La intensificación en los artículos de opinión de la prensa española: el caso de Harvey Weinstein
Published 2022-03-01“…El corpus escogido para el mismo son diez artículos de opinión publicados a raíz del estallido del caso Harvey Weinstein. Es decir, entre los meses de octubre del año 2017 y mayo de 2018. …”
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A abordagem do portal de notícias G1 frente aos casos de denúncias de assédio sexual contra Harvey Weinstein e Kevin Spacey
Published 2019-05-01“…Em vista da relevância e atualidade da repercussão, este trabalho pretendeu analisar como é a abordagem dos veículos jornalísticos digitais do Brasil quando noticiam essas denúncias de assédio sexual, a partir da recolha das matérias no portal de notícias G1 a respeito das denúncias contra os acusados Harvey Weinstein e Kevin Spacey. A pesquisa seguiu a linha metodológica da análise de conteúdo, visando coletar dados quantitativos e qualitativos da veiculação jornalística de denúncias de assédio sexual com caráter hétero e homossexual. …”
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Le problème du harcèlement en France dans une perspective pluridisciplinaire
Published 2022-06-01“… The profound social transformations, the increase in interpersonal violence in a public space, including workplaces and learning places, the media coverage of sexual scandals (such as the famous “Harvey Weinstein” case), and the response to these problems (#MeToo, #balancetonporc on Twitter, #Iwas), urgently raise the problem of their collective representation today and what forms of degradation the male-female relationship is likely to have. …”
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Hollywood culture: Portrayals of romantic interactions and gender tropes pre- and post-sexual assault awareness movements of the 21st century
Published 2020-08-01“…Since the 2017 allegations of sexual assault against director Harvey Weinstein and the subsequent trending hashtag “#MeToo”, sexual assault awareness has become a leading edge of fourth-wave feminism. …”
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Published 2020-02-01“… The #metoo campaign became a worldwide phenomenon, through the tweet was made against the Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein by the actress Alyssa Milano on October 15, 2017. …”
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Gendering Dissent: MeToo Travels to Scandinavia in the Early Twenty-First Century
Published 2023-04-01“…In May 2018, the #MeToo movement picked up wind when Harvey Weinstein was charged by the New York County District Attorney’s Office with rape and sexual misconduct. …”
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Female Revolution behind the Camera
Published 2021-06-01“…The discussion covers the most important campaigns and movements challenging gender discrimination, such as #MeToo in the U.S. or the European #nobodysdoll, as well as watershed events from the author’s point of view, including the Oscar for Kathryn Bigelow – the first woman in history to receive the award for best director, Harvey Weinstein’s conviction for sexual assault, and the leak of Sony’s confidential financial documents. …”
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Approach to theoretical perspectives of “sexual harassment”: review and bibliometric analysis from social sciences
Published 2023-05-01“…The results show a growth in interest in researching sexual harassment, specifically after the allegations against producer Harvey Weinstein and the #metoo movement. In the keyword analysis, there is a trend towards studies focused on the work environment and with a gender perspective. …”
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The Absence of a Gendered Perspective in Contemporary Discussions on Violence Against Women
Published 2018-07-01“…The author uses the example of the Harvey Weinstein scandal to attempt to illuminate the issue. …”
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Fleming, Peter (2021): Capitalismo Sugar Daddy. La cara oculta de la nueva economía. Barcelona: Roca Editorial.
Published 2022-04-01“…Dicho autor inicia su obra a partir del caso de Harvey Weinstein, que vio la luz en octubre de 2017 (y que dio lugar al conocido movimiento #MeToo), que le sirve como puerta de entrada al tema central de su obra: las consecuencias sociales de la progresiva desformalización del capitalismo occidental relacionado con el individualismo de mercado, bases centrales de la economía neoclásica. …”
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The Politics of Protest and Gender: Women Riding the Wings of Resistance
Published 2022-01-01“…The #MeToo movement, from its creation by activist Tarana Burke back in 2006 to its explosion on social media during the 2017 Harvey Weinstein sexual assault allegations, has continuously propagated images of gendered resistance from around the globe. …”
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Published 2023-12-01“…Para el caso de estudio, se realizó un análisis cualitativo del libro She said: la investigación periodística que destapó los abusos de Harvey Weinstein e impulsó el movimiento #MeToo y de reportajes de autoría de ambas periodistas, por los cuales recibieron el premio Pulitzer de 2018. …”
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Feminist Theory Reveals a Need for Justice over Autonomy in Research Ethics
Published 2018-09-01“… [4] Marling, Brit. “Harvey Weinstein and the Economics of Consent.” The Atlantic, Atlantic Media Company, 23 Oct. 2017, www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2017/10/harvey-weinstein-and-the-economics-of-consent/543618/…”
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Investigating Sexual Harassment Narratives on Twitter through Computational Social Sciences
Published 2023-09-01“…The #MeToo hashtag against sexual assault and harassment went viral globally, and the sexual misconduct of prominent and influential figures, including Harvey Weinstein, was exposed online. Twitter was one of the most suitable social media platforms for this campaign (Hermida, 2010). …”
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