASL.…”
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    Comparison of high-order accurate schemes for solving the nonlinear viscous burgers equation by M. Elfaghi, Abdulhafid, Asrar, Waqar, A. Omar, Ashraf

    Published 2009
    “…In this paper, a comparison between h ig h e r order schemes has been performed in terms of numerical accuracy. …”
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    Crossmodal attentive skill learner: learning in Atari and beyond with audio–video inputs by Kim, Dong-Ki, Omidshafiei, Shayegan, Pazis, Jason, How, Jonathan P

    Published 2021
    “…We modify the Arcade Learning Environment [Bellemare et al. in J Artif Intell Res 47:253–279, 2013] to support audio queries (ALE-audio code available at, and conduct evaluations of crossmodal learning in the Atari 2600 games H.E.R.O. and Amidar. Finally, building on the recent work of Babaeizadeh et al. …”
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    Comparative study on conductivity using Polarization and Depolarization Current (PDC) test for HV Insulation by Jamaii, N. A. M., Piah, M. A. M., Muhamad, N. A.

    Published 2011
    “…For l iquid i nsulation, the r eview a nd c omparison was done on the biodegradable and mineral t ransformer 0 ils. T h e r e view results show that the P DC technique s uccessfully g ive indication on level of conductivity of the HV insulation materials.…”
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    Conference or Workshop Item
  11. 11

    Crossmodal attentive skill learner: learning in Atari and beyond with audio–video inputs by Kim, Dong-Ki, Omidshafiei, Shayegan, Pazis, Jason, How, Jonathan P

    Published 2022
    “…We modify the Arcade Learning Environment [Bellemare et al. in J Artif Intell Res 47:253–279, 2013] to support audio queries (ALE-audio code available at, and conduct evaluations of crossmodal learning in the Atari 2600 games H.E.R.O. and Amidar. Finally, building on the recent work of Babaeizadeh et al. …”
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    Analisis dampak kebijakan pengembangan lahan gambut 1 juta Ha di Kalimantan Tengah by LIHARFIN SK, LIHARFIN SK

    Published 1998
    “…It i s within this analytical h e wo& that the thesis “Assessment of the Impacts of a Policy on the GWivation of i Million Hectares of Peat Soil ( h d ) in Central Kdimantan ‘* is to be understood The above mentioned policy is Presidential Decree Number 82 of 1995 concerning (opening) of new ~ c u l h r r a l lands, construction of supporting hilities and settlement of h e r s (transmigrants)in a stretch of and irrigation system. …”
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    Implementasi Peraturan Daerah Tingkat I Jawa Tengah nomor 8 tahun 1992 tentang rencana struktur tata ruang Propinsi Daerah Tingkat I Jawa Tengah di Kabupaten Daerah Tingkat II Kara... by HERYANTO, HERYANTO

    Published 1998
    “…T h a t i s why the population growth i n Jaten, Colomadu and G o n d a n g r e j o Sub D i s t r i c f a s t e r t h a n a n o t h e r Sub D i s t r i c i n Karanganyar Region.…”
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    Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja organisasi Balai Latihan Kerja (BLK) (Suatu studi perbandingan antara BLK Surakarta dengan BLK Cilacap) by SUKARNO, Bambang Woro

    Published 1998
    “…T h i s c~;r.rrbe r e f l e c t e d by t h e s tructure of h er m anpower b a s i n g on t h e e d u c a t i o n s ts.tus, w here by t h o s e w i t h l csw e d u c a t i o n levels a r e t h e l nost d cmirra.nt, g roup. Orre o f t h e r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s o f t he M i n i s t r y o f Mfanpower is t o o vercome t he a bove merrt iorred p roblem t hrough m anpower d e v e l o p m e n t i n t h e v o c a t i o n a l t r a i n in8 c e n t r e s e s t a b l i s h e d u p t h r o u g h o u t I rrdorresi~. …”