For a history of childhood and of his education in contemporary Italy. Interpretations and perspectives of research (Bilingual Edition: English/Italian)
Published 2016-08-01“…First of all, the prevalence in the Italian historiography, until the seventies, of the ethical-political matrix derived from Hegel's idealism, which wasn't avoided not even by the Marxist historians. …”
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Published 2021-07-01“…Em seguida, Francisco Ádila Ferreira de Almeida faz uma investigação filosófica sobre os conceitos de racionalidade e realidade em Hegel debatendo de forma crítica a máxima hegeliana “O que é real é racional e o racional é real” a partir do prefácio da Filosofia do Direito. …”
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The liberation features in the Islamic illustration from Umayyad era & unit the end of Safawi era.
Published 2017-07-01“…ویؤکد ذلک قول ( هیجل ) إن النبى صلى الله علیه وسلم – کما جاء فى السنة – قال لزوجتیه أم حبیبة وأم سلمة اللتین سألتاه عن الرسوم فی الکنائس الآثیوبیة ، فأجاب بأن هذه الصور سوف تشکو صانعیها فى یوم الحساب (Hegel، 1970) وقد کانت لهذه الأسباب عظیم الأثر فی تحدید المعاییر التی قام علیها التصویر الإسلامی، والتی من أهمها کراهیة تصویر الکائنات الحیة ، فابتعد الفنانون آنذاک عن المحاکاة الحرفیة لکل ما له روح من انسان وحیوان . …”
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Students\\\' Modernist Socio-Political Attitude in the View of Family and University Effects
Published 2015-06-01“…Family members do not relate to each other as independent persons but rather as members of a larger whole where they find their essential identity. For Hegel, this non-individualistic dimension of the family is important (Luther, 2009: 158). …”
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Published 2019-12-01“…In particular, the thorough analysis of the essence, content, forms of war, its features and laws have been carried out in the works written by V. F. Hegel, F. Engels, C. von Clausewitz, B. Liddel-Hart, N. …”
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Students' Modernist Socio-Political Attitude in the View of Family and University Effects
Published 2015-05-01“…Family members do not relate to each other as independent persons but rather as members of a larger whole where they find their essential identity. For Hegel, this non-individualistic dimension of the family is important (Luther, 2009: 158). …”
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Published 2020-04-01“…The tradition of considering identity as a historical process begins with the G. Hegel ’s philosophy of history, which applied this concept to the existence of an individual, entire nations and states. …”
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A Comparative Analysis of the “Hegemonic Other” in the Plays The Island by Athol Fugard and Parvarbandan by Gholam-Hossein Sa’edi
Published 2022-08-01“…Inspired by Hegel's key theories on master-slave dialectic, he regarded the colonized as an” other” who could not embrace the role of “self.” …”
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Published 2012-01-01“…Sugere Hegel, em seu Discurso sobre Educação que para certas instituições a maior felicidade é não ter história, apenas duração (1994, p.71) e, nessa linha, já na segunda metade do século XVIII, Georg Lichtenberg, no livro Aphorismen, (1984, p.84) faz esta observação: Na república dos sábios cada um quer mandar. …”
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Published 2013-09-01“…Desde un punto de vista filosófico, el autor propone inmiscuirse y reflexionar a partir de las obras políticas de Kant y Hegel con el objetivo de realizar un viaje por algunos puntos decisivos que dan cuenta de la pertinencia o imposibilidad que la vía revolucionaria ostenta en el sistema de cada pensador. …”
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Ethics, Indigenous Ethics, and the Contemporary Challenge: Attempt at a Report on Ethics for the Filipino Today
Published 2019-03-01“…New York: Bantam Books, 1966. Hegel, G.W.F. Philosophy of Right. Trans. T.M. Knox. …”
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The Comparative study of the the rise of mystical poetry in Iran and England
Published 2021-02-01“…Nicolson (1868-1945), English orientalist, scholar of both Islamic literature and Islamic mysticism, has praised Rumi as the greatest and most eminent poet and mystic of all the periods. Hegel praised him as one of the greatest poets and most important thinkers in world history. …”
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The 'cosmopolite' in strange places: provincial cosmopolitanism and a sense of the past in the writings of George Eliot, Henry James, and William Archer's Henrik Ibsen
Published 2022“…My project engages with Enlightenment and post-Enlightenment philosophers of history (Kant and Hegel), Romantic and post-Romantic cultural critics (Hazlitt and Arnold), and contemporary thinkers (Helen Small, Bruce Robbins, and Amanda Anderson).…”
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The Establishment of a Clinic for Personality Modulation in Iran: A Novel Approach in Personality Psychiatry with a Dimensional Approach
Published 2021-09-01“…The reason for the clinic's foundation lies in the philosophical theories presented by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel and Sadr al-Muta'allehin Shirazi. They saw soul and psyche as a constantly evolving category. …”
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Architecture and the Time of Space
Published 2020-06-01“…Of course, the debate unfolded against the philosophical and aesthetic background of not only Marx and Heidegger, but also Nietzsche, Hegel and Freud on one hand, and Manet, Cézanne, Baudelaire and Mallarmé, Wagner and Debussy on the other. …”
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Modernitenin Ayna İmgesi Olarak Romantizm ve İslamcılıkta Romantik Modernleşmenin Ortaya Çıkışı
Published 2018-12-01“…Kriz görüşünü mümkün kılan Hegel’in ölümünden beri sadece Almanya’da değil, bütün Avrupa’da her şey bir karşı-hareketten ibarettir. …”
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Peace and Subjectivity
Published 2019-03-01“…This second kind of subject has gone by many different names, including “soul” (Plato), “freedom” (Kant) and “Spirit” (Hegel). In one way or another, the idea of the grounding subject performs its primary task within the moral sphere: it is supposed to provide a secure foundation which explains how it is possible for its doppelganger, the causal subject, at once to accomplish something in the world and to refute Plautus’s notorious argument that man is wolf to man. …”
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Secondary Senses of Imperative Sentences in Iqbal Lahori's Poems
Published 2022-09-01“…He also knew the views of philosophers, such as Hegel, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, etc. and criticized some of them. …”
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Architecture: from time of mind to time of nature
Published 2020-09-01“…In the Hegelian dialectic of the master and the servant, the servant ends as master of the master he had had to serve (Hegel, 1807). In the same way, once realized, the architectural project – the supreme human manipulation of nature – becomes nature, is delivered to the time of nature: almost as if it were a reversed fairy tale in which, in the end, the natural monster is not transformed into a prince, but the prince is transformed into a natural monster. …”
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